The law of attraction and the pain body are deeply intertwined. If you haven’t heard of the pain body, you can read/hear about it in Eckhart Tolle’s audio/book The Power Of Now (see below). It’s also available on audio which is well worth getting.

The pain body is an energy force which has attached itself to you through repeated negative experiences and which you can often attribute an identity to. Once you identify the pain body as your own self, it is so much more difficult to transmute its hold over your life. This is because you will keep giving energy to it in the form of words, thoughts and emotions. The more energy you give to your expression of how difficult this or that is, the more powerful your pain body becomes.
Noticing your mind “feed” negative emotions (with your thoughts) is a good first step to uncovering this deeply negative influence in your life. See law of attraction meditation.
How Difficult Is Your Life? Dissolving The Pain Body
If, like many people, you have had a lot of trial and tribulations in your life, it’s natural that you will ascribe to an identity which could be ‘downtrodden’, ‘long suffering’, cynical and perhaps even defeatist. I know I have! As you go about your daily life, listen carefully to your “story” which you will naturally tell people, and believe that it is “you”.

Your “story” can say a lot about how you see yourself. If you’re trying to change your life, yet you identify with a “poor me/downtrodden” identity which has suffered in the past, it can easily be the case that constant focus on this “self” can spoil your chances of changing things positively in your life.
How can you reconcile holding onto a “poor me” self image, but also be doing fantastically well in love, life and prosperity; it just doesn’t add up! You can’t do both; you’ll have to let go of one!
Dissolving the pain body begins by stopping feeding it with your attention and negative thinking, and emotions. If you find yourself getting upset by something, and working yourself into an angry or negative state, your thoughts will be telling you a story inside your head. Notice this story and observe. Don’t judge or try to talk it away, just observe. These are clues to your feeding of the pain body.
The Law Of Attraction And The Pain Body?
The law of attraction is the theory that we are manifesting our reality though our consistent thinking processes. See how does law of attraction work. But we also manifest things by the nature of our energetic vibrational offering. So if you have spent years in a state of frustration and anxiety, it’s unlikely that you’ll have been manifesting your ideal life!

The pain body has a huge effect on our ability to manifest positive outcomes into our lives. If we are carrying around a lot of negative charge with us (whether we are aware of it or not), it’s likely we will repel many positive experiences and push away a lot of good unconsciously).
Small things can ‘trigger’ the pain body. It’s not the small event itself which perhaps warrants the anger, but rather it’s the pain from many past events which have been stored in the memory or as psychic energy in the body.
So even if you are spending a lot of time visualising and trying to use the law of attraction effectively, if you’re carrying a negative self image and identifying with your pain body, you could be in for a long journey.
How To Stop Suffering
When you identify with the pain body, you are giving it more energy. Without “feeding” it, it will eventually lose control over your life. It’s still there deep in your unconscious, but it won’t control your life any more.
The first step is to dis-identify with it as “you”. Start noticing when you are giving attention to it. You will know this because there will be a negative charge around your thoughts, words or emotions when it happens.
Learn how to meditate or just sit still and be the “watcher” of your mind. One simple exercise you can practice now is to just sit still for a few minutes and watch for the next thought to come into your mind. As you sit and watch, you give more attention to yourself as being, and less attention to yourself as your mind.
When you learn to stop identifying yourself as your thinking, you will want to spend less and less time in the mind, and more and more time in the space between thoughts.