Money And The Law Of Attraction PDF

You can download this article “money and the law of attraction pdf” here. Whether you think so or not, you are attracting or repelling money from your life by the way you think about it. Your biggest influences regarding how you relate to money in your life are often your parents. So it’s worth looking into how your parents thought and/or think about money. Chances are pretty good that you inherited some of their ideas around money.

For me, there was a huge conflict. My father encouraged me and my brother to earn our keep doing household chores. My mother suggested we “do them for love”. My brother and I preferred the money! However, I still remember this conflict and it has definitely played out through my life in some ways. Some other ideas you often inherit might include suggestions such as:

money and the law of attraction pdf
  • Rich people are greedy
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • You must work hard for money
  • Having more than you need makes you greedy
  • You can’t be rich and noble
  • Being poor is somehow more noble than having money
  • There’s never enough
  • and so on..

Money And The Law Of Attraction PDF – Thoughts Become Things

If you know anything about the law of attraction you’ll understand that thoughts become things. So if your parents drilled any of the above suggestions into your consciousness, you’ll probably be living out one of not a few of these disempowering beliefs. You probably don’t even know they exist and are working in your subconscious mind.

They can explain many failed attempts to bring more money onto your life. If your conscious mind and subconscious mind aren’t working together as a team, your subconscious mind will win over eventually. So if your old programming is still lingering with a bunch of unhelpful ideas, they’ll destroy your attempts to make changes in your financial well-being for the better.

money and the law of attraction pdf

So if trying to make more money feels like an endless struggle, and you never make any headway, this could be a likely culprit. One of the sayings I heard repeatedly was “Oh, it’s a struggle isn’t it?”. “Life’s a struggle”. I heard it so many times, it became my own personal mantra.

Money And The Law Of Attraction PDF – Delving Into Your Unconscious Beliefs

There’s a few ways you can “unearth” these old belief systems which are stunting your financial growth and well being. A simple way to do so is to think about your first experiences with money. What’s the earliest experience you can remember where money was involved? Can you remember your parents arguing about money? Did you get an allowance or did you have to work for your money when you were little? You can also get more clarity by seeing a hypnotherapist or NLP practitioner to help you uncover some of your deep seated money beliefs.

Discovering your early money memories can give you more insight into how you are “playing out” these beliefs in your current experience. Once you become more conscious of them, you can let them go and move forwards with your relationship towards money, wealth and financial abundance. Experiences from childhood are very powerful and it’s possible you are making yourself struggle because you’re still trying to please a parent, or live up to their expectations. This can mean living in poverty because you believe that you are somehow letting them down if you escape the poverty trap.

Once you can let go of these mental engrams, you can move forward with your conscious and unconscious working together to solve any financial problems you might have.

money and the law of attraction pdf

How Do You Treat Yourself?

Your self image and self esteem are also related to money and what you earn. If you have a low self esteem, and think very little of yourself, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a well paid job or career. You’re more likely to struggle in life if you don’t believe you are worth better. Again, this can come from your childhood and things that may have happened to you which were not your fault. But you can improve your self esteem and self image by telling yourself a different story and listening to what’s going on inside your head.

Listen To Your Inner Dialogue

Thoughts become things. Your inner dialogue and the way you speak to yourself has a huge influence on you. It may even be the biggest factor determining your life and what happens in it. Much of what you tell yourself may be a remnant of old beliefs which are disempowering you. To start changing your inner dialogue, start noticing it. Pay attention to what you tell yourself and in particular, notice any disempowering beliefs you might hold in your mind.

As you practice, you’ll start to see some negative thoughts which might not be the most empowering beliefs to have. Perhaps they are based on a poor self image, or some conflicting beliefs which you’re carrying from childhood. You may still be trying to please your parents due to an old belief you picked up. Meditation is a good practice to help you with this too. But at first you only need to pay attention to what you are thinking, saying and doing. There’s a great exercise to help with this you can read about it in this article: deliberate creation exercises.

the law of attraction money pdf

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

As you practice watching your mind, you’ll soon learn that many of your thoughts are disempowering you and limiting your ability to earn and save money. You may hold beliefs about earning, saving and spending which aren’t supportive to building wealth. See wealth building habits. Perhaps you’re living beyond your means and this creates a feeling of lack. You then draw in more of this feeling because that’s your dominant vibration. To build wealth, you need to spend less than you earn. You need to learn the discipline to do this by controlling unnecessary spending.

To reprogram your mind for wealth and opportunity there’s a number of mantras you can use. Instead of repeating old mantras which you may have learned or inherited such as:

  • Life’s a struggle
  • There’s never enough
  • I’m never happy
  • Money always goes out faster than it comes in

(which are all limiting beliefs), replace them with suggestions and intentions like:

  • Money comes easily and effortlessly
  • I get paid to be “me”
  • I always prioritise my well being and happiness
  • Building wealth comes easily to me

Mantras are powerful when repeated often because they program your subconscious mind and control your behaviour. But remember that you’ve probably been repeating many negative mantras to the subconscious for years; so it will take some time for the new ones to take hold. Practice repeating mantras to yourself daily (even if you don’t believe them yet). Over time, they can have a dramatic effect on your ability to create and keep money. See money mantra to become rich.

You can download this article here.

Law Of Attraction PDF

While on the hunt for information on the law of attraction, I found a number of law of attraction book pdf downloads on the topic. Here’s a few books I found which talk about the law of attraction in great detail and are highly recommended.

law of attraction pdf

See also Entrepreneurship free downloads.

Mastering The law Of Attraction Book Pdf – Don’t Just Read Them – Study Them

In my 20’s I was a self help book addict! I read a number of self help books and then just got on with life and forgot about them. Being mindful of the law of attraction can help in a number of situations. Unless you keep a vigilant eye on the ball, you can easily forget the powerful teachings in these books.

It’s usually only when things are going wrong in life that people search for books like these. Making a habit out of reading a self growth book daily will pay dividends over the course of your life.

Law Of Attraction PDF – Which One First?

One of my favourite books in this list is Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich. Even years later this book is still cited as the go-to resource for entrepreneurs and business owners, or anyone who wants to improve their life in some way.

One of the most powerful chapters in the book is the one on autosuggestion where Hill discusses the agency of control with which man uses, either consciously or unconsciously, to influence the subconscious mind. This in turn will deliver results into a persons life.

“AUTOSUGGESTION is the agency of control through which an individual may voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind” – Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich

law of attraction pdf

The Law Of Attraction Book PDF – Make Unconscious Behaviour Conscious

Most people don’t realise the power they have to control and influence their lives. They speak about limitations and so therefore create them. They talk of problems and the problems grow. If, instead, we become more conscious about what we give our attention to, we can influence the growth of things we actually want: financial abundance, joyous relationships and good health.

When we moan and compete for how difficult our lives are, sometimes for attention from others, we create more reasons to moan. The cycle continues. This pattern can be easily developed as a child when we crave attention from our parents. Unfortunately, the strategies we learn as children don’t often serve us as adults.

We need new strategies. To develop new strategies for making money, creating better relationships and having more of what we really want, we need to become more conscious of what we give our attention to in our thoughts, words and deeds.

Words Have Power

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us – John 1:14 King James Version (KJV)

law of attraction pdf

One way to become more conscious of our words is to listen to ourselves when we talk. Do you talk yourself up or down? Are you giving attention to the things you want or the things you don’t want? If you’re complaining a lot, and talking about problems, that’s where your attention is going. You’re creating more problems if this is the case.

Stop talking about what is wrong in your life and start focusing on the good stuff. The main problem is that when we talk we seldom listen. Talking becomes habitual and nothing changes. We become addicted to listening to our own voices and complaining about our lives. Then, we are surprised when more bad stuff keeps coming our way!

Listen to your thoughts when you are alone. They are a good indicator as to how you think, feel and react to the various situations which you are drawing into your life – through the nature of your vibration and your thoughts!

Meditation – Notice Your “Chatter”

Meditation is a great strategy to start noticing the incessant chatter of the ego – that part of you which is often confused as actually being “you”, but actually isn’t! When we identify with this inner voice, it’s hard to think from a neutral stand point without constantly defending your position in life all the time.

When we observe instead of engaging with this inner voice, we create space which grows the more we do it. Eventually you can become more conscious of your reactions and actions based on the thinking that this voice is actually “you”.

When you’re constantly engaged with this inner voice, life can be pretty exhausting. Every decision is a major big deal. It’s overwhelming. Meditation gives you the power to disengage from the ego mind which is constantly talking and you can notice how it controls your decisions.

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