Law Of Attraction Business Ideas

Are you looking for law of attraction business ideas? Here’s some to think about.

I started looking for ideas around the law of attraction a few years ago. After watching The Secret, it inspired me to re-read many of the self help books I had already found on this topic. You can read many of them on this site. See law of attraction pdf.

I was inspired to create a resource around this topic and monetise it; hence this website. At first I looked for affiliate products I could promote around this topic.

Law Of Attraction Business Ideas – Affiliate Marketing

This is perhaps the simplest of many law of attraction business ideas: create a website or blog and monetise it with affiliate products. You can find a lot of products on the law of attraction on Clickbank. Head to Clickbank, open an account and browse the marketplace for products you would want to purchase yourself. You’ll find a bunch of products you can promote and earn money from.

law of attraction business ideas

Ideally choose a product with a high “gravity” rather than a low one. A higher gravity means the item is already selling. However, too high a gravity might also mean that it’s heavily subscribed. Somewhere between 20 and 100 is about right. See also clickbank autopilot software.

law of attraction business ideas

Law Of Attraction Business Ideas: How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing works by sending people to other people’s products. In the example above you’ll send people to clickbank products which can be accessed digitally. Digital products are good for affiliates because they give large commissions of 30-50%.

Affiliates can promote products in various ways, including things like:

  • Blogging – like this article for example
  • List building – building a list of subscribers
  • Paid marketing – YouTube, Adwords, Facebook
  • Social Media marketing – Building a following from Facebook, Instagram etc.
  • YouTube video marketing – video marketers can use free marketing strategies or pay for their videos to be shown to a select audience.

With digital products from Clickbank, you can earn around 40% commission on average for products you sell.

However this can limit your ability to use paid marketing, since you can struggle to recoup your advertising costs. Ideally find affiliate products which offer recurring income from each sale. Recurring income affiliate products are usually things like membership products and software products.

Law Of Attraction Business Ideas – Blogging

Blogging is a simple strategy to use the law of attraction to generate an income. You can write a regular blog around your topic, and monetise in two main ways:

law of attraction business ideas
  • Affiliate products – Using Clickbank or other affiliate products.
  • Google Adsense – Adsense pays you advertising revenue for each click you receive on your adverts.

Blogging is a slow strategy that takes time to make money from. Initially you’ll do a lot of work which might not amount to much. But over time if you keep at it, you’ll start to see more and more people visiting your blog.

You can also create products of your own to sell too. Some bloggers create their own ebook and use it to get people onto their list of subscribers.

Building An Email List

Bloggers often will have a list of subscribers which they build from their blog. By offering an enticing giveaway product, they can get people to opt in to their email list and follow up with useful information. They can also use this list to promote either their own products or affiliate products which relate to their topic of interest; the law of attraction.

An email list is a good idea if you’re going to use affiliate marketing to monetise your interest. You’ll need email marketing software to be able to collect subscribers information from a website.

As your list grows, and you successfully connect with your subscribers, you’ll get them to know, like and trust you through your emails. As you get better at this, you’ll start to see subscribers purchasing your products.

If you can get this to happen with a marketing “engine” driving people into your sales funnel, you’ll be able to scale this business up globally.

If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing, sign up for a free video series here.

Law Of Attraction Money Affirmations

You can use the law of attraction money affirmations to train your mind to focus on abundance rather than scarcity. Many people unconsciously focus on lack and scarcity and train their mind on the opposite of what they really want. A scarcity mindset money affirmation might go something like this:

“There’s never enough”, “Why am I always broke?”, “Why can’t I…?”, “Rich people are greedy”, “I only need enough” and so on. Many of these ideas may have been formed in your early life and of course from real pain and problems. But you may perpetuate the ideas because you’ve made them strong beliefs over many years. By repeating them to yourself constantly, it’s very difficult to escape the reality of what you in fact are creating, based on your thinking.

law of attraction money affirmations

Law of attraction money affirmations affirm abundance, gratitude and wealth, rather than refer to poverty, scarcity or limitation. They may be ideas like: “Money comes easily and frequently”. “I’m grateful for what I already have”, “Rich people are generous”, “I enjoy my life”etc. They affirm the positive rather than being based in lack, fear or limitation. Even unconscious beliefs about rich or wealthy people can keep you in lack and limitation if you hold an unconscious judgement about those who have more than you.

Law Of Attraction Money Affirmations – Asking Better Questions

Often our affirmations are spoken to ourselves silently in our own minds. These are the most powerful of all because there is no escape from them! Unless we take control of our minds, they will lead us somewhere we really don’t desire to go. If you are constantly referring to the struggle and pain in your life, you are reaffirming it to your unconscious mind, which creates more of it.

Asking yourself questions such as “why is my life so bad?”, “Why am I always so broke?” only reaffirms the problems and calls on your unconscious mind to answer them in a negative way. Answers will of course reaffirm the negative too – “you’re always broke because you work in a low paid job, your outgoings are larger than your income” etc. “life is bad because of (list specific pains)” Your mind start searching for answers and pretty soon, you have a whole list of things to feel bad about!

Asking yourself better questions, which elicit more useful answers is a simple strategy to change the flow of negativity running silently in the background of your mind. Ask yourself how you can make a positive change. How can you feel better in this moment, even if nothing changes (on the outside). Reverse those negative questions such as “why am I always broke?”, to “what can I do differently?”, or “what am I grateful for right now?”.

Law Of Attraction Money Affirmations – Gratitude

Gratitude is the real game changer when it comes to law of attraction money affirmations. When we think about things to worry and get stressed about, we ask the wrong questions. We focus our mind on what is wrong with our life and become more and more dissatisfied with it as the answers come!

Gratitude does the opposite of this. If we focus our attention on what we are already grateful for in life, we start to open the door to more and more of what is good about our lives. To start overcoming a scarcity mindset to money, we first need to recognise what we are doing. If our mind is focused on the negative, we tend to create more of it. What we focus on expands. Gratitude is the key to unlocking this door and creating more of what we really want – things to be grateful for.

Even just a small shift in your mindset can alter your trajectory towards a happier and more pleasing life. Start with small things you can be grateful for, such as your health or your house. The clothes on your back or the computer in front of you. This shifts your awareness away from complaining and scarcity.

The “Storm” Of Appreciation

I read about this strategy in the book Ask And It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

law of attraction money affirmations

The “storm of appreciation” is a gratitude exercise in which you choose something to be grateful for. It could be something in the room you are currently in, for example. Look around you and notice something you like or appreciate. Think about it in greater detail and write down all the things you love about it in a journal.

You can also think of things in your life, experiences, people, friends or family. Write down those things and go into detail about what you appreciate about them. Make this a daily habit and take 10 minutes to really appreciate some aspect of your current life.

As you focus on things you appreciate, love and enjoy, you’ll be training your mind to find more of these kinds of things. What you focus on expands. So instead of focusing on problems and uncertainty (as with a scarcity mindset), you’re doing the opposite.

Make a daily habit out of doing this exercise and you’ll start to see your life changing within a few months.

Becoming More Conscious Of The Unconscious

Most of us have at least a little bit of scepticism, stagnation or anxiety when it comes to creating money. Those doubts and fears are “seeds” in what Napoleon Hill refers to the “rich garden of the subconscious mind” (in his book Think and Grow Rich).

“Weeds will grow in abundance, if seeds of a more desirable nature are not sown therein”. – Napoleon Hill

The “weeds” he refers to are those negative, anxious or limiting thoughts which keep us stuck in a place of lack and scarcity. We need to “weed” out those thoughts and replace them with thoughts of abundance instead.

How do we do this? By becoming more conscious of the thoughts which we give energy to. Our thoughts are often unconscious. That is, we are not aware of ourselves thinking them.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – C.G. Jung

To change anything you first need to measure it. Unless you’re aware of your patterns of behaviour, you’ll keep doing the same things. To start measuring your thinking you can become an observer of your thoughts and your speech.


Meditation is a useful exercise in learning how to observe your thinking patterns. When you meditate, you sit quietly and focus on your breathing, for example. The idea is to notice your thoughts but not become drawn into them. Just observe them for 5 to 10 minutes each day without getting drawn in. Over time as you develop this practice, you’ll start to become more aware of the inside chatter which (partly) is controlling your life.

As you learn to distance yourself from some of the less empowering thoughts you may observe, you can start to see more clearly and notice your disempowering thoughts around money, lack and limitation. Write them down and use them in the next exercise.

Noticing Your Old Mantras

As you observe your mental mantras, you’ll probably see some which aren’t very empowering affirmations. For me, when I first did this exercise I noticed a whole heap of negativity around money, lack, limitation and scarcity. There was also a huge “need” in my mental chatter and a lot of emotion attached to these ideas. You might notice thoughts about money too such as:

“Why am I aways broke?”,

“What’s wrong with me?”

“I can never get ahead?”

“If only things were different?”

“If only…”

Usually thoughts like these point to a greater pain which may be about something in your past. Uncovering this pain will be a huge step towards changing things. This is likely to be the route cause of your problems, whereas money, or lack of it is really just a symptom. Here’s a good book to read if this is the case for you.

law of attraction money affirmations

Law Of Attraction Money Affirmations

To combat some old affirmations and mantras which run silently in the background of your mind, it can be useful to “arm” yourself with some new, more empowering ones. Making these old conversations more conscious is a good first step so you can stop giving them energy. You can also use more positive affirmations to replace the old, negative ones.

So “Why can’t I ever get ahead?” or “Why does nothing ever work out for me?” could be replaced by “Money comes easily and frequently”, for example.

Remember though that your old negative affirmations have been running in your mind for a long time. It’s likely that they are based on old, past traumas and pains which are well embedded into your unconscious mind. So you’ll need to do some work before these new ideas take hold. At first you might not believe them and so it will be harder to keep saying them. But if you persevere, you’ll start seeing some changes.

Affirm the positive, no matter how small, rather than repeating a mantra based on past difficulties and lack. Use your positive mantras when you’re feeling like complaining and repeat them over and over in your mind. Let your new law of attraction money affirmations become your “go-to” mantras in times of difficulty.

Reverse engineer your mantras to get what you really want. When you complain or moan, you’re repeating what you don’t want to yourself. You’re investing in the bad! To invest in the good you need to change your habits.

“I’m not good enough” becomes “I’m always growing”, or “I am good enough”

“I hate myself” becomes “sometimes I like myself” and eventually “I love myself”.

“I never get ahead” becomes “I’m always learning and growing” or “money comes easily and frequently”

“It’s a struggle” becomes “everything comes easily to me”

“Life is a struggle” becomes “I enjoy life” or “I live peacefully and easily”


To use the law of attraction money affirmations, first become more conscious of thoughts you are already giving energy to. Use meditation and appreciation exercises to help you focus on gratitude rather than lack, scarcity and struggle.

Find some new mantras/affirmations which offer a more positive outlook. Use them when you think of complaining and when your mind is racing with the negative. “money comes easily and frequently” is a perfect one to start with.

Repeat your mantra several hundred times daily, over and over to yourself. You can even do this quietly in your own head. Notice the negative internal resistance which will come up when you do this.

Uncover the deeper pain which your negativity might relate to. Learn to heal this by deeply loving and accepting yourself as you already are.

The Law Of Attraction And Self Love

The law of attraction and self love are intricately linked. Without self love, you’ll stifle the law of attraction when you try and manifest something into your life because either you don’t believe you’re worth it, or you don’t honour yourself enough to achieve it.

Self love, and honouring yourself should therefore be a large part of who you are becoming if you are intending to create more in your life.

The Law Of Attraction And Self Love – Your Relationship With Yourself

the law of attraction and self love

Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have in life. You are always there, even when nobody else is. So how do you spend your time when alone? What kinds of things do you say to yourself? These are big clues as to how you think about yourself.

If you constantly berate yourself, or look upon yourself as ‘never enough’, chances are you’re using the law of attraction to attract outcomes which match these kinds of thoughts. If you are your own best friend when alone, congratulations! You’ve mastered the art of self love!

Most people can be a little down on themselves from time to time. No matter how good they are at looking after themselves. But if you’re not enjoying these moments, or you match yourself against levels of achievement and attainment which are far beyond your current circumstances, you may be sabotaging your efforts with a negative self image and bad self talk habits.

The Law Of Attraction And Self Love – How You See Yourself

Self love isn’t a narcissistic trait where you love your ego. It’s deeper and more meaningful that that. Self love is how you communicate with yourself deep in your soul/spirit, not how you communicate with your ego.

the law of attraction and self love

If you’re caught up in the ‘not getting’ and ‘not having’ side of the law of attraction, you just create more of it by focusing your mind on that which you haven’t got. You reflect on yourself as a ‘failure’ and the process feeds from its source – how you see yourself in a bad light.

On the other hand if you look on yourself with love and compassion, and see yourself as loveable and worthy, despite your difficulties, you create a different outcome.

Remember that we spend all day with ourselves. The law of attraction is working and your subconscious mind is listening to how you think. It delivers circumstances which relate to how you think of yourself. So the fastest way to change your circumstances is to think of yourself in a different way – with self love and compassion and as if you are worthy – which you are of course!

Your Subconscious Is Listening

Your subconscious mind is listening to every word you say and believes what it hears! To become more self loving, start listening to how you talk to yourself on a regular basis. See law of attraction techniques for some simple techniques and mindfulness exercises to tune in to your thoughts, emotions and regular (perhaps unconscious) visualisations.

How To Be More Self Loving

When you become more aware of how you talk to yourself, you might see some room for improvement. Are you punishing yourself on a regular basis? Are you living in the past, or reliving old emotional wounds? How do you treat yourself on a daily basis?

the law of attraction and self love

Choose to do things which you love and enjoy more, not the things which you think you ‘have’ to do. Enjoy your day more and learn to listen to your own needs rather than the needs of others first.

You may have responsibilities but you still need to ‘fill your own cup’ in order to be able to give to others. In what ways do you “fill your own cup” on a regular basis? How can you change this?

Honour Your Self

In what ways do you put yourself last and dishonour yourself. Do you allow others to dishonour you in any ways?

Start noticing the times when you dumb down and put others needs first. When do you bite your tongue in order to keep the peace?

In certain situations and circumstances, being humble is required. But if you do this too often, you may be damaging yourself self worth and self esteem.

Honouring yourself is another way to love yourself.

Is Lack Of Self Love And Self Worth Halting Your Progress?

If you’ve been using the law of attraction to manifest a better life, you may have found that a limited amount of self love is holding you back. Practice positive self talk and learn to be loving and compassionate with yourself.

It’s funny that what we say to ourselves can be very negative and critical. We wouldn’t tolerate anyone else talking to us the way we often talk to ourselves. Cut yourself some slack and learn to switch that inner critic for a loving, compassionate voice for a month and you’ll see miracles happening in your life!

Here’s a great post I found on the subject of self love:

Jack Canfield’s Key To Living The Law Of Attraction

What is Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction? When I first saw the film The Secret, Jack’s message really jumped out at me. I started implementing his ideas and actually ‘seeing’ the future I wanted to create. Before this, I was struggling in life, making everything difficult for myself and ‘trying’ far too hard at everything.

Ultimately, I didn’t believe I was worth it and my self image and self esteem acted as a success barometer which kept pushing me down to where I thought I deserved to be.

Take a look that this video where Jack Canfield explains the exact way and ‘formula’ he used to make himself a millionaire by selling his book Chicken Soup For The Soul and making his first million dollar cheque.

Jack Canfield’s Key To Living The Law Of Attraction – Visualisation

Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction is to visualise your life the way you want it to be every day, morning and night.

Most of us go about life cutting ourselves off from the source of our wealth and happiness through judgement, low self esteem or through believing in a mediocrity which is presented by those around us. We accept the status quo and follow the herd.

By focusing on what is important to you, and focusing on it daily, you can have whatever life you desire, through the law of attraction. What is the law of attraction?

What Is The Law Of Attraction?

The law of attraction has been made popular by the film The Secret, but that’s only scratching the surface of what the law of attraction really is. Some say The Secret is a superficial version of the law of attraction. In The Secret, it is portrayed that you can think about your dream life and manifest it through your thoughts. But that’s only a small part of the bigger picture.

Most people will sabotage their dreams and goals by contradicting them with their words, deeds and thoughts. The self image can be a huge barrier to success too. It acts like a barrier which you can’t get beyond without changing the self image itself.

The Key To Living The Law Of Attraction

So what is the key to living the law of attraction? Jack Canfield had already written a book (Chicken Soup For The Soul) when he created the intention to sell a million copies in a single day:

The key to living the law of attraction, as Jack Canfield discusses here, is to become absolutely in alignment with your vision and goal, without doubt or reservation. Set a goal, meditate on it and absolutely believe in it.

When we think about what we want in life, doubt enters in. When we tell others what we want, they sometimes discredit our ideas and we lose our belief. So you need to be in vibration with the outcome and absolutely resonate with it throughout your being with complete congruence. If some part of you doubts it, talks against it, or disbelieves it, you’re not in complete alignment with what you want. The part of you that disagrees is also operating as an attracting factor, bringing in obstacles and problems with the outcome – as you have expected!

the key to living the law of attraction

Stop Daydreaming! Why We Fail

As a child were you ever told to stop daydreaming? When we are little, we instinctively know how to visualise and create. It’s only through our conscious reasoning that we’ve lost the ability to do so.

Daydreaming is fun! But once our conscious mind takes over and we lose the ability to believe in ourselves as conscious creators, we start creating unconsciously and our outcomes become the bedrock of what we believe life actually is!

The problems we encounter can then become an unconscious feedback loop: “this is life, life is hard”. We therefore create more of it as we come to believe in a certain reality.

Remove Doubt & Dream Your Dream!

So remember Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction. Focus on the life you actually want, not the one you believe you have to live, or the one you’ve accepted as reality. Stretch your limits of possibility and learn to fantasise again.

Remove obstacles in your mind first to its attainment. You can do this by learning meditation, visualisation and by using affirmations.

Don’t worry about the “how”?

The how will show up. Just focus on the outcome and use visualisation morning and evening to plant the seeds in your subconscious mind and train it to focus unconsciously on bringing about your new reality.

Depending on your goal, this can take some time. More difficult goals can take years to attain. To build confidence in this idea, start with something small which you believe more easily. Over time, you can focus on more lofty goals as you gain confidence and more awareness.

Let Go And Trust!

Don’t get too neurotic about your goals and desires. Let go and allow the universe the time to bring things about for you. Don’t focus on problems just keep doing your visualisations morning and night.

Focusing too much on what you want can push it away too! You don’t need to spend all day worrying how you’ll achieve it. Let go and trust things will come as you go about your day!

Remember to be light about all this. It should be fun. Getting too worried and focused on it will have the opposite effect.

See Jack Canfield’s main website here.

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