Yes, money and the law of attraction! It’s everyone favourite reason for studying the law of attraction. How can we get more money!? How you attract money (or not) has a great deal to do with how you perceive money, wealth lack, and yourself. If you don’t see yourself in a very good light, chances are good that you’ll be repelling money in some way.
Ask yourself:
- Think about what you really want, in terms of money.
- What do you deserve in terms of income or wealth?
- What do you expect to get?
- How do these differ?
Take a note of your answers and write them down somewhere you can refer to them later.

Money And The Law Of Attraction – What Do You Want?
So, money and the law of attraction. What are you worth? In terms of money I mean? I know you can’t put a value on someone in terms of money, but what do you think your life is worth?
How do you value your time? What value do you bring to the world and what can you charge for it?
What expectations are you holding onto which limit your ability to grow and accomplish things in life which would bring you closer to more abundance?
What value judgements are you holding onto which inhibit your ability to create more money? Any of these sound familiar:
- Money doesn’t grow on trees
- The rich get richer the poor get poorer
- It’s easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Rich people are greedy
- It’s noble to be poor
- Life’s a struggle
- Better happy and poor than rich and miserable..
- And so on…
Maybe you’ve got your own limiting beliefs around money. Most people have some beliefs around money which stop its flow into their lives, whether they are aware of them or not. How do you justify your struggle or poverty when plenty of people are rich already? Write down your answers because they are your blockages!
Money And The Law Of Attraction – Being Right About Something
Thoughts alone can’t change our lives, only we can do that! But we can use thoughts, and the investigation into our own thinking processes to start seeing more clearly the factors which inhibit our growth. If we hold on to old beliefs and ideas about money which don’t serve us, we stop growing and are unable to receive the benefits of having more money. We stifle our existence.
The payoff is that we get to be right. We get to hold on to our old limiting beliefs and secure our place in {insert BS story here}! Whether it’s heaven you believe in or whether you’re an atheist, everyone picks up beliefs from their parents, guardians, friends and circle of influence. If these beliefs are about your self image, money, working or having some unrealistic expectations of some kind, they can all disempower you and make you feel worthless.
If you’re feeling bad, you will struggle in many circumstances. How you feel has a great deal to do with what you are manifesting through the law of attraction. So ask yourself, how do you feel right now?
Ask yourself, “what are you being right about which is stopping your from progressing with your life?”
Self Image – You Attract What (You Think) You Are
How do you see yourself? In what ways does this limit your ability to earn money and feel good while doing so?

If you don’t know about self image, check out a book called psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Maltz was working as a plastic surgeon and noticed than many patients still had problems even after successful surgery.
For some, their problems went away when they got the faces and features they wanted. But for others, their problems persisted. Maltz worked on uncovering the reason and started helping people with their self image before surgery. Many patients decided they didn’t need the surgery after they successfully changed their negative self image.
Money can be a reflection of what we feel inside and how we see ourselves. Until we see ourselves in a positive light, we will perpetuate a negative self image through difficult circumstances, lack and struggle. Once the self image is changed for good, everything is much easier. Would you rather struggle to make money, or do you want to make money in an enjoyable and effortless fashion? Effortless right?!
Money And The Law Of Attraction – Why Is Life Such A Struggle?
If you’ve had a parent who regularly told you life was a struggle on a continuous basis, over a number of years; you probably believe it. You believe it so much you’re living it! As children, we accept the constant repetition and beliefs of those closest to us. At a young age we don’t have the cognitive reasoning to object and reject suggestions made by repetition.
As an adult, we reason with someone if we don’t agree. But as suggestible children we simply accept.
So, when we meet obstacles later in life, it can often be these old programs which limit our potential and stop us from moving forwards in life. To combat old programming we can make it conscious and start a new mantra which supports the outcomes we want to attain. See money mantra to become rich.
Do Your Habits Support Your Richer Life?
Let’s say you’ve watched The Secret (Rhonda Bryne), and set out to create more money by thinking about it. Before long, nothing happens! Life seems pretty much the same! (See The Secret Sceptic).
Perhaps you didn’t understand how the law of attraction really works? You think some nice thoughts and go about your business, right? That was how it was for me anyway! It took some serious digging to unveil the unconscious programs and negative beliefs which I was harbouring about myself, money and a number of other things in life. See Law Of Attraction Anger.
What’s become more apparent to me is that my habits weren’t supporting the life I truly wanted. It was my thinking habits I’m talking about here as well as my daily physical habits. Only when I delved into the mind a little did I see what was going on.
Your daily habits are the ground rock from which you can build a successful life: thinking and doing.
What Negative Thoughts Or Images Do You Hold In Your Mind?
Before setting out on a journey to build more money into your life, a good starting point is to uncover any blockages you might have to a more prosperous life. What do you think about people who have more than you? How do you imagine yourself being once you have the money you need or want?
If you are harbouring any negative thoughts about the rich, or wealthy, that’s a good place to look. If “rich people are jerks” in your mind, this doesn’t reconcile very well if you’re going to be one. You’ll actively avoid being a “jerk” if that’s what having money means for you.
Meditation is a good starting point to make you more aware of your thoughts and emotions and particularly where your mind is focusing it’s energy.
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows..
It’s easy to get money and the law of attraction wrong by focusing on lack, instead of wealth. But it’s when you have lack that you most need more money. So how can you focus on wealth when you don’t have any? Visual Motor Rehearsal:
This is something we often do automatically and unconsciously too. We often day dream about yelling at our boss, leaving our jobs, or going on a great holiday. What you are constantly ‘feeding’ your subconscious mind in terms of these little fantasies, has an impact on what you’re creating.
Of course it’s not all just in your mind but what you’re doing in life too. You can’t build a skyscraper on the foundations of a cottage. So, if you want to be a millionaire, you can’t carry on working in your minimum wage job, visualise money falling from the sky, and expect it to happen. You can try, but there’s more practical steps!
Think, Say, Do..
“Happiness is when what you think say and do are in harmony” – Mahatma Ghandi
If you want to attract more money, you need to focus on making more. This means you need to overcome mental barriers, self doubt and reservations which hold you back. You need to make a plan and set some goals. If you have no idea how to achieve what you want, you need to start thinking and noticing opportunities when they come up. Belief is the driving factor but action is “where the rubber meets the road”.
Without belief, you won’t start the creating thinking process. You don’t need to know how, but you do need to believe. If you don’t believe you can, you won’t take any action and failure is guaranteed.
“Whether you think you can or your can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford