Are you The Secret Sceptic? The Secret movie which was created by Rhonda Bryne, claims that it is the thoughts we continually think which eventually manifest in our lives. Some view the film as being overly fanciful and full of unrealistic claims.
It’s true that the film glosses over some of the finer points of the law of attraction and suggests that we can all have the lives of our dreams, just by thinking positively! But what is the law of attraction, and how much truth is in it? Is the law of attraction real and is The Secret just a glossy Hollywood version of it, or just complete nonsense?
The Secret Sceptic – Law Of Attraction Origins
The origins of the law of attraction grew out of the teachings of a spiritualist called Phineas Quimby, although he didn’t call it such.

“The trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in, and we put a value on it according to its worth. Therefore if your mind has been deceived by some invisible enemy into a belief, you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. By my theory or truth, I come in contact with your enemy and restore you to your health and happiness. This I do partly mentally and partly by talking till I correct the wrong impressions and establish the Truth, and the Truth is the cure.” – Phineas Quimby
The “Law Of Attraction” term was first documented as appearing in print in 1877 in a book by Helena Blavatsky. Prentice Mulford published an essay “The Law Of Success” in 1886-87 in which he discussed The Law Of Attraction as a general principle.
Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill following a couple of other books by previous authors on the subject. His best selling book saw a surge in the positive thinking movement followed by Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power Of Positive Thinking in 1952. See more details on The Law Of Attraction history.
What’s missing From The Secret?
The Secret is an inspiring book and film for many, but for other’s it’s a big lie. It’s polarising. Depending on which side of the fence you sit, you may or may not find it of any use. For some it’s inspiring and for others it’s complete nonsense!

Are You A Secret Sceptic or Believer?
It’s easy to discount something we don’t understand. On the other hand, it’s also important to maintain a good relationship with reality and keep a good analytical based view on things. The Secret is a glossy view of what I believe the law of attraction actually is. If you take the film at face value, you might think you can sit in your living room, desiring things and expecting them to simply arrive without any effort on your part.
I’m sure there are thousands of people who have bought into the false belief that they can simply manifest anything by believing it for long enough. In reality, it takes hard work and effort to make changes in your own life. Things don’t often magically appear of their own accord. But it’s unfair to say that the film preaches this, even though some will say it does.
“It should be believable for you” – Joe Vitale explains The Secret
If you’re a fantasist, you might believe in unicorns and fairies. That’s up to you not the fault of The Secret movie!
Life Shouldn’t Be A Struggle
Joe Vitale, mentions during the film that if you’re thinking of a course of action, and that you would hate it, then you shouldn’t pursue that direction. I think that’s sound advice. It shouldn’t be that hard! But hard work needn’t be drudgery. Hard work with a purpose is something different. It’s inspiration.
When I first watched the film, I definitely bought into it and believed all my problems were over! In fact, they were only beginning! Holding a belief that things will always work out ‘for the best’ is a similar lie I was told many years ago. It’s a theory for the passive victim in life and believing you can easily create a mansion, when you’re on “broke alley” is unrealistic, whatever you think.
But on the other hand, we can create hardship for ourselves when there’s an easier route. It comes down to belief, and this is the crux of The Secret.
Thoughts Become Things – The Secret Sceptic
Even the biggest secret sceptic must admit the nature of our thinking minds creates, in some way, the results of our lives. After all, we are products of our environment, upbringing and nurturing processes. But we are also the result of our continual thinking processes. The manifestation of your life happens over decades. Unless you believe something is possible you simply wouldn’t attempt it.
“Whether a man believes he can or he can’t, he’s right” – Henry Ford
So, maybe even the most hardened sceptic of The Secret can attest to the fact that their thinking is in some way associated with the outcomes in their lives? If not immediately, then over several years? In fact the movie even states that you don’t really want things manifesting immediately and nor can you achieve this. Things take time to arrive in life.
However, if you hold the belief that you will be able to achieve something or get something, surly it will arrive faster than if you hold the belief that it is impossible? Consider the same question over a 10 year period.
The Secret Vs. The Law Of Attraction
Whatever your thoughts about The Secret, there is at least truth in the idea of the law of attraction, whether it’s real or not! Is the law of attraction real? The law of attraction can have similarities with confirmation bias and the placebo effect too!
With confirmation bias, you look for information which backs up your already held beliefs. This can work whatever your view on The Secret. Are you searching for information to qualify your point of view in this article?!
The law of attraction can work as a placebo too! If you believe in something, it’s all the more likely to be prevalent in your thinking processes. You attribute your successes to what you believed, not what you did! Likewise, you can attribute your failures to the lack of this “law” working for you! But in each case, the law has proved itself right!
Are You Lucky? The Secret Sceptic
In his book The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman discusses the topic of luck. He notes that those who consider themselves ‘lucky’ venture out more, make more connections and have a more positive outlook. As a result, they attract more situations and circumstances where they meet people and find opportunities.
Those who consider themselves unlucky don’t do this. They avoid new situations and circumstances because they believe nothing good will come from them. Their outcomes solidify their beliefs and the cycle continues – they continue to believe they are ‘unlucky’ but are unwilling to take action in any direction due to this belief.
Could this same principle hold true with The Secret and The Law Of Attraction? Choose your answer wisely!

Please let me know your thoughts on the Secret below in the comments.