Law Of Attraction Rules

To make the law of attraction work better and faster for you, you need to know the law of attraction rules. Everyone hates rules though right!? Maybe you’re not a fan of rules, but you do want to create something worthwhile in your life. So it’s worth understanding how the creation process works; so you can make it work better in your life.

law of attraction rules
“You get it when you believe you have it, and that’s the key” – Jim Carrey

The basic rules of the law of attraction are that you get more of what you give your attention to. This means if you spend a lot of time complaining and worrying, guess what: yep, you’re creating more of that! More things to complain and worry about! You can’t just do a half-hour manifestation ritual and then go about business as usual. If business as usual means complaining, moaning and focusing on the bad stuff, your half-hour ritual won’t make up for it!

Law Of Attraction Rules – Rule 1

Rule 1 of The Law Of Attraction is ask. To ask for what you want means imparting the thoughts, feelings and emotions of having already received what you want on the subconscious mind. This is usually a natural wishing and wanting exercise which we will do without thinking. As children we were always excellent at manifesting. We would visualise what we wanted and imagine it in every way – using all our senses and believing with was real.

Unfortunately this natural ability is usually knocked out of us by the time we have become adults. We’re told to wake up and stop being day dreamers!

law of attraction rules
Joe Vitale on The Secret (Law of Attraction)

So rule 1 of the law of attraction is to re-learn the skill of day dreaming and fantasising about what you really want. Don’t imagine what you think you can achieve. Go all out and start believing in what you can imagine.

Visualisation is a great tool to impart your creative genius on your subconscious mind. Then let your unconscious mind deliver the right steps to move forwards and start taking some action steps. See law of attraction steps. Dreaming and visualising should be enjoyable and fun. If it’s not, don’t do it!

Once you have created a great visualisation regarding what you want, don’t then sabotage it by talking against it or thinking counterproductive thoughts. Trust in it and work towards it.

Rule 2 Believe

Two of the largest attractive forces of the law of attraction are desire and expectation. So you shouldn’t desire something you don’t expect, and you shouldn’t expect something you don’t desire. Doing so would be unproductive. Don’t aim for something you don’t believe you can make happen. And don’t expect the worst either. If you expect something and desire it as well, both these attractive forces are lined up and you’re on to creating a great affirmation.

law of attraction rules
Believe it or not – it’s up to you!

Belief is as important as your desire to achieve something. Unless you believe you can attain something, you’re unlikely to follow through with it. In fact, if you don’t believe you can achieve something, you’re unlikely to even start. So believing in your goal, yourself and your ability to achieve it is a must.

Pick a target you score ten out of ten for in both desirability and achievability.

Believe in it and in yourself and take the appropriate steps to achieve it.

Law Of Attraction Rules – Receive

The third rule of the law of attraction is to allow it. Although this sounds like an easy part, it’s often where people have difficulty. This can come down to holding thoughts of unworthiness or not being “good enough”. Believing you deserve what you want and that you’re worthy of having it is massively important.

Imagine having what you want right now. Visualise everything working out just how you want it. Whatever you’re wanting – the house the partner the perfect career, just sit with it in your mind and play it out.

Do any thoughts of conflict come up? If so they are major keys to what’s holding you back.

Receiving what you really want also means becoming the person you need to become in order to receive it. What kind of person must you be to have everything you dream of having?

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