Law Of Attraction Failure

Are you having a law of attraction failure? You did all the visualisation and set your goals, but for some reason you still don’t have what you wanted. Perhaps you set unreasonable goals or didn’t really believe in them? Maybe deep down, what you really believed manifested instead? The key to using the law of attraction is to align all parts of yourself. If some part of yourself really wants a Ferrari, yet another part doesn’t care enough, guess what? You’ll keep creating what you already naturally create.

If you’re more attached to your excuses and reasons for not having what you want, here lies another problem. It’s the reason for many law of attraction failure.

Law Of Attraction Failure – What You Believe

Your subconscious mind is wise and is listening to everything you think and say. It’s particularly important what you believe about yourself. Your self image is a major controlling factor in what you are able, (and likely) to manifest. So if you are planning to create more money, but simultaneously curbing your opportunities due to apathy, laziness, confusion or indifference, you’ll maintain the status quo due to your comfort levels.

law of attraction failure

The Secret film can give you an unrealistic expectation about what the law of attraction can do for you. You may want something in your life, but at the same time you may expect something else. These are two powerful forces working in your life all the time. You don’t get what you want, you get what you are! Unless your wants and desires are aligned with your expectations and your daily habits and goals, the chance of them manifesting becomes a distant fantasy.

Your Self Talk – The Underlying “Key” To Using The Law Of Attraction Successfully

Energy is either going up or down. You are thinking almost non-stop through your day. Where are those thoughts taking you? Are they taking you towards your dream life? Or are you criticizing yourself and condemning yourself at any time? Chances are good that there is some of both self sustaining thinking, self criticizing and some other rambling thoughts and emotions all mixed in there!

It’s not enough to just “think yourself” to what you want, in most cases. You also need to act on your intuition. This involves overcoming fear, taking actions you may not have taken before, and stepping out of your comfort zone. But this should give you a feeling of excitement, rather than dread, unless you’re very stuck in your comfort zones.

law of attraction failure

The Law Of Attraction Takes Time

The minute you consider you have a “law of attraction failure”, you condemn yourself to that self image. In fact, the law of attraction is still working and you are always on your way to becoming something. When you understand this idea, you can relax a little. Remember that your current life is the result of years or decades (depending how old you are) of thought, emotion, action, inaction and procrastination. You are sculpting the “YOU” that you really want to be.

In many ways, not getting what you want is a blessing! Your subconscious mind is wise, and protects you from things you unconsciously fear. Your unconscious is more powerful than your conscious mind. If you have only concerned yourself with your fleeting conscious thoughts and desires, and not taken any determined action towards creating a life you love, the result will likely remain as the status quo – what you really expect, and believe you deserve. Life goes on without change.

Re-programming The Subconscious Mind

You are programming the subconscious mind on a near constant basis. Your constant mental “noise” is creating your future and affirming your wants, dislikes, biases and beliefs. As you collect more evidence that what you believe to be true, is in fact “true”, you become more and more “set” in your belief systems. If this isn’t serving you and leading you to the life you really want, you need to do something to change it.

In reality, many of our “truths” are just belief systems. And if they aren’t serving us, we need to look at them and change them for our lives to change.

law of attraction failure

So how can we do this? Start by acknowledging that you are creating your reality through the persistent thoughts you give energy to. Many of these thoughts and beliefs can fly beneath your conscious awareness. Finding them will show you a new world of possibilities, simply because you’ll discover the “bedrock” from which you base your life experience.

Are You Worth It?

Self worth is a useful place to start, since it reflects many of our inner beliefs about ourself. Without the belief that you are worth it, you’ll build an invisible barrier to the future you really want. If you’ve found that you often are always one “step away” from what you really want in life, self worth is a likely culprit. If our subconscious behaviour program doesn’t support a life of health, happiness and wealth, we will often sabotage it with some unconscious behaviour which we will completely justify to ourselves later in some way.

The key to uncovering some self sabotaging beliefs is to notice the thoughts as they arrive in our mind.


Victor Sanchez writes about stalking in his book The Teachings Of Don Carlos. You can also read more about in in this article: law of attraction techniques. This is a strategy to notice and control some of the unconscious characteristics and traits which you will likely be carrying in your life. Some of them support you and many don’t.

the teaching of don carlos


Meditation is a simple way to learn how to detach yourself from the workings of your conscious mind. As you learn to meditate, by sitting quietly each day for a few minutes, you’ll notice that you mind will try to distract you. It will try anything to stop you observing it! Initially, you should sit for 5 minutes and focus on a spot on the wall, breathing in and out naturally. It can help to count to five over and over. Count once for each out breath.

Your mind will take over and start talking, or thinking about things. Once you observe it happen, take your attention back to your breathing and counting. Practice this every day starting with 5 minutes and increase the time by a minute every day. Over time, you’ll become much more aware of your inner chatter.

law of attraction failure

From here, you’ll be able to observe many thoughts which are undermining your efforts and self image. Some many be sub-personalities from a previous time, and other can be parts which are based on people you know or used to know. Just observe in your meditation without entering into any dialogue.

Do You Really Want It – Really?

Another reason you may be experiencing a law of attraction failure is that you may not really want the goal or outcome you have set for yourself. Achieving something “noteworthy” in life often comes with a lot of effort. Most people only want things which lie in the periphery of their current comfort zones! To achieve more, you have to give more. We often gaze upon the rich and famous as something to admire and live up to, but most of us simply don’t have the discipline to achieve it.

Want to be a famous actor? Live on nothing and spend years going to castings and auditions getting rejected many times? Work hard at your craft for years, for a “chance” at making it into the “bigtime”? Still want it?

Want to be rich? Start a business risk your capital and turn your life around working all hours holding down multiple jobs to finance it? Give up holidays and downsize your home to find money to invest. Still want to be rich?

To accomplish something often means to sacrifice something else. If you have a nice steady job, a happy family life and can pay your bills, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

Gratitude – The Real “Secret” To The Law Of Attraction

When we are in a vibration of “wanting” we are technically “leaning” into the future in terms of our energy. We expect to find happiness in the achievement of something, or getting of something in our future. This can be hugely beneficial and motivate us to act. But it can also be unsustainable. Without gratitude and appreciation of what “is” this will eventually become unbearable for us. We will burn out!

If you’ve experienced burnout, you may be spending too long in a vibration of constant wanting. Are you going to spend your whole life in this vibrational state: always wanting something you don’t currently have? Perhaps you’ve become addicted to this energy because it’s who you think you are? It’s addictive. When you’re in a state of “go-gettery”, you don’t have space for uncomfortable thoughts. It can be a comfortable state which pushes out everything else from your awareness. Focus gives us direction, but it can also lead to burnout.

Gratitude lets us get into a different state of “being-ness” instead of “busy-ness”. Gratitude is what we ultimately want from our achievements. We want more from life – more money, nicer things, more love, better relationships. But ultimately we want to feel better. Gratitude is the feeling we want. But instead of practicing gratitude, we chase happiness on the physical plane instead and burn ourselves out! Get into the habit of practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Things will happen for you much more easily and quickly than chasing your tail on the level of planning thinking doing and trying constantly.

Start A Gratitude Diary

Start a gratitude diary and spend some time every day writing down the things you are grateful for. If this is hard at first, begin with your health, a roof over your head, and food in your cupboards. If you’re alive, you have something to be grateful for. Remember, it’s not your situation, but your vibration which is going to start creating things for you through using the law of attraction. Practicing gratitude on a daily basis is one of the simplest and quickest ways to change things in your life.

See also how to apply the law of attraction effectively for more on this.

Remember too that the law of attraction is always working. So, think carefully before you decide whether you’re a law of attraction failure. Your thoughts are “seeds” in the fertile ground of your subconscious mind, which always delivers like results based on them.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis

Looking for law of attraction hypnosis? The law of attraction works by thoughts, feelings and beliefs. If you have a strong belief and keep giving it attention over a long period of time, you will bring about the physical circumstances which are a match for it.

Conversely, if you harbour doubt and fear in your mind, over time this will create like circumstances and situations. This gives you further evidence of what you believe to be true; and so you reinforce it in your mind, giving it more attention and creating more of it.

This is why your beliefs are so important for the law of attraction. Your beliefs can form the “bedrock” of your future circumstances. Using a law of attraction hypnosis can help you visualise and impress an idea on your subconscious mind. This in turn can help you alter and shape your beliefs and ideas.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis

Here’s a simple hypnosis video for attracting wealth and abundance.

Self Hypnosis – Self Talk

The biggest influence on you is your own mental chatter. It’s not necessarily always others who influence you the most, it’s mostly your inner dialogue. So if your inner dialogue is unsupportive or negative, you’ll doubt yourself and your ability to bring about a more pleasing life situation. One of the best ways to use law of attraction hypnosis, is to start noticing how you talk to yourself. Begin to watch your mind as a passive observer. Don’t judge your thoughts, because this is the mind again, with it’s eternal chatter.

Simply watch and observe in the first instance. Learn to detach from identifying with your thoughts as “you”. After a few days practice of this, you’ll become better at identifying the negative and destructive thinking patterns which don’t serve you. Keep going, and start replacing those unsupportive and disempowering thoughts with new, positive ones. Make it a habit to “weed” out the thoughts which disempower you and don’t support everything you want to be, do and have in life. Choose new supporting and empowering beliefs about yourself instead.

law of attraction hypnosis

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis – Meditation

Learning to meditate can be a huge help when learning to become the watcher of your own mind. Most people identify the mind as “themselves”. It therefore becomes nearly impossible for them to make the necessary changes in their life which they desperately want to create. When something “bad” happens in their lives, they say “see, that kind of thing always happens to me”. They re-affirm their unworthiness with their self image, dialogue and self talk. So they program their subconscious mind for more of the same.

When you learn to relax deeply and meditate, you can detach from the whirlwind of your inner mind. You calm it down and can take more creative control of the thoughts which you allow to remain in your conscious thinking mind.

law of attraction hypnosis

Here’s a great law of attraction meditation video.

Law Of Attraction – Expanding Awareness

We can get trapped in our thinking mind, and become associated with it. This can make us fearful and we cling to ideas, past events and situations which no longer serve us. By learning how to visualise from a deeply relaxed state of mind, we can make far faster progress than by trying to manipulate situations and events on a surface level.

You will have already been using the law of attraction hypnosis in many ways throughout your life. Think about the films you watch the television programs you like and the people and circumstances in your life right now. All those circumstances have likely been a result of your past thinking, beliefs, actions and of course circumstances.

As your ideas form at a young age, you begin to make choices which will create your adult life. If you keep giving attention to certain beliefs and ideas, they transform into real life situations and circumstances. You have, quite literally, already hypnotised yourself into manifesting the life you are currently living. To create change, you need to start believing in the things you haven’t yet achieved. This can mean doing things very differently to how you have already done them; and releasing a few old beliefs which stand in the way of progress and keep you “trapped” in your old way of doing things.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis – Takeaways

You have already “programmed” yourself using the law of attraction “hypnosis”. Certain beliefs and ideas have given rise to the life you’re currently living already. To change things, you need to start changing the dialogue you are having with yourself. This starts by noticing your inner dialogue and changing the way you feel about yourself.

  • Learn how to meditate and become the “watcher” of your thinking
  • Notice any self defeating thoughts or attitudes which don’t serve you
  • Change limiting and disempowering thoughts, beliefs and attitudes for more empowering ones.

See also deliberate creation exercises for more on this.

Law Of Attraction Affirmations

What are the law of attraction affirmations? An affirmation is something you say to yourself; usually if you truly believe it. Many affirmations people tell themselves are based on an old story though. “I’m always broke”, “I’m not good enough”, “nothing ever good happens to me” are all affirmations. These kinds of affirmations keep you stuck and struggling in life. They perpetuate because of the energy you keep giving them.

The payoff? Well it gives you an identity – a self image which you can cling to, and this gives you some safety in an uncertain world. But the downside is you get stuck in this “reality”. You keep repeating behaviour which is aligned with your affirmations and beliefs about what is “true”. The more you do this, the more you identify with this person you have created. An on it goes.

Law Of Attraction – What You Say To Yourself

You might be saying, “hang on a minute”, “I didn’t ask for all these problems”! “My life IS a struggle”. Life can be a struggle or a challenge, or a joy! It all relates back to how you perceive it. If you give a lot of emotional energy to struggle and pain, you’ll create more of it. Whatever you focus on expands.

To change your current affirmations to ones which are more supportive and positive, you can start by noticing how you react already (in your head). Pay attention to your current affirmations (whether they are negative or positive). Notice how you react under pressure, or in difficult circumstances. Everyone at sometime or another reacts negatively to some circumstances. Just start being aware of when this happens for you and notice what you say to yourself.

law of attraction affirmations

Replacing Affirmations

After paying attention to your self-talk for some time, you’ll probably notice a pattern. If you want to learn more about how to do this checkout my article on deliberate creation exercises. When you start seeing your patterns and affirmations which you say a lot, it’s a good idea to write them down. They could be anything, but for me I found a number of negative affirmations such as:

  • Why can’t it be easier?
  • How come is everything so hard?
  • Why can’t I?
  • It’s a struggle
  • Life’s always a struggle
  • I’m tired and fed up
  • etc.

Sometimes of course life can be a struggle! But it gets easier if you don’t buy into the belief that it’s a struggle and keep repeating the affirmation to yourself! Once you’ve identified some self limiting beliefs like these try writing out some of their opposite statements:

  • Things always work out perfectly for me
  • Money comes easily and effortlessly
  • I enjoy what I do
  • I get paid for being “me”
  • Abundance comes to me naturally
  • My life works out with the perfect timing

Here’s a great affirmation which I recommend:

“I’m so happy and grateful now, money comes to me, in increasing amounts through multiple sources on a continuous basis”. Checkout mantra for getting money urgently for more on this.

Thoughts Become Things

The law of attraction brings about what you focus on over a long period of time. If you constantly tell yourself that you’re worthless and no good, you’ll instruct your subconscious mind to behave accordingly. It will search for ways to bring about your reality and make it so! So it’s really important to change some of your mental conversations that you have with yourself. It’s particularly important to change how you see yourself if you want to improve your life in any given area.

If you see yourself as a failure, who has no hope, it’s going to be difficult to create an amazing life which you love. It’s more likely you’ll create the physical manifestation which is aligned with what you believe about yourself deep down in your mind and body. Doing half an hour of “positivity” a week won’t count for much if for the rest of your life you’re busy putting yourself down with negative self-talk!

Self talk is so important if you want the law of attraction to bring about change in your life.

law of attraction affirmations

Law Of Attraction – Affirmations

Using law of attraction affirmations to bring about change in your life does work. But you need to become aware of your current affirmations which are already working – potentially against your best intentions. Negative affirmations have most likely been working in your life already for years. When you notice yourself talking yourself down, or saying something negative about yourself, pay attention. These are the thoughts you should route out because they work against your positive affirmations.

Your affirmations are telling your subconscious mind what to do. Your subconscious mind is wise and is listening to everything you say. So give it the instructions you want to bring about in life with care and consideration.

Law Of Attraction -Self Care

the law of attraction affirmations

If you are unsure of what to use as an affirmation, start with self care. Loving yourself will always bring about better results in your life than self sabotage or self loathing!

I love myself, I approve of myself, I accept myself.

Although these sound simple, most people go around giving themselves an opposite message. “How come I always mess up?..”, “Why am I so stupid?”, “Why can’t I” etc.

These kind of messages are affirming something negative about yourself, and asking for an answer. Your subconscious mind will go about looking for answers, which only brings up more negative feelings, emotions and circumstances. It deepens the feelings of inferiority and insecurity. If you’re going to ask yourself questions, ask them in a positive way:

“How come I’m so awesome?”. “How did I get so lucky?” Why does everything work out so perfectly for me?” etc.

These kinds of questions assume a better outcome and ask for more evidence that it is so!

To learn more about law of attraction affirmations, I recommend a great book called How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast. In it, Stuart Lichtman explains what he calls the cybernetic transposition technique. Using affirmations and a story from your past, you can create a new outcome which you want to bring about. Through repetition and constant re-affirming, you offer up suggestions to your subconscious mind, which finds the quickest method to bring about your desired outcome.

law of attraction affirmations

Money And The Law Of Attraction PDF

You can download this article “money and the law of attraction pdf” here. Whether you think so or not, you are attracting or repelling money from your life by the way you think about it. Your biggest influences regarding how you relate to money in your life are often your parents. So it’s worth looking into how your parents thought and/or think about money. Chances are pretty good that you inherited some of their ideas around money.

For me, there was a huge conflict. My father encouraged me and my brother to earn our keep doing household chores. My mother suggested we “do them for love”. My brother and I preferred the money! However, I still remember this conflict and it has definitely played out through my life in some ways. Some other ideas you often inherit might include suggestions such as:

money and the law of attraction pdf
  • Rich people are greedy
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • You must work hard for money
  • Having more than you need makes you greedy
  • You can’t be rich and noble
  • Being poor is somehow more noble than having money
  • There’s never enough
  • and so on..

Money And The Law Of Attraction PDF – Thoughts Become Things

If you know anything about the law of attraction you’ll understand that thoughts become things. So if your parents drilled any of the above suggestions into your consciousness, you’ll probably be living out one of not a few of these disempowering beliefs. You probably don’t even know they exist and are working in your subconscious mind.

They can explain many failed attempts to bring more money onto your life. If your conscious mind and subconscious mind aren’t working together as a team, your subconscious mind will win over eventually. So if your old programming is still lingering with a bunch of unhelpful ideas, they’ll destroy your attempts to make changes in your financial well-being for the better.

money and the law of attraction pdf

So if trying to make more money feels like an endless struggle, and you never make any headway, this could be a likely culprit. One of the sayings I heard repeatedly was “Oh, it’s a struggle isn’t it?”. “Life’s a struggle”. I heard it so many times, it became my own personal mantra.

Money And The Law Of Attraction PDF – Delving Into Your Unconscious Beliefs

There’s a few ways you can “unearth” these old belief systems which are stunting your financial growth and well being. A simple way to do so is to think about your first experiences with money. What’s the earliest experience you can remember where money was involved? Can you remember your parents arguing about money? Did you get an allowance or did you have to work for your money when you were little? You can also get more clarity by seeing a hypnotherapist or NLP practitioner to help you uncover some of your deep seated money beliefs.

Discovering your early money memories can give you more insight into how you are “playing out” these beliefs in your current experience. Once you become more conscious of them, you can let them go and move forwards with your relationship towards money, wealth and financial abundance. Experiences from childhood are very powerful and it’s possible you are making yourself struggle because you’re still trying to please a parent, or live up to their expectations. This can mean living in poverty because you believe that you are somehow letting them down if you escape the poverty trap.

Once you can let go of these mental engrams, you can move forward with your conscious and unconscious working together to solve any financial problems you might have.

money and the law of attraction pdf

How Do You Treat Yourself?

Your self image and self esteem are also related to money and what you earn. If you have a low self esteem, and think very little of yourself, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a well paid job or career. You’re more likely to struggle in life if you don’t believe you are worth better. Again, this can come from your childhood and things that may have happened to you which were not your fault. But you can improve your self esteem and self image by telling yourself a different story and listening to what’s going on inside your head.

Listen To Your Inner Dialogue

Thoughts become things. Your inner dialogue and the way you speak to yourself has a huge influence on you. It may even be the biggest factor determining your life and what happens in it. Much of what you tell yourself may be a remnant of old beliefs which are disempowering you. To start changing your inner dialogue, start noticing it. Pay attention to what you tell yourself and in particular, notice any disempowering beliefs you might hold in your mind.

As you practice, you’ll start to see some negative thoughts which might not be the most empowering beliefs to have. Perhaps they are based on a poor self image, or some conflicting beliefs which you’re carrying from childhood. You may still be trying to please your parents due to an old belief you picked up. Meditation is a good practice to help you with this too. But at first you only need to pay attention to what you are thinking, saying and doing. There’s a great exercise to help with this you can read about it in this article: deliberate creation exercises.

the law of attraction money pdf

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

As you practice watching your mind, you’ll soon learn that many of your thoughts are disempowering you and limiting your ability to earn and save money. You may hold beliefs about earning, saving and spending which aren’t supportive to building wealth. See wealth building habits. Perhaps you’re living beyond your means and this creates a feeling of lack. You then draw in more of this feeling because that’s your dominant vibration. To build wealth, you need to spend less than you earn. You need to learn the discipline to do this by controlling unnecessary spending.

To reprogram your mind for wealth and opportunity there’s a number of mantras you can use. Instead of repeating old mantras which you may have learned or inherited such as:

  • Life’s a struggle
  • There’s never enough
  • I’m never happy
  • Money always goes out faster than it comes in

(which are all limiting beliefs), replace them with suggestions and intentions like:

  • Money comes easily and effortlessly
  • I get paid to be “me”
  • I always prioritise my well being and happiness
  • Building wealth comes easily to me

Mantras are powerful when repeated often because they program your subconscious mind and control your behaviour. But remember that you’ve probably been repeating many negative mantras to the subconscious for years; so it will take some time for the new ones to take hold. Practice repeating mantras to yourself daily (even if you don’t believe them yet). Over time, they can have a dramatic effect on your ability to create and keep money. See money mantra to become rich.

You can download this article here.

The Law Of Attraction And The Pain Body

The law of attraction and the pain body are deeply intertwined. If you haven’t heard of the pain body, you can read/hear about it in Eckhart Tolle’s audio/book The Power Of Now (see below). It’s also available on audio which is well worth getting.

the law of attraction and the pain body

The pain body is an energy force which has attached itself to you through repeated negative experiences and which you can often attribute an identity to. Once you identify the pain body as your own self, it is so much more difficult to transmute its hold over your life. This is because you will keep giving energy to it in the form of words, thoughts and emotions. The more energy you give to your expression of how difficult this or that is, the more powerful your pain body becomes.

Noticing your mind “feed” negative emotions (with your thoughts) is a good first step to uncovering this deeply negative influence in your life. See law of attraction meditation.

How Difficult Is Your Life? Dissolving The Pain Body

If, like many people, you have had a lot of trial and tribulations in your life, it’s natural that you will ascribe to an identity which could be ‘downtrodden’, ‘long suffering’, cynical and perhaps even defeatist. I know I have! As you go about your daily life, listen carefully to your “story” which you will naturally tell people, and believe that it is “you”.

the law of attraction and the pain body

Your “story” can say a lot about how you see yourself. If you’re trying to change your life, yet you identify with a “poor me/downtrodden” identity which has suffered in the past, it can easily be the case that constant focus on this “self” can spoil your chances of changing things positively in your life.

How can you reconcile holding onto a “poor me” self image, but also be doing fantastically well in love, life and prosperity; it just doesn’t add up! You can’t do both; you’ll have to let go of one!

Dissolving the pain body begins by stopping feeding it with your attention and negative thinking, and emotions. If you find yourself getting upset by something, and working yourself into an angry or negative state, your thoughts will be telling you a story inside your head. Notice this story and observe. Don’t judge or try to talk it away, just observe. These are clues to your feeding of the pain body.

The Law Of Attraction And The Pain Body?

The law of attraction is the theory that we are manifesting our reality though our consistent thinking processes. See how does law of attraction work. But we also manifest things by the nature of our energetic vibrational offering. So if you have spent years in a state of frustration and anxiety, it’s unlikely that you’ll have been manifesting your ideal life!

the law of attraction and the pain body

The pain body has a huge effect on our ability to manifest positive outcomes into our lives. If we are carrying around a lot of negative charge with us (whether we are aware of it or not), it’s likely we will repel many positive experiences and push away a lot of good unconsciously).

Small things can ‘trigger’ the pain body. It’s not the small event itself which perhaps warrants the anger, but rather it’s the pain from many past events which have been stored in the memory or as psychic energy in the body.

So even if you are spending a lot of time visualising and trying to use the law of attraction effectively, if you’re carrying a negative self image and identifying with your pain body, you could be in for a long journey.

How To Stop Suffering

When you identify with the pain body, you are giving it more energy. Without “feeding” it, it will eventually lose control over your life. It’s still there deep in your unconscious, but it won’t control your life any more.

The first step is to dis-identify with it as “you”. Start noticing when you are giving attention to it. You will know this because there will be a negative charge around your thoughts, words or emotions when it happens.

Learn how to meditate or just sit still and be the “watcher” of your mind. One simple exercise you can practice now is to just sit still for a few minutes and watch for the next thought to come into your mind. As you sit and watch, you give more attention to yourself as being, and less attention to yourself as your mind.

When you learn to stop identifying yourself as your thinking, you will want to spend less and less time in the mind, and more and more time in the space between thoughts.

How To Speed Up Your Manifestations Using The Law Of Attraction

Wondering how to speed up your manifestations? A lot of people use the law of attraction ineffectively because they keep focusing on what currently exists.

There’s a few key principles to speeding up your manifestations:

  • Letting go of the “how”
  • Detaching from the outcome
  • Maintaining a loving and grateful outlook
  • Taking positive action in the direction of your goals

How To Speed Up Your Manifestations

For many, the law of attraction can become a frustrating process of not getting what you want. If your life isn’t quite how you want it, it could be you need to overcome some physical and mental hurdles before you can be the person you need to be in order to have the things you desire to have.

Remember, the law of attraction isn’t something which works from a cave! You need to interact with the world in order to manifest more things. Unless of course your goal is to live like a hermit!

how to speed up your manifestations

How To Speed Up Your Manifestations Avoid Negative Vibrations

When you focus on your desires, it’s easy to also focus on the negativity surrounding “not having”. This is a big mistake. When you look at others succeeding, it’s easy to create jealousy and envy, instead of increasing your vibration in the direction of gratitude, love and hope.

When you imagine your dream lifestyle, if there’s a part of you which doesn’t believe it, you’ll be manifesting disappointment. Be the watcher of your mind. If you have the inclination towards the negative, you’ll be focusing on the “not having”, the “wanting” “desiring” and “hoping”. So you’ll create more of that lower vibration.

Let Go Of The “How”

The “how” is the job of the universe. Your job is to get clear on the why and the what. When you know these inside and out, and can easily focus on your desired long term outcome, you can train your subconscious to look for opportunities which can create the life of your dreams. But you need to believe it first. See also instant manifestation secrets.

how to speed up your manifestations

When you start to think about the “how” you mind can start to undermine the dream when it doesn’t have the answer. You can lower your vibration as you become desperate in your search for an answer. Trust the answer will come in its own good time. Meanwhile, work on what you can do and focus on building your belief.

Detach From The Outcome

Detaching from the outcome is powerful. If you are holding on to how things should be, you negate the power of the universe to come up with something better than you could think of.

You may never know how the universe works in delivering things into your experience, so why try and figure it all out? Doing so is a big waste of energy. Trust in your good, set your intentions and let the universe figure out the details. Holding on to a specific path can lower your vibrational level and limit what is possible.

There are potentially millions of possibilities which you haven’t yet thought of. So don’t try and figure it all out. Let go and detach from the outcome. Something better may come along which you’ve never even thought of.

Maintain A Loving And Grateful Outlook

how to speed up your manifestations

Your biggest asset is building on a positive and loving state of mind. Whatever your goal or dream is, a positive outlook is the best defence against the obstacles you’re bound to face. The law of attraction is working all the time. It doesn’t just work when you want it to. So your thoughts, emotions and vibration is creating a signal 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you want a loving and positive life, it’s important to maintain a loving and grateful outlook because you’ll attract more of what you are.

When you get demoralised, disappointed, dejected or depressed, you’re attracting more of the same. You start to lose belief in your path and you undermine all your previous efforts by “throwing your toys” and getting upset! Be compassionate with yourself when you feel like this, which is inevitable at some point in life.

Take Positive Action In The Direction Of Your Goals

This can often be the missing ingredient in the law of attraction for many people. Without action, nothing can happen. Thoughts can start the process of belief. But ultimately it will be your plan and ability to follow though on a plan which determines what you will achieve.

You may not know the exact plan to get to your dream life, but leave the details up to the universe and work hard on what you can do. A good resource on this is Hal Elrod’s The Morning Miracle and The Miracle Equation.

See also

Instant Manifestation Secrets

One of the biggest instant manifestation secrets, which isn’t really a secret if you’ve already looked at the law of attraction, is gratitude. Have gratitude for what you currently have, that what you want is coming, and at the lessons you are learning and have learned already. Be grateful.

instant manifestation secrets

One of the most powerful instant manifestation secrets is to have gratitude for what is coming and what you expect, in the moment. If you can be grateful now, for the things you really want and expect, you can manifest so much more quickly than by worrying, stressing and pushing the “now” away with wanting, neediness and too much desire for a future paced reality.

Be the “you” you expect to be when everything you want has arrived and you’re living the best life you possible can.

Instant Manifestation Secrets – The Only Time Is Now

You can’t manifest anything in the future. Only “now” exists. In the future, your experience will only exist in the “now”. So focusing on happiness or circumstance in a future paced reality only takes you away from feeling good and being grateful in the present moment.

Dwell in your ideal scenario and enjoy it now. As soon as you draw in frustration, jealousy, envy or desire, you start generating the emotion of not having, of wanting, and of being in a place of frustrated energy. What you focus on expands. So if your daily focus becomes unpleasant or frustrating, because you’re thinking about something you don’t believe you can achieve, or you want something which is too far from your present reality; you start building an energy of fear and frustration.

Feeling Good Is A Priority

instant manifestation secrets

This is a lower vibration and definitely not what you want to be creating. Anytime you attache yourself in some way to an unpleasant feeling through your thinking, you are giving off an energy which you don’t want – attracting things and circumstances you don’t want into your life. Focus on feeling good, and thinking and doing those things which make you feel good.

Be Unattached To the Method

Another common mistake is to attach ourselves to the way in which we will manifest our dreams. When we get too attached to the “how” we overwhelm ourselves with “must do’s” and objectives. To manifest fast, we much detach from the method of the arrival of our desires. Work a plan and get clear on the best possible outcome you want to achieve in your life. But let go of the method in which it will arrive.

If you’re too attached to the “how”, you block a potentially faster and more enjoyable journey to your goals. You negate the power of the universe to come up with answers which you couldn’t possible understand. Remind yourself of the infinite potential of the universe to provide the answers you need. Allow the answers to come and pay attention when they do because they might not be in the form you think.

instant manifestation secrets

Don’t focus on the “how” focus on the “what” and the “why”.

Allowing – Instant Manifestation Secrets

The chances are good that you may be pushing away things which you are attracting. If you’re struggling, let go. Allow yourself to feel good. Be grateful. Expect good things to come. Manifesting means allowing and not just working towards your goals on a superficial level.

You can’t manifest from a cave and you still need a plan – you need to join the world if you are to benefit from it. But sometimes this just means aligning yourself with what you want, the reasons you have for wanting it and letting go of needing to control the path to attaining it.

Summary – Instant Manifestation Secrets

Look at your current environment and situation in life. You’ve manifested that from your previous thoughts, words and actions. It exists because of who you are in this moment. To manifest a reality we need to think about it from a certain point of view. This is your job.

The universe will create an outcome which is aligned with the outcome you want. The fastest way to do this is to get into the feeling you will have when you have “arrived”. This is why gratitude is so important for manifesting. All objectives are such because there is an expectation that we will feel grateful on their completion. We so often make the mistake of getting too focused on the action steps and lose this connection to how it feels.

You still need to plan a path and take regular action steps to achieve your goals. But be mindful that things will happen on the journey which could take you there faster, if you pay attention.

  • Get clear on your manifestation “why” and “what”, don’t worry about the “how”
  • Communicate this idea to the subconscious on a regular basis – see how to apply the law of attraction effectively.
  • Practice being grateful and in a place of having ‘already arrived’ at this destination.
  • Let go of the “how” and trust.
  • Work a plan and maintain unwavering faith and put forward extraordinary effort.

Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work?

Does the law of attraction actually work? Whatever your experience of the law of attraction, you’ve most likely had some disappointments with it; especially if you’ve put a high expectation on what it can bring you. For me, I was expecting a lot after watching the film The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

It was pretty inspiring though and it did get me thinking, a lot! I visualised lots of money coming in and yet nothing happened! I still had to go to work! At the time work was difficult stressful and unfulfilling, not to mention badly paid. My mind was focused on all my problems and difficulties. I was becoming more and more of what I was focusing on.

When I realised this, I stopped what I was doing and started delving into the law of attraction more. I read every book I could find on the topic. See Law of attraction pdf and law of attraction explained in simple steps.

Even after months of reading, I still had the habit of thinking in the way that I did. I had a few negative traits and leanings: I had a bit of a “poor me” control drama going on, I would focus on the negative and tell traumatic stories and negative experiences to friends in the hope they would love me or at least give me some attention. It was something I had picked up from childhood.

self image and self love
How do you see yourself?

The trouble was it doesn’t work very well as a solution in adulthood.

Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work?

I didn’t love myself. There were a few tactics up my sleeve to tell to make people pity me or give me attention. I read about a “poor me” control drama in my 20’s in a book called the Celestine Prophecy. It’s a good read. But I was still doing it years later because it had become the person I identified with. Poor me, I didn’t have enough work, money, love, “fill in blank”. My girlfriend left me, my job sucks, my boss hates me etc.

does the law of attraction actually work

So for me “the law of attraction” seemed like a great escape from this horrible existence I had created. The trouble was, I wasn’t aware enough to see my creation process as it really was. I didn’t see myself as the cause of all my hardship. I had a few blame cards at the ready and a few excuses which gave me a licence to fail.

Failing is ok as long as you learn from it. Failing for the sake of maintaining a poor self image isn’t. But why would I want to fail? Well to give me more “poor me” stories of course. The trouble was, it was no fun finding problems and difficulties everywhere.

Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work? Why Self Love Is Important

How you feel about yourself is pretty damn important then. I just didn’t realise it. I was busy focusing on “trying’ all the time but from a sub-conscious point of view, I was creating more of the same: struggle, hardship and difficulties.

does the law of attraction actually work

It’s easy to pick up negative mantras, beliefs and affirmations which don’t help you in life: “life’s a struggle”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “Rich people are greedy”, you know the kind. They are the beliefs which hold you back in life and stop you from attaining the life you really want. If you’ve picked up any of these kinds of ideas (and you probably have), they are definitely stopping you from growing and attaining the life you dream of.

Is ‘The Secret’ OverSimplified? Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work?

If you’ve watched The Secret or heard about the law of attraction, you may be slightly sceptical. The film the Secret gives an overview of how to attract things into your existence through belief, thought and prayer (or visualisation). But what if you’re massively sceptical of this theory? Well this is a double bind of sorts. If you believe in it, you’ll seek out your dreams and go about attaining then. If you don’t believe, you won’t. It’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy!

does the law of attraction actually work

You can use confirmation bias and the placebo effect to explain the law of attraction. Conformation bias is the tendency to look for evidence which backs up our existing beliefs. The placebo effect is the belief in some external “pill”, which is actually of no effect. However, the belief itself is enough to cure someone of an illness which they believe the pill will cure. The science behind the law of attraction is explained by quantum physics in the double slit experiment. See quantum physics law of attraction.

So the answer is “yes” the law of attraction does work. But it works by belief. If you believe in something very strongly, it’s more likely to become a reality given the right actions and follow through in terms of what needs to be done. Without belief, you probably won’t take action, so nothing will happen. Hence, it works or doesn’t work, depending on how you view it!

Something For Nothing?

The law of attraction is based on the concept of thoughts becoming things. See what is the law of attraction. Without belief, there will be no action, without action there is no change. With belief, there will be massive action to take you towards whatever it is you desire to achieve. It’s easy to turn the law of attraction into a universal ‘cure all’ which solves all your problems without having to do anything on your part. But that’s when the law of attraction becomes dangerous.

why law of attraction doesn't work

If you think you can achieve something massive without any work, you’re deluding yourself the the law of attraction is some magic “pill”. In terms of thought, the law of attraction can attract circumstances and situations into your life. But if you remain the same, expect similar results in your life. It’s not something which you can use to “get” things without any effort. But it can bring opportunities which are in alignment with how you might want to manifest your dream career, or partner, for example.

See the key to the law of attraction and how to apply the law of attraction effectively.

Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF

Looking for Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF?

You can download the PDF here.

Shakti Gawain’s book Creative Visualisation was one of the first books I read on the subject of the law of attraction and visualisation.

We are creators and we all use visualisation in one way or another. Whether you are conscious of this process or not doesn’t matter. In fact, most people are unconsciously creating their lives through deep seated negative concepts about what they believe about life and themselves.

Holding a negative view of life, for example, will create negative outcomes. Holding a negative view of yourself too has a similar effect. Lack, limitation and scarcity are some of the main things people hold dearly in their minds. Because of this, they build lives around these limiting beliefs.

Creative visualisation is therefore the concept of becoming more conscious of what you give your attention to. By imagining life as you would like it to be, without limitations of scarcity and lack, you can more consciously move towards this life as a reality.

Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF

“If you learn to relax deeply and do creative visualisation, you may be able to make far more effective changes in your life than you would by thinking, worrying, planning and trying to manipulate things and people” – Shakti Gawain Creative Visualisation.

creative visualisation shakti gawain pdf

Most people are creatively visualising things which they don’t want. They imagine an argument with their boss, a confrontation or some unpleasant circumstance. This event materialises and they say “Of course, I knew this would happen”. The event is used to prove a negative belief about yourself or life: “Life is unfair”, “Nothing ever good happens to me”, “I always struggle” and so on.

This helps people build a strong self image which further goes towards creating more of the same. The payoff is a consistent world view. But the downside is that nothin much changes and you push the good away from you.

Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF – Daydreaming

Creative visualisation isn’t something you’re not already doing. Often when in the car, I’ll drift into a hazy day dream and think about something from the past, or in the future. When I get to where I was going, I had missed the journey. It happened on autopilot and the whole time was spent in a daydream.

This is what you need to harness if you want to create more of the ‘good’ stuff in life by using creative visualisation.

Alpha and Beta

It’s important to relax when doing creative visualisation. When you relax, your brain waves slow down into alpha level. Your conscious waking state is called beta level. In alpha state, your mind and body are much more relaxed than when in the beta state. Getting into alpha state has been shown to have beneficial effects on the mind and body. So as a side benefit, this state will improve your health.

To get into an alpha state, you can sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing. Notice your in breath and out breath and start taking longer, deeper breaths. As your breathing slows down, this can help quieten the mind and even slow down your heart rate too. This is the state of mind you need to be in to start using creative visualisation effectively.

You’ll often drift into this state naturally when you’re doing other things. Like I said, I often daydream when I’m driving or performing some menial task which doesn’t require much thought.

How To Use Visualisation

Once you’re in a nice, relaxed mental state, you can imagine something you’d like to attract into your life. This could be a new situation or circumstance which you want to create. Imagine being the person you want to be, living the life you really desire.

As you do this, you’ll probably notice some mental resistance to the ideas which you truly desire. Notice these blockages which is “you” holding yourself back from the things you desire.

creative visualisation shakti gawain pdf

It’s good to have a focus for your visualisation which is something you want to manifest into your life. Start with something small which is believable for you. If you start with a goal which is too big, you’re likely to lose confidence in what you’re doing and give up too easily. Start with small goals and work upwards.

Remember that visualising your dreams and goals in life should be an enjoyable process. If you find you’re not enjoying it, you are probably trying too hard. Notice the times when you’re having daydreams and fantasies which are enjoyable. This is the state you want to replicate when doing more conscious visualisations about things.

Creative Visualisation Shakti Gawain PDF – More From Shakti

Shakti Gawain

To download Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualisation click here. See more from Shakti Gawain here.

Law Of Attraction: Subconscious Mind

The law of attraction and your subconscious mind are interwoven. Without harnessing the power of your subconscious mind, it’s going to be much more difficult to manifest what you really want.

Unless you can get your subconscious mind and your conscious mind working together as a team, they will often work against each other; creating opposing forces in different directions.

law of attraction subconscious mind

In Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, he uses the analogy of a garden to represent the subconscious mind: “In which weeds will grow in abundance unless seeds of a more desirable nature are planted therein.”

The “seeds” are the thoughts which are “permitted to remain in the conscious mind”. These are the thoughts we give energy to on a consistent basis. If they are not carefully chosen, they will create a negative belief or idea which will not have the desired outcome. Complaining, moaning and giving attention to lack and disappointment are examples of negative thoughts.

Ideally, we should give more attention to those things we want to encourage into our experience and less on those things we don’t want. What are you saying yes to and what are you saying “no” to. Which has the greatest emotional attachment to it? These can be clues as to what you’re currently giving attention to in your conscious awareness. See how to apply the law of attraction effectively.

Law Of Attraction – Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is influenced by many things. Stories from your past influence it, your thoughts and words influence it. But mostly it is the language of emotions which most influences the subconscious mind. Think of a dream. Dreams don’t talk in words, they talk in pictures and feelings. Dreams are the communication of your subconscious mind during sleep. So if we want to communicate a message to the subconscious mind, we need to use the language of emotion.

law of attraction subconscious mind

Thoughts become things more quickly when they are charged with emotion. So if you’re giving a lot of thought to your bills, the debt you’re in, and problems and difficulties in your life, you create a lot of emotion around these thoughts. Before long more and more comes. As your life fills up with negativity you get all the more emotional about it! It’s a vicious circle!

Law Of Attraction Subconscious Mind & Deliberate Creation

To use the law of attraction and your subconscious mind, you need to do the opposite of this example. Focus on money coming in a large amounts. Focus on living in abundance. Think of all the events and circumstances you would love to attract into your life. Don’t get focused on the “how” or worry about what you need to do.

This brings you back to the lower vibration of worry and scarcity. Just enjoy thinking about living your best life. Get good at playing it out in your mind, whatever you want to create. Spend more time in this space than in worry, scarcity and dread! Eventually you’ll want to eliminate your thoughts of a lower vibration which halt the progress of all the good things lining up for you.

Conflicting Intentions

law of attraction subconscious mind

Using the law of attraction and the subconscious mind deliberately requires some introspection. Without looking within, we can miss the obvious conflicts which are lying in our conscious and unconscious mind. For example, how many times do we talk ourselves down, speak against our dearest wishes and decide what we really want is “too good to be true”?

Our thoughts, words and deeds must be in alignment to bring about our dearest wishes. If we spend some time visualising our biggest dream, but then contradict in when we talk about it, we are cutting our intention off before the seed even starts to grow. (see law of attraction visualisation).

Likewise if we are focusing on lack or limitation, or distracted with unpleasant visualisations, conflict or drama, we are creating unconsciously, or drawing circumstances and situations into our lives which we don’t really want.

Self Love & The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind responds to emotions. If we lack self love, or treat ourselves poorly, this sends a clear signal to the subconscious that we don’t feel worthy enough. Self love is therefore a pretty important part of influencing the subconscious mind, which understands emotions and feelings better than words or thoughts.

So, if you’re trying to influence your subconscious mind to improve your life, one of the best things you can do is concentrate on loving yourself. Not in an egotistical way, but in a deep soulful way. See my article on what is Ho’oponopono process.

Self Image And The Law Of Attraction

law of attraction subconscious mind

Self image has a huge amount to do with the law of attraction too. If your self image doesn’t allow it, it’s hard to create an outcome in life even if you really want it. To change your self image takes some time. It’s a major part of your identity and is tied into self love too. Checkout a book called Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Maltz was a plastic surgeon who discovered that many patients still had problems after plastic surgery. He helped some of them change their self image before surgery and they discovered that they no longer needed it.

See also law of attraction techniques.

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