What is the ho’oponopono process? Ho’oponopono is a Hawaian forgiveness technique which centres around four phrases:
- I love you
- Please forgive me
- Thank you
- I’m Sorry
But what do these phrases mean, what do they do and why are they so significant?
What Is The Ho Oponopono Process? – Hawaiian Forgiveness Technique
In 2006 Joe Vitale wrote an article about a therapist called Dr Hue Len entitled The World’s Most Unusual Therapist. As the story goes, Dr Len cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients without actually treating any of them professionally.
He used ho’oponopono instead and looked within himself instead of working on his patients. He claimed that by ‘cleaning himself’ with the mantras: I love you, please forgive me, I’m sorry, thank you, he was in fact curing the patients.
The thinking behind this is that everything in your life is your responsibility. Therefore if people within your experience are causing you problems, your experience is caused by your inner self reacting to them and and therefore it’s your responsibility.
This is explained further in Joe Vitale’s book Zero Limits.

What Is The Ho’oponopono Process?
The process of ho’oponopono is simply saying the four phrases to yourself:
- I love you
- Please forgive me
- Thank you
- I’m sorry
The act of doing so is to clean your memories and personal history so you’re acting from a point of complete emptiness, void or “zero”. Without doing so, you’re always acting from the point of ego: of personal history. You can’t make decisions and act from a pure awareness, only from the point of view of judgement, blame or from living in your past. By “cleaning” as Dr Hue Len calls it, you “take the Universe of your mind back to zero”.
At zero, you can act from divine intelligence. Unless you are constantly “cleaning”, your ego gets in the way and you act out your personal history instead. You can’t serve two masters at the same time. Most people are living from their history, not from complete zero.
What Is The Ho’oponopono Process? Mental Chatter and The Creation Process
Your inner mental chatter or “inner world” will always be a perfect representation of your outer world. Your excuses and reasons for all the choices and decisions you have made and are making come from your inner world.
Ho’oponopono gets straight to your inner world with its four phrases which can be repeated as a mantra:
- I love you
- Please forgive me
- I’m sorry
- Thank you
“You have to constantly clean, clean, clean, you have to clean on anything and everything, as you have no idea what is a memory and what is inspiration. You clean to get to a place of zero limits, which is the zero state. ” – Dr Hue Len, Zero Limits
The Science Of Deliberate Creation is about the law of attraction and understanding that creation comes from inside of us. Our constant chatter and internal dialogue is a dialogue about the world outside.
But really our inner world is creating our outer world. If we are holding on to memories and problems from our past, these problems are relived in the form of this creation process. One way to shortcut past many of these repetitive cycles is by using ho’oponopono to get to a point of clarity.
Simply chanting the phrases “I’m sorry, “I love you”, “please forgive me”, and “thank you” can help you do this.
Zero Limits – Inspiration Not Recapitulation
So what does it all mean. Does chanting these words really make a difference, and if so why?
This is how Joe Vitale explains in in his book Zero Limits:

By saying “I’m sorry” “Please Forgive Me” you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness inside yourself for whatever brought the problem into your awareness. You’re not asking for the Divine to forgive you, you’re asking for help to forgive yourself.
From there you say “Thank You” and “I love you”. When you say “Thank you” you’re expressing gratitude. You’re showing your faith that the issue will be resolved for the highest good of all concerned. The “I love you” transmutes the energy from stuck to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine. Since the zero state is one of pure love and has zero limits, you’re getting into that state by expressing love.
Whatever happens next is up to the divine. You may be inspired to take some action of some sort. Make sure you do it.

Dr Hew Len