What is the key to the law of attraction? For some, the law of attraction is some new age nonsense which doesn’t bare any relation to fact and reality. But we know there’s something in the law of attraction. It is based in fact. Just checkout quantum physics law of attraction to see.
There is also the possibility of the placebo effect with the law of attraction too. It works if you believe in it.

In his book The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman explains how those who consider themselves lucky are more likely to step out beyond their comfort zones, go to events and put themselves out in the world. The believe in their “luckiness” so why wouldn’t they go to that party or attend that event?
Those who consider themselves “unlucky” do the opposite because they will only come upon disaster and disappointment (in their mind)! So the lucky ones meet people, find connections and opportunities. The “unlucky” people stay in, dwell on their past, and cast their aspersions on the fact that they are “unlucky” in life, love and opportunity.
But it is the belief which drives the actions and leads to the circumstances.
Whether you belief you can or your can’t you’re right – Henry Ford
The Key To The Law Of Attraction – Belief
If you don’t believe in the law of attraction you probably wouldn’t have sought out this article! So you’re a believer! What does this mean for you? Well you’re open to the idea that you don’t know everything. Well done!
If you close your mind to the possibility that the law of attraction works, it still works, just in a way you’re unconscious of. The key to using the law of attraction is becoming more conscious of the things you give your energy to.
Gratitude or Worry? – The Key To The Law Of Attraction
The more you focus on something, the more it expands in your mind and life. Worry, as an example creates more worry. On the opposite side of the coin, there’s gratitude. Think about something you’re incredibly grateful for. Stop reading and really dwell on those things in your life that you absolutely love. As you do so you’ll find more things to be grateful for. The energy of gratitude will expand in your experience.
But we can’t go through our lives just focusing on things all the time. We move through our day going through all sorts of emotions: fear, regret, anger, jealousy, hope, disappointment and gratitude. But what we want in life is ultimately a feeling. We want to create things, events, a happier existence and a wonderful life.
But how can we measure the outcome if not in terms of only material objects? Through gratitude. Our goals and dreams in life are based on the idea that they will make you feel good once you’ve achieved them! So go to the end point and feel good right now instead of trying to ‘get’ things only on the outside in the material world. In the process of the ‘getting’ we go through so much trial and tribulation that the feeling is lost in the process. We lose our happiness.
Gratitude Vs. Wanting
Life is complicated. There’s always someone with more ‘stuff’ than you. There’s always someone on social media who appears to be having a better life than you! It’s easy to start focusing on what you don’t have. It’s easy to get focused on what the “Jones’s” have that you don’t!
The relationship, the nice house, the new car the family the holidays etc. etc. But in all of the wanting we focus our minds on what we don’t have and create a feeling of lack, wanting and despair! What will we create from this energy? More of the same!
We need to start how we mean to go on. We must create the energy we want in our daily lives, not accept misery and struggle in order to ‘get’ where we eventually want to be. Meanwhile all that time is lost in struggle and turmoil! Living lives of quiet desperation each and every day, hoping for the outcome to save us!
Focus your mind on what you have and what you love, and more will come. Focusing on what’s missing will rob you of your life and create more of the same.

Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. Bible, Matthew 13:12,
Wanting vs. Being
You don’t get what you want in life. You get what you are. So stop wanting and start being the person you want to be, rather than wanting things out of your reach.
The key to the law of attraction is to focus on being the best version of yourself. Focusing on things you don’t have and trying to magically manifest them into your reality is a fools game. Be the person who attracts the life you want and the things you want. Don’t focus on wanting, because you’ll create more of wanting!
Glass Ceilings
If you’re trying to create something and still struggling, you might be holding a false expectation of what the law of attraction can do for you. Don’t expect things to magically appear while you sit on the couch! If your desires are greater than your expectations this is another signal that you’re missing a valuable truth.
Don’t expect something you don’t desire and don’t desire something you don’t expect to receive. Both are strong attracting forces. Ideally they should be aligned to generate the strongest attracting force.
Checkout some of the free books at Law Of Attraction PDF.

What are your thoughts on the key to the law of attraction? Here are a few ideas. Please leave a comment with your thoughts below:
- Thoughts become things – but over many years
- Emotions are our driving motivations – don’t try and create something you don’t really want
- You you are becoming is more important that what you want.
- Deep seated beliefs and your world view is an important factor in the creation process
- How do you feel about you, and what is this creating in your life?
- How do you serve others?
- What makes you feel good and come alive?
The Key To The Law Of Attraction – Final Thoughts
The law of attraction isn’t some magical creation box which will manifest something on your behalf while you watch TV. You’re an active participant! Watching TV might very well be the problem!
Becoming more conscious of your energy levels, diet, exercise routine and daily habits is a good start to manifesting a better life. Grow yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zones. How to live your best life is ultimately your responsibility. Will you rise to the challenge?