Right so here are a few law of attraction techniques which I’ve personally used to get clear, focus on what I want and tune in to what it feels like to actually have what I’m aiming for. Unless you can impress upon your subconscious mind the experience or event you’re after, you’ll create through default. This means that all the negative things will keep ‘speaking’ to the unconscious too, and it’ll be harder to instruct it in a direction of your conscious choice.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Meditation
Yes I’m starting with meditation for a good reason. Imagine all the chit chat going on in your conscious mind throughout your day. Your unconscious mind is trying to interpret what’s going on. But with all the noice, it eventually gives up! It’s just far too confusing having all these counter intentions on top of each other all the time.

Imagine your mind as a pond. Underneath is the calm. Unless you can clear the surface water of the constant disturbances, you’ll never be able to see through the water to the bottom.
Start with meditation because by quieting the mind you can understand what is going on.
You don’t need to join a buddhist monastery to learn to meditate. All you need is some quiet space where you can sit and be quiet.
A Simple Meditation
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Keep doing this. You will notice your mind chatter take over your attention. When you do, just take your attention back to your breathing.
Start with doing this for 5 minutes a day and keep extending the time. I find it useful to set a timer, so I won’t be distracted looking at the time.

Manifesting From A ‘Noisy Mind’
When you start applying the law of attraction techniques in this article, you will have far more success if you begin with meditation. Unless you clear the muddy waters of your conflicting intentions, you’ll keep focusing your mind on things by habit, rather than design. You’re thinking all day long. This is kind of hard to keep track of. When you start to implement the techniques of meditation into your day, you’ll become more conscious of the thoughts you choose on a daily basis.
Trying to manifest through visualisation in a muddy storm of conflicting intentions can be very difficult. Your ideal outcomes will be ‘muddied’ by the other intentions going on inside you. Start by getting clear. Meditate daily for at least 5 minutes and extend this time gradually as you set the habit.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Visualisation
Visualisation is one of the main ‘staples’ talked about in the The Secret movie. Checkout this short video which explains how it works.
With visualisation you create pictures in your mind and feelings and even emotions. This sends a clear signal to the unconscious mind which experiences it as a real event. This is the technique used for manifesting the kind of things you want to create in your life.
Imagine yourself in your perfect situation. Recreate it in your mind first. The more you practice your visualisation of the things, events, circumstances or experience you want, the easier it is to manifest it. Get into the habit of visualising your dream life every day morning and at night.
By doing so, you’re communicating your desires to the subconscious mind in a way it understands. It will then start looking for ways to create it in reality. You simply have to notice these impulses and intuitions by listening when your unconscious mind ‘nudges’ you in a particular direction. This might come in the form of an insight, idea or particular course of action.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Goal Setting

The act of writing something down on paper allows you to take the intangible (thoughts) and make it tangible. You can physically see a goal when it is written down on paper. In your mind, it is only an idea. Writing goals is a major part of achievement. Without a specific measurable goal, your unconscious mind has nothing to work towards. Without a target, an arrow has nothing to hit.
So write down some goals. The best way to do this is to get clear on what you really want first. Again, meditation can help with this by helping you get clear. You’re likely to have many contradictory goals and maybe some conflicting desires. For example: I want to lose weight, but I also like ice-cream! I want to earn more money, but I don’t want to work any overtime!
One of the best books I’ve read on goal setting is Stuart Lichtman’s book on what he calls the cybernetic transposition technique.
In it, you will go through exercises which help you attain a goal which is both a 10/10 on desirability and which you also believe is achievable. The problem with goals is we often set goals we think we should want. Or, we set goals we don’t believe are possible, hence we give up on them. Or we set goals which we don’t really care about; which is why we fail to achieve them. In Stuart Lichtman’s book How to get lots of money for anything fast, you’ll be able to overcome these mental obstacles to achieving whatever you really, really want.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Gratitude
Without gratitude, the mind cannot for long maintain happiness without looking for something more. Even in the case of achieving something worthwhile and difficult, the mind will always look for something else, especially if it isn’t grounded in gratitude for ‘what already is’.
When we say we want something in life, it is often the feeling of it which we are searching for. Ultimately, we want the feeling of gratefulness; since this is how we assume we will feel once we get the object or circumstance of our desire.
In many cases, people go throughout their whole lives without realising this. They go from chasing one outcome to the next without ever really feeling better. If there feels to be something missing in your life, chasing goals and dreams will never fill the endless void. With gratitude, you fill it straight away.
By virtue of the way you feel, you attract situations and circumstances which are in tune with this feeling. The endless quest for more and more can feed a feeling of desperation and worthlessness. With gratitude, this void can be filled.
A Gratitude Journal
Start practicing gratitude by getting a note pad you can use as your gratitude journal. Make a habit daily of writing in your journal everything you are already grateful for which you have in your life. This can be something small such as your health, a roof over your head, the clothes on you back, people in your life or air in your lungs. Start small and make it a daily habit along with your meditation habit, your visualisation habit and goal setting and reviewing habits.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Mindfulness Exercise
Here’s another technique I picked up from a book by Victor Sanchez: The Teachings Of Don Carlos. To do this exercise you need a notebook and pencil which you can carry around with you throughout your day. You also need a timer which you can set on repeat. Set the alarm to go off at intervals though your day. But make sure you won’t be aware of when it goes off. Don’t use an hourly chime, since you’ll be aware of when the hour is coming up and change your behaviour accordingly.

In your notebook you will write down three things whenever the alarm sounds:
- What you were doing
- What you were thinking
- And whether you want this or not
That’s it! This is a fantastic exercise and I did this for several days. It taught me a huge amount about where my attention was going and the habits I was caught up in. Highly recommended as it will teach you more about yourself than you could ever pay anyone to learn!
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Keep Learning
Keep learning about the law of attraction by reading all the material you can find on it. Here are a few of my favourite books on the topic: Law of attraction pdf. Remember too that you are living every moment. You are creating in every moment too, not just in those moments when you are aware of it!
So being mindful about what you give your attention to, throughout the day, is as important as these law of attraction techniques.
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