Through quantum physics, law of attraction can be explained. There’s an experiment known as the double slit experiment which explains the law of attraction through quantum physics.
In the double slit experiment, atoms are fired through two slits and the results are measured. You would think that two lines would appear behind the slits – where the atoms hit the wall behind the slits.
Imagine shining a light through a fence to get an idea of what this should be like. The light should appear as the fence when it hits the surface behind the fence. So, in the case of the double slits you should see two lines where the atoms get through the blockage.

Quantum Physics Law Of Attraction – The Double Slit Experiment
The problem arises when this doesn’t happen. In fact what happens is the particles act like a wave rather than a linear particle. What forms behind the slits are a number of lines rather than two.

Scientists considered why this was and decided to fire only one atom at a time into the surface. They thought that the particles were bouncing off each other and interfering in the experiment. When they did this the results were the same. Multiple lines were seen behind the double slits, even when electrons were fired one at a time!
So the atoms were behaving like waves rather than particles.
Scientists placed a measuring device behind one of the slits to see how the particles behaved.

Strangely, this changed the behaviour of the atoms which began creating only two lines on the screen behind the slits, rather than multiple lines as before. The act of observing the particles, changed their behaviour.
When the measuring device was switched off, but left in place, the atoms went back to behaving as a wave again.
How Does This Relate To The Law Of Attraction?
So, how does this relate to the law of attraction?
We are in control of only our thoughts – if we choose to take control of them, which most people do not. Outside of our thoughts (from which all our actions stem), we are not in control. We are not in control of the world at large, other people or what happens outside of our thinking. With our thoughts our reality is created. Whatever your perception of reality is, is entirely your own perception.
Through the dominating thoughts which we allow to remain in our conscious mind we attract more thoughts and beliefs of like nature. Ultimately we are creating our existence based on what we believe about reality. We also create our reality because of how we perceive ourselves.

In the experiment you could say there is an endless field of possibilities. By observing you change the outcome. So through the consciousness of the observer, the outcome can be altered.
A conclusion of the experiment was that a quantum of energy only exists as a wave of probable locations and motions in space. This means that the nature of reality is not “this” or “that”, it has the potential to be either or both!
With us humans, we like to be right about things. We like to be ‘safe’ too. By being right and being ‘safe’ in our reality of what is and what can be, we are limiting our potential to be and do anything we could imagine. Quantum physics back this up!
So think on before you decide you’re right about something! There’s limitless possibilities for your life! Confused? Me too!
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