What is Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction? When I first saw the film The Secret, Jack’s message really jumped out at me. I started implementing his ideas and actually ‘seeing’ the future I wanted to create. Before this, I was struggling in life, making everything difficult for myself and ‘trying’ far too hard at everything.
Ultimately, I didn’t believe I was worth it and my self image and self esteem acted as a success barometer which kept pushing me down to where I thought I deserved to be.
Take a look that this video where Jack Canfield explains the exact way and ‘formula’ he used to make himself a millionaire by selling his book Chicken Soup For The Soul and making his first million dollar cheque.
Jack Canfield’s Key To Living The Law Of Attraction – Visualisation
Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction is to visualise your life the way you want it to be every day, morning and night.
Most of us go about life cutting ourselves off from the source of our wealth and happiness through judgement, low self esteem or through believing in a mediocrity which is presented by those around us. We accept the status quo and follow the herd.
By focusing on what is important to you, and focusing on it daily, you can have whatever life you desire, through the law of attraction. What is the law of attraction?
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The law of attraction has been made popular by the film The Secret, but that’s only scratching the surface of what the law of attraction really is. Some say The Secret is a superficial version of the law of attraction. In The Secret, it is portrayed that you can think about your dream life and manifest it through your thoughts. But that’s only a small part of the bigger picture.
Most people will sabotage their dreams and goals by contradicting them with their words, deeds and thoughts. The self image can be a huge barrier to success too. It acts like a barrier which you can’t get beyond without changing the self image itself.
The Key To Living The Law Of Attraction
So what is the key to living the law of attraction? Jack Canfield had already written a book (Chicken Soup For The Soul) when he created the intention to sell a million copies in a single day:
The key to living the law of attraction, as Jack Canfield discusses here, is to become absolutely in alignment with your vision and goal, without doubt or reservation. Set a goal, meditate on it and absolutely believe in it.
When we think about what we want in life, doubt enters in. When we tell others what we want, they sometimes discredit our ideas and we lose our belief. So you need to be in vibration with the outcome and absolutely resonate with it throughout your being with complete congruence. If some part of you doubts it, talks against it, or disbelieves it, you’re not in complete alignment with what you want. The part of you that disagrees is also operating as an attracting factor, bringing in obstacles and problems with the outcome – as you have expected!

Stop Daydreaming! Why We Fail
As a child were you ever told to stop daydreaming? When we are little, we instinctively know how to visualise and create. It’s only through our conscious reasoning that we’ve lost the ability to do so.
Daydreaming is fun! But once our conscious mind takes over and we lose the ability to believe in ourselves as conscious creators, we start creating unconsciously and our outcomes become the bedrock of what we believe life actually is!
The problems we encounter can then become an unconscious feedback loop: “this is life, life is hard”. We therefore create more of it as we come to believe in a certain reality.
Remove Doubt & Dream Your Dream!
So remember Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction. Focus on the life you actually want, not the one you believe you have to live, or the one you’ve accepted as reality. Stretch your limits of possibility and learn to fantasise again.
Remove obstacles in your mind first to its attainment. You can do this by learning meditation, visualisation and by using affirmations.
Don’t worry about the “how”?
The how will show up. Just focus on the outcome and use visualisation morning and evening to plant the seeds in your subconscious mind and train it to focus unconsciously on bringing about your new reality.
Depending on your goal, this can take some time. More difficult goals can take years to attain. To build confidence in this idea, start with something small which you believe more easily. Over time, you can focus on more lofty goals as you gain confidence and more awareness.
Let Go And Trust!
Don’t get too neurotic about your goals and desires. Let go and allow the universe the time to bring things about for you. Don’t focus on problems just keep doing your visualisations morning and night.
Focusing too much on what you want can push it away too! You don’t need to spend all day worrying how you’ll achieve it. Let go and trust things will come as you go about your day!
Remember to be light about all this. It should be fun. Getting too worried and focused on it will have the opposite effect.