Everyone has a subliminal money manifestation going on in the background, whether they know it or not. Subliminal refers to the subconscious or below the threshold of awareness. Your relationship to money may either lean towards a mindset of abundance, scarcity or somewhere in between.

So creating a subliminal money manifestation which creates more abundance means making the unconscious more conscious.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ― C.G. Jung.
Subliminal Money Manifestation
Deep inside your unconscious mind, you have some beliefs and ideas about money. If you want to create more of it, you’ll need to get to know your financial thermostat and uncover the issues which halt its flow in your life. There can be any one of a number of mental blockages holding your back from a more abundant life.
Poor self image, uncertainty and doubt, worry, self deprecation, feelings of unworthiness and negative self talk are all symptoms which might relate to lack of money. Becoming aware of these symptoms and taking some action to change and remove them can take time. But it’s well worth the effort.
Subliminal Money Manifestation – Self Image
Your self image is a powerful force which goes largely unnoticed. Most people will struggle for years attempting to correct a poor financial situation without ever uncovering the real underlying problem – their self image. The self image will ‘trump’ most of your efforts on the “outside” to increase your wealth and financial abundance.
So if you’re busy struggling along in the “real world” and not achieving the results you want from life, this could be the culprit, or one of them. Changing the self image takes time but it’s well worth the effort. A good resource on this is Maxwell Maltz’s Psycho-cybernetics. Maltz was a plastic surgeon who noticed that many patients didn’t change their outlook after having plastic surgery. They remained unhappy and unfulfilled, even when they changed their outward appearance.

He vetted his patients and taught them to alter their self image before they went ahead with any operation. Many of them completely changed their outlook and didn’t opt for surgery after their self image had changed. Self image is powerful because how you see yourself controls many other aspects in your life – especially how you relate to money and how you view your “worth”.
Subliminal Dialogue – How You Talk To Yourself
How you talk to yourself goes largely unnoticed too by most people. Despite all your influences in life such as your spouse, your friends, your family, the one person you’re forced to listen to on a near constant basis is yourself. The inner dialogue which you have to constantly listen to, is one of the biggest controlling factors in your life. Unless you get it under control, it can be your worst enemy.
Consider for example how kind you are to yourself. Most people can be incredibly harsh with themselves. Much harder than a boss, parent or a friend. Considering how powerful our inner dialogue is and influential in our daily lives, it seems strange that most people don’t become more aware of it.

If you want a subliminal money manifestation to work for you, and create more wealth and abundance for you, pay attention to your self talk. This is the key to changing your reality. To start noticing your inner dialogue, spend a week or so just listening to others and not chipping in with your own take on things. Just pay attention without comment as much as possible. It’s a revealing exercise in self control, but it also shows you how keen you usually are to talk about what you ‘know’.
Meditation can also be used to learn about your mind and what it talks about constantly. When people start learning meditation, they often find it very difficult. That’s because they are used to letting the mind take charge of them, rather than the other way round. The mind is your tool and to start learning how to use it properly for a subliminal money manifestation, you need to quieten it down and remove the “noise”.

Imagine the mind is like a pond. In order to ‘suggest’ new information in terms of manifesting money, you need to still that pond. Otherwise, the messages you offer won’t reach the subconscious because of the continual disturbance of the surface water.
If your mind is racing with doubts and fears and chatter from years of programming, you won’t be able to offer any clear intentions to your subconscious mind.
Subliminal Money Manifestation – Mantras
No doubt if you’ve been struggling with money you’ll have a number of negative ideas around the subject of money. Ideas such as:
- Money doesn’t grow on trees
- Rich people are greedy
- It’s easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
- You only need enough
- I’m not good enough
- Life is a struggle
- Earning too much is unethical
- Etc. Etc.
If you can’t recognise any of these then maybe you have self worth doubts or fears and problems which go back to your upbringing or childhood. Think about the first thing you think of when setting a difficult goal. Or write down a list of why you haven’t achieved more financial abundance yet. You should see some evidence of old programming which isn’t helping you achieve that goal.
Once you shine the light of awareness on to your unconscious beliefs, ideas and thoughts, you are in a more empowered place to move forward and replace limited thinking with new more empowered ideas.
Powerful Money Mantras
You’ll likely have been using your old mantras (or programs) for years. So starting a new mantra will take some time and effort. At first you may reject a new mantra which offers up a more powerful way of looking at the world. But with time and practice, your new mantras will start becoming ideas and beliefs.
Here’s a few ideas for new mantras to use in place of your old limiting ideas around money and self worth:
- Money comes easily and frequently
- I love myself and approve of myself
- I enjoy my life
- Money comes in increasing amounts through multiple sources
- I get paid for being “me”.
If you doubt any of these ideas right now, that’s a sign that you have an opposing belief which probably is limiting the flow of money into your life. These are subconscious ideas which repel money away from you. By changing them to new positive “programs”, and repeating them often, you’ll start to change your old limiting beliefs.
Once you do this, new ideas of ways to generate income will become more apparent. Find a mantra which works for you and which you can introduce into your self talk, without too much conflict. Repeat it over and over every day, especially when you are feeling negative.
See also law of attraction money affirmations.