The law of attraction meditation in this video, will teach you powerful habits to reprogram your mind and creatively visualise anything you desire. As you listen, pay attention to any resistance you might have to the suggestions that are made. These are clues to the resistance you hold in your mind to the life you truly want to have.
Law Of Attraction Meditation – Manifesting By Habit
We are all powerful creators who can manifest much more than we realise. The problem is we manifest things by habit, not by design. As we go though life we pick up negative and unwanted behaviours, thoughts and beliefs about the world, who we are in it and what is possible for us.
Just listening to the above meditation video brought a lot of resistance up for me. I resisted some of the suggestions and noticed some uncertainty. Perhaps you found the same? Often part of the problem is not knowing what we want. The other part is the resistance to what we want and the beliefs we carry around which limit our potential.
Start with deciding what you want though, since this is 90% of the work!
Meditation – The Key To The Law Of Attraction
Is meditation the key to the law of attraction? Some say it is. If you can learn to meditate, you can gain a better understanding of what’s going on for you in your inner mind.
When you notice the thoughts and emotions which are running as programs in your mind, you are able to see much more clearly why you are creating the things you already do. In fact, much of what your life is about will be running as a dialogue in your mind.
Sit quietly and notice your thoughts for a few minutes. Close your eyes and concentrate on your in and out breath. You should notice the ‘chatter’ of your mind. Learn to become the ‘observer’ of this chatter, without identifying it as ‘you’. This is done through practicing meditation regularly.

What You Focus On Expands
What you consistently focus on expands in your experience. So if you focus on the inner voice continually chatting away, eventually you identify with it as who you are. This is the path to madness! The inner chatter is just your ego making itself more important than it really is.
If you focus instead on the gaps between thoughts, you expand your awareness of this part of you. Notice your thoughts as the detached observer, not as if they are you. As you do so, they will lose power over you. The dramas and insecurities that come with the ego, constantly needing reassurance, will slowly move out of your experience.
Your awareness of a deeper level of your being will expand.
The same can be said of visualisation techniques. The things which we constantly imagine and visualise, grow into our experience by virtue of the attention we give them. Whether we are conscious of what we are giving attention to or not is irrelevant.
Awareness & Using The Law Of Attraction
The first step in bringing those things into our experience which we want, is to become more aware of what we are currently attracting. Meditation is a great strategy to do this.
Without this awareness, we can be creating things we don’t want while trying to create things we do want. At best we get a mixture of both. Getting clear on what you actually want is therefore pretty important. Out minds are constantly active, chatting away and creating things while we go about our daily business.
Taking the time to sit and meditate allows you to notice what’s going on inside. With this new awareness, you can become clearer on those thoughts you have already been giving a lot of attention to.
Then you can decide whether this is something you really want! As you become more aware through daily practice, you can notice were you mind is drawn and make more conscious decisions about what you want to give attention to.
A Basic Meditation
Here’s a basic meditation practice to do on a daily basis if you’ve never tried it before.
Sit comfortably somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Get comfortable so you can stay still for a good period of time. Ideally have your back straight and not slumped. Don’t lie down as this will make you want to drift off to sleep.

Choose a spot on the wall to stare at. You can place a drawing pin, mark with a pencil or use a piece of blue tac there to help you focus. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
Count from one to five in your mind while looking directly at your chosen spot. Keep going back to one when you get to five. You will find your mind drifts off and you forget to count. When you notice this, just start again at one.
Over time, you will be able to concentrate for longer periods of time. Increase the daily time period over time but start with something small like 5 minutes to get into the habit.
You can also just close your eyes instead of looking at a spot on the wall. Or focus on your in and out breath instead of counting. I like to just simply watch my breathing and notice my thoughts coming and going. Imagine them as clouds passing by in the sky. Don’t attach to them by be the passive observer.
Notice when your mind gets caught up in thinking, or wanders off from the practice. Then just remain calm and bring your attention back to your practice.
Checkout this website for more information on how to meditate: