Law Of Attraction Gratitude

What are the law of attraction gratitude “secrets” which are talked about in Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret? Gratitude is mentioned in nearly every book on the law of attraction. So it must be pretty important in the manifesting process, right?

Gratitude is the inner way to manifest. Most of us are “trying” on the outside of life to manifest what we want. We plan and work hard on the “outside” of life, but seldom look within for the answers. Gratitude connects us to the inner world of peace and contentment, which ultimately we seek by striving to attain things on the material plane.

law of attraction gratitude

Whatever our goals, plans and desires, we want them because we think getting them will make us feel good. The “shortcut” to success on the outside is to attain it first on the inside, hence “gratitude”. No matter what you attain on the material plane in life, without an inner joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace, we won’t be happy for long with our results on the surface.

Law Of Attraction Gratitude Secrets

So how can we be grateful for something which we haven’t got? To practice gratitude is to be grateful for what we already have. We always have something to be grateful for, whatever it might be. Once you start noticing the things you already have to be grateful for, your energy shifts. This shift, if perpetuated can create some dramatic changes in your life over time.

law of attraction gratitude

So what are the secrets of gratitude? To find things to be grateful for which are not determined by some outward circumstance means we can be grateful as a living experience moment by moment. Gratitude for the experiences you’ve already had, your health (assuming you have good health), your self development, your life experience so far and so on. These things are mostly unconcerned with outside material possessions or individual circumstances.

If you’re only going to be grateful once some external circumstance has “arrived”, it’s likely that you’ll find something else to be disappointed with. But if you choose things to focus on which are unrelated to a specific situation or circumstance, you can take the attitude of gratitude with you throughout your life.

Gratitude Journal Law Of Attraction

A gratitude journal can help you to focus on the energy of gratefulness. As creative beings, we can easily slip into less pleasant vibrations by thinking of things we haven’t got, things we want, and things we are unhappy about. We can waste our whole lives in the wrong attitude; busy focused on what went wrong, who treated you badly, playing the blame game for your whole life.

law of attraction gratitude

Gratitude is the opposite of this lower vibrational frequency. Blaming, ruminating on past traumas and events puts you in a very downward spiralling thinking process. The more you think of the negative aspects of life, the more unhappy you become. This kind of thinking becomes addictive. You think of things which could have been, or of what went wrong. You focus on who is doing “better” than you or on your past failures.

This damages your self belief and generally inhibits your ability to create a more pleasing environment and existence. A gratitude diary can help you escape from negative thinking patters which can hold your life back for years, causing discomfort and dis-ease in your life.

A gratitude journal can be used as a strategy to alter your habitual thinking processes, which are at the cause end of the cause-effect law in your life. You can effectively re-wire your brain by writing in a gratitude diary every day.

The Cause & Effect Law

The effects in your life are due to the cause of your beliefs, behaviours and thinking. To change the results in your life requires a change in your behaviours but in order to change behaviour, internal change must take place first. Without an internal shift in your thinking, behaviour seldom changes. That’s because we often default back to our comfortable view on the world, ourselves and who we think we are.

The self image is a large part of this jigsaw. When we think, we recreate the version of “us” that we relate to. We don’t think into our thinking – we re-create the same situation over and over again. Gratitude (and meditation) can be used as strategies to investigate our current thinking processes. By practicing gratitude, even in adversity, we can learn to “unplug” our methodical thinking processes, and evaluate how we perceive the world through the lens of awareness.

Storm Of Appreciation

The storm of appreciation is something I found in Esther and Jerry Hicks book Ask and It Is Given. It’s a great law of attraction technique which involves focusing the mind of things you appreciate (and are grateful for).

It’s a similar idea to the gratitude journal and you can start with small things in your immediate environment. You can appreciate a cup of coffee or the room you’re currently in. You might appreciate your partner or some aspect of your life. As you write ion your journal, use the “storm of appreciation” to come up with new ideas of things you’re already grateful for.

Go into depth about how much you appreciate something/one and write as much about it as you can. As you do this exercise frequently, you’ll activate the energy of gratitude. The more you practice this exercise, and journal about gratitude, the more you’ll attract into your life to be grateful for.

Grumbling & Complaining

Many people are unaware of how they are the cause of their effects in life. They are unconscious to the fact that they create their own reality. The more they complain, grumble or protest about something, the more things they attract into their life to grumble and complain about. Focus on things to complain about and you will grow your energy into a dissatisfied grumbling magnet, surrounded by problems.

This is how people use the law of attraction backwards – and create more dissatisfaction, pain and unhappiness. So the next time you are arguing against something, complaining or moaning, stop and notice. A gratitude journal will make you much more aware of your energy. If you do it for long enough, you won’t want to ever enter into the grumbling and complaining game again!

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