If you want to consciously use the law of attraction, self esteem has a huge part to play. If you suffer from poor self image, low self esteem or are unconfident, it can keep you on a lower playing field of life. You’ll avoid certain situations and make choices which don’t force you to level up in life.
A positive self image and self esteem on the other hand can help you overcome feelings of negativity, push through barriers and move on to bigger and better things. In the most part a positive self esteem is the ability to feel good, no matter what the situation. And feeling good is a huge part of attracting what you really want into your life.
If you consistently deny yourself the option to feel good, put yourself last, and/or feel in a low mood or vibration much of the time, your self esteem could be a factor.
Law Of Attraction Self Esteem – Changing Your Self Esteem
Your self esteem can come from many places. Your upbringing, personal history, job, career and the people around you. Take the time to notice the things in your life which contribute to you feeling good, and those things which do the opposite.
The one thing which has the most effect on your self esteem is your self talk. They way you talk to yourself (in your head) is a massive part of the law of attraction. We become/create what we think about on a continuous basis. So if your mind is filled with negative thoughts, disappointments from the past, unpleasant events and disaster, that’s what we are drawing into our lives. One way to change a negative self talk habit is to start noticing it.

To change anything you first need to measure it. You can start noticing your thinking in a number of ways:
- Meditation – Spend 5-10 minutes daily at first to sit quietly and observe your thoughts without entering into them.
- Practice gratitude – Many thoughts are unconscious and based on wanting/needing. Practice thoughts of gratefulness to bring in a new awareness
- Visualisation – Visualising the good things you want to bring into your life is a good habit to change your thinking
- Mindful habits – create a daily diary of your thinking processes. See law of attraction techniques.
- Push your comfort zones – Your mind will usually rebel when you start stepping out of your safe space. Notice when this happens.
Law Of Attraction Self Esteem – Your Circle Of Influence
You are the average of your 10 closest friends. What this means is that the people you surround yourself by are the greatest measure of where your life is going. Do they lift you up or put you down? Do they force you to improve yourself and live a better life, or would they be jealous/envious and unkind if your life changed for the better?

Look at your closest friends/relationships and ask yourself whether your “tribe”:
- Have your best interests at heart
- Helps and supports you
- Listens to you and your struggles
- Forces you to level up and encourages you
- Thinks like you do
If you suffer from low self esteem, it could be that the opposite is true. Perhaps the people around you secretly want you to fail. Not because they are bad, only because if you succeed your relationship with them will change.
Imagine yourself living your best possible life. Who would still be in it among your closest friends. Who would be ok with a new you and who wouldn’t?
Law Of Attraction Self Esteem – Your Daily Routine
Your daily routine says a lot about how you feel about yourself. What does your day consist of? Do you enjoy your day? What kind of interactions do you have and do you love what you do?
If you’re not currently happy with some aspect of your life, why are you putting up with it? Don’t you deserve better? If you have a low self esteem, you put up with things many wouldn’t.

Look at the aspects of your life which are most damaging to your self esteem and alter them, or the way you perceive them. Sometimes just changing your approach can make you feel better about something unpleasant in your life. If work isn’t making you happy, look for another role.
If something isn’t working for you, address it. Sometimes small things can become big things over time if we allow ourselves to become victims of our circumstances without asserting some control. And this can slowly eat away at our self image and self esteem.
Old Wounds From The Past
Sometimes an old wound, broken relationship or lost loved one can perpetuate a state of grief which can turn into low self esteem. Later “knocks”, losses or pains can bring it back, repeating the pattern. Grief is a low vibration and if you continually give energy to thoughts of loss and grief, you can easily get stuck in a low vibration and not realise what you’re doing.

You’ll attract more of the same which further reinforces the idea and vibration over time.
Losing a loved one doesn’t go away. It can change your life forever. But you can also make things worse by identifying with the pain as your “self”. Eckhart Tolle calls this the pain body. See the law of attraction and the pain body.
Having A Positive Focus
Self esteem can come from loving what you do too. If you’ve ever been unemployed for a long period, you have probably noticed the havoc it can cause to your self esteem and self image. But likewise, a negative work environment can also be damaging to the self esteem, especially if you’re not enjoying your job.
Having a positive focus can massively help you develop a positive self image and good self esteem. Setting goals and having something to look forward to in the future can massively impact your happiness levels. If you’re constantly in a lower vibration, feeling low, unsure and undirected, this can effect your self esteem.
Focus on the other hand, can help you feel positive and motivated.
Law Of Attraction – Feeling Good
We can’t feel good all the time and most people will suffer from low self esteem or low vibration at one time or another. The key to using the law of attraction is to notice how you feel and “steer” the ship through your thinking in a more positive direction.
People who seem to have everything worked out, and thrive in life, often have mastered their own mental compass and can redirect their thoughts when they start dipping into a low vibration. They don’t allow themselves to dwell on the negative since it leads only to more of the same.
To alter your self esteem levels, start noticing your thinking and don’t allow the negative to creep in. Take charge of your mental well-being and direct your thinking and energies to a more positive future.
What Are You Feeding Your Mind?
Your mind is a super computer which is always learning and developing. Your self esteem is also based on what you feed it with. Are you learning something new, immersing yourself in a positive environment and meeting new and interesting people? Or are you doing the same thing day after day without any positive input?

Self esteem is the outcome from all of your actions, activities and thinking processes. If you’re not feeding your mind with positivity and growth orientated material, you’re not growing, you’re regressing. Take the time and make the effort to feed your mind with positive material. Growth oriented people, and those with high self esteem, are constantly learning and growing.
With the law of attraction, self esteem plays a huge part. Unless your developing and putting yourself in new, uncomfortable situations, you’re probably falling back into your “comfort zone” where nothing happens!