What is an abundance mentality meaning? An abundance mentality is the opposite of a scarcity mindset; where someone thinks in limitation: “I’m not enough”, “I never make enough money”, “life is tough” and so on. An abundance mentality meaning is one in which someone thinks in terms of having plenty: “money comes easily and frequently”, “I enjoy my job/career”, “I get paid for being me”, “there’s always more than enough” etc.
Having an abundance mindset will mean you attract more abundance into your life in terms of money, enjoyable relationships and love. Limiting ideas around any aspect of life can be thought of as having a scarcity mindset. Overcoming a scarcity mindset means changing your thinking to align with more positive thoughts, growth and allowing more abundance to flow into your life.

Abundance Mentality Meaning: What Is Abundance?
Abundance is a very large quantity of something. Having an abundance mentality usually means that you think in terms of plenty, rather than in terms of limitation, lack or scarcity. A scarcity mentality brings about scarcity, just as an abundance mentality brings about abundance.
Think of plenty and things will come into your life in plenty. Think in limitations and things will be limited. But why do some people think in terms of abundance and others limit their lives by thinking in terms of scarcity?
Surely everyone should think abundantly and receive abundance? Why don’t they?
Abundance And Your Unconscious Mind
Whether you think in terms of abundance or scarcity will depend on a few factors. Your upbringing has a lot to do with it. For example if you’re brought up struggling and in poverty, it’s likely you’ll have received a lot of ideas about money which are limiting. “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “Money isn’t important”, “Rich people are greedy” etc.
If your parents were more conscious about what they told you regarding money, you may be in a much better place financially. This is because we base our decisions on unconscious beliefs which we may not be aware of as we grow older. Those unconscious beliefs control much of our experience. So if you want to change your life from one of scarcity to one of abundance, looking at your unconscious mind is a good place to start.
People who look at the world in a positive light, create positive results in their lives. Conversely, those who look at life in a negative light will often create a negative experience.
Shining A Light Into Your Subconscious Mind
How do you feel at the moment? How do you feel about money, relationships and your life purpose? Is everything on track or could it be better? Why or why not?
To shine the light of consciousness into your subconscious mind, you need to look at some of your attitudes and beliefs around your life. Are you happy? What would you change about your life?
When you start setting goals which you want to achieve, you’ll come up with some resistance. That resistance usually points towards your unconscious beliefs. If you can determine what these are and where they came from, you can learn how they are affecting your life, and get rid of them!
Some old deep seated beliefs are pains from your past. They are deeply ingrained into your subconscious mind. Think about your earliest experiences with money, love, pain, or loss and you’ll find some of them.
Creating An Abundance Mentality
You can start to create an abundance mentality by changing your thinking to more positive and expansive thoughts. A scarcity mindset will always think in terms of lack and limitation. If you have had a scarcity mindset and want to change it, pay attention to your thinking and speaking patterns.

You might notice yourself talk in a way which contradicts the flow of love or money into your life. For example: “Money doesn’t grow on trees” is a common example. Someone might say this when they are thinking in terms of limitation.
If you notice something like this in your own thinking or speech, notice it first and over time begin to alter what you think and say. Then replace negative limiting thoughts with better more positive ones:
“Money comes easily and frequently”, “There are always new ways to earn money” etc.
See also overcoming scarcity mindset and scarcity mindset money.