The Law Of Attraction And Self Love

The law of attraction and self love are intricately linked. Without self love, you’ll stifle the law of attraction when you try and manifest something into your life because either you don’t believe you’re worth it, or you don’t honour yourself enough to achieve it.

Self love, and honouring yourself should therefore be a large part of who you are becoming if you are intending to create more in your life.

The Law Of Attraction And Self Love – Your Relationship With Yourself

the law of attraction and self love

Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have in life. You are always there, even when nobody else is. So how do you spend your time when alone? What kinds of things do you say to yourself? These are big clues as to how you think about yourself.

If you constantly berate yourself, or look upon yourself as ‘never enough’, chances are you’re using the law of attraction to attract outcomes which match these kinds of thoughts. If you are your own best friend when alone, congratulations! You’ve mastered the art of self love!

Most people can be a little down on themselves from time to time. No matter how good they are at looking after themselves. But if you’re not enjoying these moments, or you match yourself against levels of achievement and attainment which are far beyond your current circumstances, you may be sabotaging your efforts with a negative self image and bad self talk habits.

The Law Of Attraction And Self Love – How You See Yourself

Self love isn’t a narcissistic trait where you love your ego. It’s deeper and more meaningful that that. Self love is how you communicate with yourself deep in your soul/spirit, not how you communicate with your ego.

the law of attraction and self love

If you’re caught up in the ‘not getting’ and ‘not having’ side of the law of attraction, you just create more of it by focusing your mind on that which you haven’t got. You reflect on yourself as a ‘failure’ and the process feeds from its source – how you see yourself in a bad light.

On the other hand if you look on yourself with love and compassion, and see yourself as loveable and worthy, despite your difficulties, you create a different outcome.

Remember that we spend all day with ourselves. The law of attraction is working and your subconscious mind is listening to how you think. It delivers circumstances which relate to how you think of yourself. So the fastest way to change your circumstances is to think of yourself in a different way – with self love and compassion and as if you are worthy – which you are of course!

Your Subconscious Is Listening

Your subconscious mind is listening to every word you say and believes what it hears! To become more self loving, start listening to how you talk to yourself on a regular basis. See law of attraction techniques for some simple techniques and mindfulness exercises to tune in to your thoughts, emotions and regular (perhaps unconscious) visualisations.

How To Be More Self Loving

When you become more aware of how you talk to yourself, you might see some room for improvement. Are you punishing yourself on a regular basis? Are you living in the past, or reliving old emotional wounds? How do you treat yourself on a daily basis?

the law of attraction and self love

Choose to do things which you love and enjoy more, not the things which you think you ‘have’ to do. Enjoy your day more and learn to listen to your own needs rather than the needs of others first.

You may have responsibilities but you still need to ‘fill your own cup’ in order to be able to give to others. In what ways do you “fill your own cup” on a regular basis? How can you change this?

Honour Your Self

In what ways do you put yourself last and dishonour yourself. Do you allow others to dishonour you in any ways?

Start noticing the times when you dumb down and put others needs first. When do you bite your tongue in order to keep the peace?

In certain situations and circumstances, being humble is required. But if you do this too often, you may be damaging yourself self worth and self esteem.

Honouring yourself is another way to love yourself.

Is Lack Of Self Love And Self Worth Halting Your Progress?

If you’ve been using the law of attraction to manifest a better life, you may have found that a limited amount of self love is holding you back. Practice positive self talk and learn to be loving and compassionate with yourself.

It’s funny that what we say to ourselves can be very negative and critical. We wouldn’t tolerate anyone else talking to us the way we often talk to ourselves. Cut yourself some slack and learn to switch that inner critic for a loving, compassionate voice for a month and you’ll see miracles happening in your life!

Here’s a great post I found on the subject of self love:

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