The Danger Of The Law Of Attraction

What is the danger of the law of attraction? The LOA can be a great way to empower yourself and become more conscious of the thoughts and beliefs which you hold in your mind. However, it can also be a dangerous thing too. The law of attraction can hold us captive slaves to our desires. We can get ‘stuck’ in trying to think in a perfect way and becoming overly conscious of what we’re thinking and doing to the detriment of our happiness.

The danger of the law of attraction is that we prioritise it to the detriment of all else in our lives. Remember the law of attraction should be a good thing. But when we become too obsessed with creating our ‘perfect’ life that we can forget what’s really important: happiness.

The Law Of Attraction Teaches Wanting

It’s ok to want things but not to the detriment of your peace of mind. That defeats the purpose. When you put the ego in charge, and make everything about attaining materialism, you can find a lot of pain and suffering.

If you focus your mind on the things you want, you create an imbalance. You’re no longer grounded in reality and content with what you have. So you can create an ego fuelled desire for attainment which causes a lot of pain and frustration. See law of attraction anger.

the danger of the law of attraction

The Danger Of The LOA – Chasing Happiness Away

With a lot of wanting, your mind is placed in the energy of desire. Without gratitude, this can lead to endless suffering. When you look at your life and decide you’re not happy with what you have, you fill your thoughts with everything you don’t have.

This produces a feeling of dissatisfaction which leads to more of the same. What you focus on grows. So focusing on lack feeds more feelings of lack and draws more of that feeling into your life.

Buddhism And The Law Of Attraction

Buddhism teaches that all suffering is caused by desire. But we do have desires, even if it’s to get into a better situation than the one we’re currently in.

That’s not to say that goals and dreams aren’t a good thing. Just that a whole life can pass in this constant state of unfulfilled desperation – leaning towards things you don’t have. Far better to ground yourself in gratitude and be happy now, despite your external circumstances.

the danger of the law of attraction
Which side is greener?

Overthinking The Law Of Attraction

If you’re trying desperately to change your life for the better using nothing but the law of attraction, you can easily fall into the trap of over thinking. You can’t just focus on things in your mind to manifest everything you desire into your life. It takes effort too, sometimes years of effort in a single direction.

The Secret film has made the law of attraction very popular. But with the more widespread knowledge of the law of attraction comes a lot of confusion. The basis message of the film is that thoughts become things. But if we try to control our thoughts and overthink every one of them, we can easily get stuck and caught up in our heads.

This can lead to a lot of problems and even become an obsession. The purpose of understanding the law of attraction is to live a happier life, not get stuck in the overthinking of it.

the danger of the law of attraction

The LOA And Desire – Future Paced Happiness

Getting caught up in desire and the law of attraction places our lives always in a future situation where we have everything we want. But the ego is never satisfied. So happiness becomes future paced and you live your life in a state of constant wanting, at the expense of the present.

We can live our whole lives this way. Many report on their death beds that they wished they had worked less, had more fun and loved more. Not many think about their wealth and possessions at the end of their lives.

What’s The Answer?

I love the idea of self empowerment with greater insight into your thoughts, intentions and desires. I love the idea of growing your beliefs around those things which you previously thought impossible and out of the realm of possibility for yourself.

But, the danger of the law of attraction is that it can also be a puzzle from which you can’t escape. Overthinking or getting too attached to outcomes can be your downfall. You can lose your sense of reality if you get too caught up in your desires.

Use the law of attraction but remember the goal is to be happier, as well as anything else you attach to it. By getting yourself in a constant state of desire, you lose your ability to be grateful and at peace with the moment.

So remember to be light with it! Remember to be happy! If you’re placing all your happiness in the future, you miss out on now! But you also spoil the present moment by filling your mind with things you don’t have. You spend life leaning towards desires rather than appreciating the present circumstances, people and events in your life.

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