The law of attraction is working every moment, not just when you’re thinking of it. So if you’re wondering how to apply the law of attraction in daily life, start with understanding it first. You can’t site down and ‘do’ the law of attraction in one sitting each day, and then carry on as before and expect things to suddenly change.
Why not? Simply because the law of attraction has been working your whole life. A few sessions with your vision board and some visualisations isn’t go to make that much difference.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Become More Conscious
To begin being more conscious of the law of attraction start by reading everything you can find on the topic. When I first watched The Secret film by Rhonda Bryne, I was incredibly motivated and excited. I visualised things I wanted and sat back waiting for things to happen! Unfortunately, I didn’t really understand what I was doing. So, low and behold, things didn’t change much for me.
When things started going very wrong in my life, I remembered The Secret and went about researching it more fully. I found many books on the topic.
Download and read the books listed in this article: law of attraction pdf.
Becoming more conscious and aware is the first step to applying the law of attraction in your life. It’s no magic bullet, you need to be logical! If you’ve already spent years creating your current circumstances without awareness, it’s going to take some time to use the law of attraction more consciously.
Using The Law Of Attraction – Notice Your Thoughts Because Thoughts Become Things
One of the main concepts on The Secret is that thoughts become things. This phrase has been coined many times before the film The Secret used it. Many self help books have spoken of this as the main concept in changing your circumstances.
“Whether a man believes he can or he can’t he’s right” – Henry Ford
You can’t however just think of a million dollars and have it land in your lap! Thoughts are only the seeds of belief and beliefs are the cornerstones of the life you’ll build. It’s not just beliefs about life, but also about yourself.

Why are beliefs so important? Simply put, you would attempt anything unless you thought you were capable of doing it. So, millions of people cut themselves off from even attempting to build the life of their dreams if they don’t believe in themselves or have faith in themselves.
To start using the law of attraction in your daily life, start question the things you hold to be true – especially those things which hold you from the life you want!
This is a useful exercise to become more aware of the thoughts and ideas you’re giving power to on a regular basis. You’ll need a notebook and a timer which can be set on repeat. Set the timer to go off at regular intervals throughout the day. Each time the timer goes off write down these three things:
- What were you doing?
- What were you thinking?
- Do you want this?
Do this exercise for at least a full day but more if you can. It will give you huge insights into what you’re currently paying the most attention to and in the process of creating.
Be Careful Of Your Speech! Words Are Powerful
Start being watchful of the things you say to people and to yourself. Words tell other people about you, how you feel about yourself and what you believe. Notice yourself talking to others. Much of what people say is their unconscious programming from an early age. Words reflect beliefs which have been built over a long time by thoughts, environment, programming and the beliefs and thoughts of those around us growing up.

Pay attention to what you say around different people and in the various circumstances in your life. Notice if you complain, what you say about yourself and how your words make you feel. If you’re continually complaining or talking yourself down, you’re reinforcing an old self image or circumstance which you don’t want.
Remember also that your circle of friends and the people you spend most time with are also going to reflect your beliefs and attitudes.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Quiet The Storm
You are already communicating with your subconscious mind through your thoughts and words on a daily basis. By doing the above exercises regularly, you’ll be more conscious of the way this happens. Often this communication is unconscious and you’ll also be creating some unwanted outcomes due to habit and belief.
Firstly you need to quiet the storm of intentions, counter-intentions desires and expectations which are running through your conscious awareness. You can do this through meditation practice. Imagine a beautiful serenity at the bottom of a lake. But in order to see it, you’ll need to calm the waves on the surface. Once you calm the surface, you’ll see more clearly to the quiet underneath.
Don’t be scared of the term meditation because it doesn’t need to be a big deal. You’re just learning to quieten your mind so you can see more clearly what’s going on in there!
Learn a simple meditation practice of sitting still somewhere each day where you won’t be disturbed. Focus on a single point on the wall and start counting up to 5. Once you get to 5, start again at 1. You can start with just doing 5 minutes each day and build it up over time. Starting small and committing to daily practice is vital to build on your practice. You’ll notice your mind wanders away from the counting. When you do, just bring your attention back to your counting and start again at 1.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Visualising
Visualising is how you communicate an idea to your unconscious mind. You’ll already be doing this unconsciously each day in one way or another. When I looked a little deeper into what was going on inside I discovered a load of things which were popping into my consciousness and ‘feeding’ my unconscious mind with angry thoughts and intentions! No wonder I kept creating angry, difficult circumstances in my life! See my article law of attraction anger.
Start with something you really want to create in your life. Imagine the perfect day living your perfect life. This could be anything you choose from the perfect relationship to driving your dream car, or owning your own house or going on a holiday. Ideally, start with something you can manifest fairly easily at first and build from there.
This is one of the best videos I’ve found on manifesting. It’s important to do some clearing before you start doing this. If you rush through to this exercise, you’re mind will be clouded with a number of other intentions and the results won’t be as good. Work through this visualisation each and every day for 30 day at least. You should start to see some results in that time. Again, choose something small to start with and build your confidence up over time. Once you have a solid belief in this, you can start working on more difficult goals.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Write A Plan
Whatever you think about the law of attraction, there’s common sense in writing down your goals. Without a written plan and daily steps to achieve it, you’ll struggle getting anything purposeful from these exercises. Most importantly when applying the law of attraction is consistency. Without it, you’ll forget and default back to your old habits (thinking, doing, speaking and acting). Making the law of attraction more conscious also means making your habits more conscious and changing them to fulfil you and create a life of joy, happiness, abundance and purpose.
Write down your most important goals for the next 6 months, 12 months and 5 years. Choose goals which are the most important to you, not what you think you should do. If you’re unsure, dwell on it for a while, but write something down. Break each goals down into manageable steps. Make sure you choose goals which are specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and time bound (S.M.A.R.T.). Goals for the long term should match up with your daily actions to make them a reality.
For more help on goal setting and removing unconscious mental blocks see Stuart Lichtman’s How To Get Lot’s Of Money For Anything Fast. It’s the best resource I’ve found on breaking down goal setting to find those goals which are specifically right and purposeful for you.
There’s also exercises in the book to help remove unconscious success blockers – conflicting mental barriers which might be stopping you from attaining your greatest outcome.
Final Word
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! If a certain path seems unpleasant to you or you don’t want to take a certain direction, it might be be right for you. Focus on your perfect outcome and don’t limit yourself to what you think you ‘should’ want. Have fun and enjoy the ride!