What does the law of attraction anger mean? After a recent conversation and about a week of daily meditations, I have become aware that unresolved conflict and strong emotive past events have caused me to consistently think about angry conflicting problems.
Angry verbal exchanges with ex’s and physical fights from my youth were constantly on my mind. I also met up with an energy healer online some time ago and this brought a significant old experience into the forefront of my mind.

Law Of Attraction Anger – A Bit Of History
My brother died when I was small on the judo mat in front of me. It was tragic and a huge event in my life. He had had a heart defect from birth which back then (in the 80’s) wasn’t a simple fix.
Anyway, I was 10 at the time so it’s some time ago now. 30 something years ago. But the questions I was asked by Karolina (the healer) were on point, (whether you believe in that kind of thing or not). My experience with my brother was pretty typical of squabbling siblings. He was a couple of years older than me and we fought regularly.

As I recalled, I was bullied on a number of occasions! I got my first proper punch in the face from my big bro! Cheers brother! I try to not hold any grudges! It was this recall which opened a significant awareness in my consciousness. What if I was trying to ‘be’ with my brother again? !
In fact, that’s probably the earliest conflict I can remember in my life – fighting with my brother. It was an feeling of overwhelm and frustration. Someone much bigger and stronger, getting the better of me on a constant basis.
Nearly 30 years later and I’ve been creating conflict and unhappiness in a number of areas of my life – relationships, money, career etc. you name it!
Law Of Attraction Anger – Not A Pity Party!
The point of this is not a pity party. If I can create a bunch of conflicts, pains and exhaustion in life, so can you! With the law of attraction, we get what we think about. But we also get what we unconsciously think about. We don’t just get what we think about in those conscious times when we place nice pictures on a vision board. We also get all the shit too!
So, the law of attraction anger wise, is something you’re creating with angry resentful thoughts, ruminating thoughts and unresolved conflicts. Whether you are aware of them or not, they are still creating what you think life is for you.
The Sound Of The Penny Dropping – Law Of Attraction Anger

This was a real penny drop moment for me. Not only had I suffered immensely over a number of years in terms of problems, lack of money, careers and lost relationships, I had been creating the problems by the nature of my thinking processes and reality.
Was I holding on to my brother and had created all this conflict because of my thoughts of him? ! Perhaps in part. But it wasn’t the whole story of course. I created a number of fights and conflicts in my youth which repeated the cycle of ruminating over the events and how I was “right” and the other party was “wrong”!
I fell out with a number of romantic partners too, perhaps because of this same focus and “who” I thought I was.
Resolution – Create A Journal Over The Next 30 Days and Record My Progress
So, after an online meeting with a business mentor of mine, Frank had suggested a journal! So I’m going to journal about my experience over the next few weeks of letting go of this focus and letting go of my anger.
How? A Good Question!
The Pain Body – Law Of Attraction Anger
If you’ve read Eckhart Tolle books, you’ll have heard about the pain body. The pain body is that part of you which is the most painful. When you’re angry and resentful, you give attention to the pain body and it grows. When you are in grief, you’re in the pain body. If you keep being angry and resentful, eventually it kills you! And you’ll want it to as well because life will be unbearable.

Each time I notice myself falling into anger, or replaying an old sequence of arguments in my head I’m going to stop and notice it. That’s all.. for now!
Conscious Awareness
Today while running I was suddenly aware of how my mind flipped into creating conflict as I ran past a couple of guys sitting in a work vehicle. I thought of their reaction to me and immediately went into some kind of trigger of violence in my inner mind.
They were just sitting having their lunch but the thoughts were still pretty powerful – I was afraid of conflict. This triggered an old fear response and I immediately went into fight mode!
Old Coping Mechanism
One coping mechanism I have been trying is cutting people out of my life and spending all my time alone. Not a great strategy for living happily – or of making a good living either! So I’m also going to break this habit as much as possible by stepping outside my comfort zones more often and accepting invites when they happen!
New Focus – Not Sure Yet
I know I need to replace this old focus of arguing or fighting with some new vision. I’m not sure what yet to focus on instead. If you’ve any ideas let me know! Here’s my journal I’m going to do every day to uncover some of the negative thoughts and emotions I’ve been battling with.
Law Of Attraction Anger Journal
Repressing Emotions
Conflicting Desires and Limiting Beliefs
Noticing Some Inner Thinking “Loops” I keep repeating
Lifting The ‘Lid’ On What Feeds The Negative Emotions
Today feels pretty calm. I’ve become aware of the negative emotions which I’ve been battling with. In particular I’ve also noticed the pattern of over working with the belief that it’s the only way to achieve a certain outcome.
Low self esteem and poor self image have dogged me for a number of years. Letting go of past haunts and the constant stream of consciousness which has been ‘feeding’ these ideas feels like coming up for air! Today I feel good!
Avoiding Conflict Brings It Back – Why LOA Anger Draws In What You Need To Resolve In Yourself To Grow?
Another insight today made me realise I was drawing conflict, or at least noticing it because I needed to resolve it in my self. If I keep repeating patterns over and over perhaps it has something to teach me.
Here’s the article on children of alcoholics: https://www.verywellmind.com/children-of-alcoholics-4157298
The Mind In “Free Fall” – How Overthinking and Worrying Creates More To Worry About
I just wrote an article on ezinearticles (See my articles here) explaining a bad point in my life when I was in severe debt and was completely miserable. What I realised while writing was that I was in overthinking and worry mode the whole time.
My mind had no discipline, so was out of control. Imagine a freight train with no pilot coming off the tracks! That’s what my life felt like. The only discipline I had in life was a kung fu class which kept me sane. I quit the job and focused on learning about the law of attraction by reading many of the books I listed in my article law of attraction PDF.
Not Being The Victim
Today I was able to side step an anger trigger over something very small. In the past, I’ve allowed these triggers to trigger my ‘victim mode’ reaction and ruin my whole day! However, because of the meditation and mindfulness I’ve being doing over the past month, I was able to let it go much more quickly.
I had an insight into frustration today. The more frustrated I get the more I create frustration. As frustration becomes part of my identity and self image, I become more and more attracted to it. Eventually, I can’t live without it because I have identified this feeling of being trapped and frustrated with my self.
My own personal struggle becomes my mission and makes me feel special and unique! Therefore I create more struggle by identifying with difficulties instead of solutions. The answer: practice gratitude and notice when this feeling surfaces. Refuse to give it attention repeatedly. Where focus goes, energy grows!
Law Of Attraction Self Love
Is self love a key ingredient with the law of attraction? Yes I think so! Without self love, it’s easy to become frantic with busy’ness, trying to attain a level of impossible achievement and reaching burnout and breakdown. Ultimately, you need to think about who and what you’re becoming. Am I becoming a better version of myself, or just working myself into exhaustion for the sake of financial gain?
Self love is ultimately a major key to attracting more of what you want. You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you’re becoming. So if wanting is the focus, you just grow the feeling of wanting, which is based in not being enough, not having enough, and being discontent. Practicing self love, is the shortcut to success!
Are You Letting Others Decide?
If you’re letting other people make the decisions, perhaps this is a source of your unhappiness. Are you an employee or a boss? Do you let others make decisions when going on trips? Are you driving the bus or are you being a passenger?
Always putting yourself last can happen over an extended period of time. Without realising it, you’ve put yourself last in life. Others have more success, happiness and control. But why not you? This was a source of unhappiness for me for years.
I was listening to Craig Becks, Millionaire University audio book which gave me this idea. It’s a great listen.
Fighting The Present Moment
Today’s “aha” moment is fighting what is. Listening to Craig Becks Millionaire University again triggered this insight. I’ve been fighting the old and struggling with the present moment. Always wanting things to be different but not appreciating and accepting reality as it is right now, in this moment.
As I think about it, this is a pattern I’ve repeated for as long as I can remember. Never happy and present, always thinking of the next thing, the next plan the next mission. Not surprising then that I was building up anger inside. It feels like I’ve physically dumped a tonne weight off my back today.
Daily Habits And Shifting Your Energy
For about a month now I’ve been doing some daily mini habits which I learned from a book called mini habits by Stephen Guise. In mini habits, Stephen talks about creating ridiculously simple daily habits which you’ll stick to even on a bad day! Also The Miracle Morning has helped me loads by Hal Elrod. If you’re interested in the online business community you can access the free video series to learn more by entering your name and email on this website. (Either on the side or below this article).
Emotional Attachment & History
Today’s insight comes in the form of emotional history. If you’re spent a lot of time dwelling in grief, anger, resentment, envy or any of the other lower emotional vibrations, you’ve probably come to think that “this is life”. And it may be pretty shitty for you too, if this is true.
Noticing your thoughts getting drawn back to this (deeply embedded) emotion is the first step of escaping this emotional trap. If you dwell in heartbreak, it’s difficult to escape the feeling of it. It may take some time to slowly bring your awareness into your grief and give it the time and love it needs to heal.
Book recommendation is Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
Law Of Attraction – Who You Surround Yourself With, You Become
Today I was doing a 6K run and noticed I was about to stop and walk. Looking forward I realised the woman in front of me was slowing down and looking behind her, for a friend. I realised how I was pacing myself according to her pace! It reminded me of the adage about how you become the average of the 10 people who you’re closest to. If I did this in a race, I’m sure I do it in other areas of my life too!
Here’s a couple of resources which offer very positive groups of people to connect with.
The Miracle Morning Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MyTMM…
Join An Online Business Community. Access Videos to learn more: http://defy9to5.com/
Self Worth and Looking Outside For Approval
If you look to others for validation and approval, it could be you are creating lack and limitation because you don’t have a strong sense of who you are. If so, you could be using the law of attraction to attract more of what you believe: That you’re unlovable and unworthy? Remember with the law of attraction we attract what we think about constantly. Our self image doesn’t go away and is a big factor in what we attract. A good book on this is Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics. See law of attraction PDF.