Can the the law of attraction manifest money? The law of attraction is working all the time. Your attitudes and behaviours are largely shaped by your beliefs, which often lie under the surface of your conscious awareness. To get the law of attraction to work better in your life in terms of making money, you need to dig out any negativity towards money, or wealth which you may be harbouring.
So how can you find these “splinters” in your mind which are sabotaging your success?
Law Of Attraction Manifest Money
To use the law of attraction to manifest money, you need to align yourself with the outcome you desire. If you want more money, but complain about its lack, you’re focusing on what you don’t want. What you focus on expands. So if you’re looking at a heap of debt and problems, take your attention away from it as much as possible. Focus instead on only what you can do about it and what you’re already grateful for. (More on this later).

Pay close attention to what you say both about money, and yourself. Often it’s a lack of self love which can be the route cause of many difficulties, including money. You can’t use the law of attraction to attract money into your life, while talking against wealth, prosperity and happiness. So pay attention to what you are saying, both to yourself (in your head) and to other people (out loud).
Law Of Attraction Manifest Money – Is Money Bad?
What is bad about money? Why don’t you have as much as you would like? What beliefs do you hold about money which could be causing your resistance to it? There’s many ways people hold contrary ideas about money, while also wanting more of it. Here’s a few limiting beliefs around money which are common signs of inner conflict:
- You only need enough
- Money is the route of all evil
- Rich people are greedy
- I’m not good enough
- Only rich people can do that..
- Rich people are selfish (or other negative trait)
- It’s immoral to have too much money
- Money doesn’t grow on trees
- And so on..
Although some of these ideas might ring true for you, they are signs that you are talking against the arrival of more money in your life. Imagine going round to a house where you know people secretly despise you. They talk against you and plot for your demise. Would you go round often or would you get the feeling you’re not welcome? Imagine money is the same. If you unconsciously talk yourself down, or talk against money is some way, it’s like a money repellent.

So pay attention to your self talk and especially how you talk to others about yourself, money and money related issues. See if you can catch yourself talking against money. Imagine money is listening to your conversations, deciding whether to come visit!
Is Money Listening?
Of course money can’t really hear what goes on in your mind. However, your subconscious mind can! Your subconscious mind is listening to everything you say and think. Your self talk is especially important to your subconscious mind. With self talk, you are instructing your subconscious about many things: how you think and feel about yourself, how you want others to treat you, and what you think and feel about your self worth.
So also be on the listen to how you think about yourself and how you portray yourself to others. Do you think well of yourself? Or do you fill your thinking with doubts and fears about yourself?
How Do You Feel About “You”?
This is an important question and relates directly to how you earn money and how much money you attract into your life. If you cut yourself off from good feelings, and are often in a negative mood, chances are good that you’ll be cutting off the flow of money into your life too!
Do you deserve all the money you desire? Do you expect to receive what you deserve? Both desire and expectation are two attractive forces which can either work with or against each other. See law of attraction pdf for a list of books on this.

Desiring money but disbelieving you’ll get any means you have a disconnect between your belief and your desire. Equally, if you believe you’ll get something you don’t desire, you’re blocking the flow of good into your life by focusing on something you don’t want.
Ideally belief and desire should line up to give a good positive expectation of the future. If you’re feeling gloomy about the future, and don’t expect anything good to come, you need to remove a block to the good you deserve.
What’s Stopping You? (You)
There’s a number of reasons why people block their ability to generate or create money in their lives. It could be because of an idea about self worth. Perhaps you don’t believe you deserve it? Or perhaps you think the only way to earn the money you desire is by unethical means – which you won’t do!
There’s many stories we tell ourselves about how the wealthy are “better” than us, or less ethical, or we are less capable than others. So ask yourself why you don’t have the money you really desire to live as fully as you possibly can.
Get a pen and some paper and do this exercise. Ask yourself why aren’t you living the best possible life which you truly deserve.
Self Image And Self Worth
Your self image is intricately tied up with the amount of money you allow yourself to have. If you don’t think you’re worth it, or you have a belief about money such as “money causes more problems”, you’ll sabotage your efforts to make it.
Self worth is a massive part of the money jigsaw too. Unless you believe you’re good enough to live the life you desire, and that it’s possible, you won’t even try.

Changing Your Self Image
The self image is a major key to using the law of attraction to attract money. If you see yourself as a failure, chances are you’ll struggle bringing in money because of this self identity. This is a self fulfilling prophecy where by you may “try” many times to make things work for you. But ultimately the self image plays the dominating role in your story. Eventually you give up and say “see I knew I couldn’t do it”! Your self image wins because it controls how you see yourself.
Many people struggle in life because of their self image. With a poor self image, it’s very difficult to change your circumstances because you are always there; reminding yourself who you are!

Law Of Attraction Manifest Money – Old Paradigms
Old money paradigms (belief systems) might tell you things such as:
- You must work hard for money
- Rich people are greedy
- Earning money is difficult
- Life is a struggle
Changing these ideas to more empowering ones can alter your ability to bring money in more easily:
- Money comes easily and frequently
- Rich people are generous
- Earning money is fun
- Life is wonderful
Choose one of these lists to invest in over the next 10 years of your life! Which ideas do you think will bring about a more pleasing existence on planet Earth?
Changing old beliefs isn’t that easy. After all you’ve probably had years of life experience to back up these ideas. Life can be a struggle of course. Life can be tough. But having these ideas run your mind only makes it more of a struggle and more difficult.
Changing Your Old Beliefs About Money
The first step in changing old beliefs and paradigms is to notice them. Pay attention to your mind, thoughts and speech. Learn to meditate and quiet the mind.
Spend a week or so remaining quiet in conversation. Just listen. Listen to people’s stories about themselves and observe how their stories match their lives.
Notice your own story about money, struggle and life too. Once you get to see for yourself how your story is playing out, you’ll want to change it. It’s like a broken record. You keep playing the same tune (in your head) but you want something different to happen!
Next choose some new story to tell yourself about money. Choose a mantra to use in place of the old money mantras you’re telling yourself already.

A simple one is “money comes easily and frequently”. It may not be true for you yet, but as you get used to repeating this to yourself over and over, eventually it will become a reality.
Repeat Repeat Repeat
Your new mantras will of course take time to take effect. If you don’t keep up with them, eventually you’ll stop believing in them and fall back into your old patterns of thinking and behaviour.
As a young child you will naturally accept things you were told, which were “drummed in” by your parents. Perhaps they had their own problems and their money problems became yours because of this. Children have much less of a conscious barrier to new information.
So they simply accept what they are told. As adults our conscious reasoning gets in the way when we try and tell our unconscious minds a new instruction; such as money comes easily and frequently. Not only do we need to repeat these instructions over and over again to reach the subconscious mind, we also need to un-do our previous programming from childhood too.
If an old belief is “life is a struggle”, you’re also struggle to easily accept “money comes easily and frequently”. To help with this, choose mantras which you more readily agree with to start with. That way you’ll have less conscious resistance to the new ideas. For example, if you find “money comes easily and frequently” is difficult to believe, since you’re use to telling yourself “life’s a struggle”, try something less disagreeable to you at first such as “I’m finding new ways to make money”, or “I’m happy in my job”.
See also subliminal money manifestation and money mantra to become rich.
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