Law Of Attraction Hypnosis

Looking for law of attraction hypnosis? The law of attraction works by thoughts, feelings and beliefs. If you have a strong belief and keep giving it attention over a long period of time, you will bring about the physical circumstances which are a match for it.

Conversely, if you harbour doubt and fear in your mind, over time this will create like circumstances and situations. This gives you further evidence of what you believe to be true; and so you reinforce it in your mind, giving it more attention and creating more of it.

This is why your beliefs are so important for the law of attraction. Your beliefs can form the “bedrock” of your future circumstances. Using a law of attraction hypnosis can help you visualise and impress an idea on your subconscious mind. This in turn can help you alter and shape your beliefs and ideas.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis

Here’s a simple hypnosis video for attracting wealth and abundance.

Self Hypnosis – Self Talk

The biggest influence on you is your own mental chatter. It’s not necessarily always others who influence you the most, it’s mostly your inner dialogue. So if your inner dialogue is unsupportive or negative, you’ll doubt yourself and your ability to bring about a more pleasing life situation. One of the best ways to use law of attraction hypnosis, is to start noticing how you talk to yourself. Begin to watch your mind as a passive observer. Don’t judge your thoughts, because this is the mind again, with it’s eternal chatter.

Simply watch and observe in the first instance. Learn to detach from identifying with your thoughts as “you”. After a few days practice of this, you’ll become better at identifying the negative and destructive thinking patterns which don’t serve you. Keep going, and start replacing those unsupportive and disempowering thoughts with new, positive ones. Make it a habit to “weed” out the thoughts which disempower you and don’t support everything you want to be, do and have in life. Choose new supporting and empowering beliefs about yourself instead.

law of attraction hypnosis

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis – Meditation

Learning to meditate can be a huge help when learning to become the watcher of your own mind. Most people identify the mind as “themselves”. It therefore becomes nearly impossible for them to make the necessary changes in their life which they desperately want to create. When something “bad” happens in their lives, they say “see, that kind of thing always happens to me”. They re-affirm their unworthiness with their self image, dialogue and self talk. So they program their subconscious mind for more of the same.

When you learn to relax deeply and meditate, you can detach from the whirlwind of your inner mind. You calm it down and can take more creative control of the thoughts which you allow to remain in your conscious thinking mind.

law of attraction hypnosis

Here’s a great law of attraction meditation video.

Law Of Attraction – Expanding Awareness

We can get trapped in our thinking mind, and become associated with it. This can make us fearful and we cling to ideas, past events and situations which no longer serve us. By learning how to visualise from a deeply relaxed state of mind, we can make far faster progress than by trying to manipulate situations and events on a surface level.

You will have already been using the law of attraction hypnosis in many ways throughout your life. Think about the films you watch the television programs you like and the people and circumstances in your life right now. All those circumstances have likely been a result of your past thinking, beliefs, actions and of course circumstances.

As your ideas form at a young age, you begin to make choices which will create your adult life. If you keep giving attention to certain beliefs and ideas, they transform into real life situations and circumstances. You have, quite literally, already hypnotised yourself into manifesting the life you are currently living. To create change, you need to start believing in the things you haven’t yet achieved. This can mean doing things very differently to how you have already done them; and releasing a few old beliefs which stand in the way of progress and keep you “trapped” in your old way of doing things.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis – Takeaways

You have already “programmed” yourself using the law of attraction “hypnosis”. Certain beliefs and ideas have given rise to the life you’re currently living already. To change things, you need to start changing the dialogue you are having with yourself. This starts by noticing your inner dialogue and changing the way you feel about yourself.

  • Learn how to meditate and become the “watcher” of your thinking
  • Notice any self defeating thoughts or attitudes which don’t serve you
  • Change limiting and disempowering thoughts, beliefs and attitudes for more empowering ones.

See also deliberate creation exercises for more on this.

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