Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work?

Does the law of attraction actually work? Whatever your experience of the law of attraction, you’ve most likely had some disappointments with it; especially if you’ve put a high expectation on what it can bring you. For me, I was expecting a lot after watching the film The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

It was pretty inspiring though and it did get me thinking, a lot! I visualised lots of money coming in and yet nothing happened! I still had to go to work! At the time work was difficult stressful and unfulfilling, not to mention badly paid. My mind was focused on all my problems and difficulties. I was becoming more and more of what I was focusing on.

When I realised this, I stopped what I was doing and started delving into the law of attraction more. I read every book I could find on the topic. See Law of attraction pdf and law of attraction explained in simple steps.

Even after months of reading, I still had the habit of thinking in the way that I did. I had a few negative traits and leanings: I had a bit of a “poor me” control drama going on, I would focus on the negative and tell traumatic stories and negative experiences to friends in the hope they would love me or at least give me some attention. It was something I had picked up from childhood.

self image and self love
How do you see yourself?

The trouble was it doesn’t work very well as a solution in adulthood.

Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work?

I didn’t love myself. There were a few tactics up my sleeve to tell to make people pity me or give me attention. I read about a “poor me” control drama in my 20’s in a book called the Celestine Prophecy. It’s a good read. But I was still doing it years later because it had become the person I identified with. Poor me, I didn’t have enough work, money, love, “fill in blank”. My girlfriend left me, my job sucks, my boss hates me etc.

does the law of attraction actually work

So for me “the law of attraction” seemed like a great escape from this horrible existence I had created. The trouble was, I wasn’t aware enough to see my creation process as it really was. I didn’t see myself as the cause of all my hardship. I had a few blame cards at the ready and a few excuses which gave me a licence to fail.

Failing is ok as long as you learn from it. Failing for the sake of maintaining a poor self image isn’t. But why would I want to fail? Well to give me more “poor me” stories of course. The trouble was, it was no fun finding problems and difficulties everywhere.

Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work? Why Self Love Is Important

How you feel about yourself is pretty damn important then. I just didn’t realise it. I was busy focusing on “trying’ all the time but from a sub-conscious point of view, I was creating more of the same: struggle, hardship and difficulties.

does the law of attraction actually work

It’s easy to pick up negative mantras, beliefs and affirmations which don’t help you in life: “life’s a struggle”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “Rich people are greedy”, you know the kind. They are the beliefs which hold you back in life and stop you from attaining the life you really want. If you’ve picked up any of these kinds of ideas (and you probably have), they are definitely stopping you from growing and attaining the life you dream of.

Is ‘The Secret’ OverSimplified? Does The Law Of Attraction Actually Work?

If you’ve watched The Secret or heard about the law of attraction, you may be slightly sceptical. The film the Secret gives an overview of how to attract things into your existence through belief, thought and prayer (or visualisation). But what if you’re massively sceptical of this theory? Well this is a double bind of sorts. If you believe in it, you’ll seek out your dreams and go about attaining then. If you don’t believe, you won’t. It’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy!

does the law of attraction actually work

You can use confirmation bias and the placebo effect to explain the law of attraction. Conformation bias is the tendency to look for evidence which backs up our existing beliefs. The placebo effect is the belief in some external “pill”, which is actually of no effect. However, the belief itself is enough to cure someone of an illness which they believe the pill will cure. The science behind the law of attraction is explained by quantum physics in the double slit experiment. See quantum physics law of attraction.

So the answer is “yes” the law of attraction does work. But it works by belief. If you believe in something very strongly, it’s more likely to become a reality given the right actions and follow through in terms of what needs to be done. Without belief, you probably won’t take action, so nothing will happen. Hence, it works or doesn’t work, depending on how you view it!

Something For Nothing?

The law of attraction is based on the concept of thoughts becoming things. See what is the law of attraction. Without belief, there will be no action, without action there is no change. With belief, there will be massive action to take you towards whatever it is you desire to achieve. It’s easy to turn the law of attraction into a universal ‘cure all’ which solves all your problems without having to do anything on your part. But that’s when the law of attraction becomes dangerous.

why law of attraction doesn't work

If you think you can achieve something massive without any work, you’re deluding yourself the the law of attraction is some magic “pill”. In terms of thought, the law of attraction can attract circumstances and situations into your life. But if you remain the same, expect similar results in your life. It’s not something which you can use to “get” things without any effort. But it can bring opportunities which are in alignment with how you might want to manifest your dream career, or partner, for example.

See the key to the law of attraction and how to apply the law of attraction effectively.

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