To successfully use visualisation and the law of attraction, you need to communicate your desire to the unconscious mind. This can be done through visualising the circumstance or event you want to attract. Do this regularly enough and in the right way, and your subconscious mind will get busy finding ways to make it a reality and bring it about.
Then, you need to pay attention and listen for the intuitive ‘nudge’ you will get from your intuition. Once you know the path you need to take, take massive action.
Visualisation and The Law Of Attraction – Getting Clear
Unless you’re already very clear about what you want to manifest in your life, it will be next to impossible to create a clear representation of it to the unconscious mind. Most of us create arbitrarily though default. We think of many contradictory and conflicting desires which all get on top of each other.
If the”seas” of your mind are too stormy, your subconscious will have a hard time bringing anything specific about. At best you’ll probably get a very mixed bag of results. That’s because you’re sending very mixed messages and your unconscious is just delivering what you asked for!
To get clear about what you want, and to let your subconscious mind know what it is, you can start by quieting the mind. Ultimately, you know what you really, really want. But unfortunately, we get clouded with other people’s ideas, our own conflicting desires and our limiting beliefs which say whether something is possible or not. We ‘stop’ our best intentions with our “realistic” beliefs.
Meditation – Calming The Storm
You have millions of thoughts every day. Most of them you are unaware of. You are sending messages to the unconscious mind about what you want, what you believe, how worthy you feel and what you believe you deserve. Meditation helps you calm the stormy sea of your conscious thinking processes and get clear. By noticing your thoughts in meditation, you can take back control and decide which thoughts you prefer to think about and which thoughts aren’t serving you.
You can also start to see when your thoughts get carried away with themselves and when emotion gets involved. This insight is very useful when applying the law of attraction. These thoughts are the ones which are the most powerful. When you start visualising, you really want to include emotions and feelings. This sends a clearer signal to your unconscious mind, which “talks” in emotions and pictures – think of your dreams.
Setting Clear Goals And Outcomes
Without clear concise goals, it’s going to be very difficult manifesting something specific into your life. Getting clear on your goals and writing them down is the first step towards achieving this. Without a target, how are you going to hit anything. Think of yourself as a rudderless ship in the stormy seas without any goals. A goal gives you a map, a rudder, a sail and a clear direction to travel.
Sometimes we can be unclear about our goals too. If this is the case I highly recommend getting this book by Stuart Lichtman. It’s the best book I’ve read on getting clear and setting goals. Plus, the book also instructs on how to communicate to the subconscious through meta stories. Meta stories are what Stuart Lichtman calls our real life stories from our past, but that have been altered to include more of what we want. They’re a great way to communicate to the subconscious because much of the information is already there in pictures, smells, feelings and images. We just alter the story to fit a new narrative; one which fits the story we want to happen. Get Stuart’s book: “How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast”.
Visualisation And The Law Of Attraction
Visual motor rehearsal is the act of imagining an outcome or circumstance you want to create in your life. Like in this video, if you do the exercise, you’ll quickly see that the imagination is strong enough to create the effects of the event actually happening.
Checkout this Dennis Waitley interview from the movie The Secret. As he explains, during visualisation, (while testing olympic athletes), the muscles fired in the same sequence that they did during an actual race. The body didn’t know the difference between imagination and reality.
So, once you’re clear about what you really want to achieve, you can set some specific goals and create a daily visualisation which creates the scene of what you want to create.
Depending on the level of difficulty and your belief that’s it’s possible for you, this can take some time to manifest in reality. But to be effective with this technique, you need to practice it regularly and have a physical plan to achieve the desired outcome as well.
If you don’t know what this is yet, you can leave it up to the law of attraction to bring something in which might be a good fit for your visualisation. Ask, believe, achieve!
If you’re not sure what you want, think of something small which you can easily manifest into your life. Work on those small steps towards achieving it and keep visualising it happening. As you become more confident in your ability to manifest things into your life, you can choose more lofty goals which scare you a little!
Right so here are a few law of attraction techniques which I’ve personally used to get clear, focus on what I want and tune in to what it feels like to actually have what I’m aiming for. Unless you can impress upon your subconscious mind the experience or event you’re after, you’ll create through default. This means that all the negative things will keep ‘speaking’ to the unconscious too, and it’ll be harder to instruct it in a direction of your conscious choice.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Meditation
Yes I’m starting with meditation for a good reason. Imagine all the chit chat going on in your conscious mind throughout your day. Your unconscious mind is trying to interpret what’s going on. But with all the noice, it eventually gives up! It’s just far too confusing having all these counter intentions on top of each other all the time.
Imagine your mind as a pond. Underneath is the calm. Unless you can clear the surface water of the constant disturbances, you’ll never be able to see through the water to the bottom.
Start with meditation because by quieting the mind you can understand what is going on.
You don’t need to join a buddhist monastery to learn to meditate. All you need is some quiet space where you can sit and be quiet.
A Simple Meditation
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Keep doing this. You will notice your mind chatter take over your attention. When you do, just take your attention back to your breathing.
Start with doing this for 5 minutes a day and keep extending the time. I find it useful to set a timer, so I won’t be distracted looking at the time.
Manifesting From A ‘Noisy Mind’
When you start applying the law of attraction techniques in this article, you will have far more success if you begin with meditation. Unless you clear the muddy waters of your conflicting intentions, you’ll keep focusing your mind on things by habit, rather than design. You’re thinking all day long. This is kind of hard to keep track of. When you start to implement the techniques of meditation into your day, you’ll become more conscious of the thoughts you choose on a daily basis.
Trying to manifest through visualisation in a muddy storm of conflicting intentions can be very difficult. Your ideal outcomes will be ‘muddied’ by the other intentions going on inside you. Start by getting clear. Meditate daily for at least 5 minutes and extend this time gradually as you set the habit.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Visualisation
Visualisation is one of the main ‘staples’ talked about in the The Secret movie. Checkout this short video which explains how it works.
With visualisation you create pictures in your mind and feelings and even emotions. This sends a clear signal to the unconscious mind which experiences it as a real event. This is the technique used for manifesting the kind of things you want to create in your life.
Imagine yourself in your perfect situation. Recreate it in your mind first. The more you practice your visualisation of the things, events, circumstances or experience you want, the easier it is to manifest it. Get into the habit of visualising your dream life every day morning and at night.
By doing so, you’re communicating your desires to the subconscious mind in a way it understands. It will then start looking for ways to create it in reality. You simply have to notice these impulses and intuitions by listening when your unconscious mind ‘nudges’ you in a particular direction. This might come in the form of an insight, idea or particular course of action.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Goal Setting
The act of writing something down on paper allows you to take the intangible (thoughts) and make it tangible. You can physically see a goal when it is written down on paper. In your mind, it is only an idea. Writing goals is a major part of achievement. Without a specific measurable goal, your unconscious mind has nothing to work towards. Without a target, an arrow has nothing to hit.
So write down some goals. The best way to do this is to get clear on what you really want first. Again, meditation can help with this by helping you get clear. You’re likely to have many contradictory goals and maybe some conflicting desires. For example: I want to lose weight, but I also like ice-cream! I want to earn more money, but I don’t want to work any overtime!
In it, you will go through exercises which help you attain a goal which is both a 10/10 on desirability and which you also believe is achievable. The problem with goals is we often set goals we think we should want. Or, we set goals we don’t believe are possible, hence we give up on them. Or we set goals which we don’t really care about; which is why we fail to achieve them. In Stuart Lichtman’s book How to get lots of money for anything fast, you’ll be able to overcome these mental obstacles to achieving whatever you really, really want.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Gratitude
Without gratitude, the mind cannot for long maintain happiness without looking for something more. Even in the case of achieving something worthwhile and difficult, the mind will always look for something else, especially if it isn’t grounded in gratitude for ‘what already is’.
When we say we want something in life, it is often the feeling of it which we are searching for. Ultimately, we want the feeling of gratefulness; since this is how we assume we will feel once we get the object or circumstance of our desire.
In many cases, people go throughout their whole lives without realising this. They go from chasing one outcome to the next without ever really feeling better. If there feels to be something missing in your life, chasing goals and dreams will never fill the endless void. With gratitude, you fill it straight away.
By virtue of the way you feel, you attract situations and circumstances which are in tune with this feeling. The endless quest for more and more can feed a feeling of desperation and worthlessness. With gratitude, this void can be filled.
A Gratitude Journal
Start practicing gratitude by getting a note pad you can use as your gratitude journal. Make a habit daily of writing in your journal everything you are already grateful for which you have in your life. This can be something small such as your health, a roof over your head, the clothes on you back, people in your life or air in your lungs. Start small and make it a daily habit along with your meditation habit, your visualisation habit and goal setting and reviewing habits.
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Mindfulness Exercise
Here’s another technique I picked up from a book by Victor Sanchez: The Teachings Of Don Carlos. To do this exercise you need a notebook and pencil which you can carry around with you throughout your day. You also need a timer which you can set on repeat. Set the alarm to go off at intervals though your day. But make sure you won’t be aware of when it goes off. Don’t use an hourly chime, since you’ll be aware of when the hour is coming up and change your behaviour accordingly.
In your notebook you will write down three things whenever the alarm sounds:
What you were doing
What you were thinking
And whether you want this or not
That’s it! This is a fantastic exercise and I did this for several days. It taught me a huge amount about where my attention was going and the habits I was caught up in. Highly recommended as it will teach you more about yourself than you could ever pay anyone to learn!
Law Of Attraction Techniques – Keep Learning
Keep learning about the law of attraction by reading all the material you can find on it. Here are a few of my favourite books on the topic: Law of attraction pdf. Remember too that you are living every moment. You are creating in every moment too, not just in those moments when you are aware of it!
So being mindful about what you give your attention to, throughout the day, is as important as these law of attraction techniques.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this article. Please share it and leave a comment below.
Maybe you’re confused by the LOA, so here’s the law of attraction explained in simple steps.
When I first watched the film The Secret, I was sold. I went about visualising things trying to manifest my best life. Eventually I grew tired of it and gave up, falling back into my previous patterns and daily bad habits!
No wonder things didn’t change for me!
It wasn’t until I was really struggling in life that I decided enough was enough. I had to do something about it and I remembered the film The Secret. There had to be something to it so I went back and found all the books I could on the topic of the law of attraction. Checkout some of them here: Law of attraction pdf.
Law Of Attraction Explained In Simple Steps – Thoughts
Ok let’s start with your thoughts. Firstly thoughts do become things, but you don’t need to worry. This takes years and decades and doesn’t happen immediately. For small things you can manifest them quite quickly. For larger things, it will take some time. Say you want a cup of coffee. That’s easy, you can go and make one in the kitchen. What came first the coffee or the thought of it? See, it works!
If you want to manifest a new job, that’s going to take a little longer. You’ll need to think about what kind of job you want and perhaps even apply to a few and get interviews. Personally, I’ve never had much luck applying to jobs. I find jobs through people more often than not!
Want to make a million? Well that’s going to take a serious amount of time. But, it’s possible if you believe it is. So without the belief, you won’t even try. Get started with something simple and believable for you. Then, as your confidence grows in this, you’ll be able to shoot for ever larger and more exciting targets.
Exercise: Write Down A Single, Specific Target/Goal right now! Something you want, is believable and has a short term 3-6 months target
Law Of Attraction Explained In Simple Steps – Visualisation
We often day dream throughout the day; by drifting off into a hazy state of mind and thinking about the things we would love to happen in our lives. We can also get caught up in unpleasant daydreams such as thinking of an argument of fight with a boss or our partners or friends.
The key to the law of attraction to attract the things you want is to focus on those visualisations which we want to happen. When we daydream/visualise, we are sending strong signals to our unconscious mind to let it know what we want to create.
Get conscious about what you’re daydreaming about and shift the focus to create only those things you have consciously chosen to give attention to.
Exercise: Identify a daydream/visualisation which is pleasant to think about and in line with what you really want to create. Commit to running it every day at least twice in your mind.
Being Mindful Of Your Thoughts, Words and Emotions
Our old programs can run the show unless we take charge of our minds. One way to get more conscious about our thinking processes is to meditate regularly. With meditation, we calm down the constantly running dialogue in the mind and learn to observe the chatter rather than engage with it. When we create this space, we can realise that we are not that voice in our head.
As we become more experienced at meditation, we bring this awareness into our everyday lives. This in turn can help us become more conscious about what we think, say and the emotions we are giving constant attention to.
Exercise: Stop For 5-10 minutes and sit quietly if you can. Watch your mind without engaging. Just be the observer and notice where your thoughts are.
LOA Explained In Simple Steps – Words
Your words have power because you impress them upon yourself and others and they sow seeds in your mind and in those around you.
So be mindful about how you talk, particularly about how you talk about yourself. Do you sell yourself short? Do you talk down about yourself? You need to reverse this habit and start to become your own best friend.
Affirmations are a big part of the law of attraction. You can use affirmations to talk yourself up or down. More often than not, people use affirmations in a backwards way. They declare that they are “no good at this, or that”, that “they can’t do something” or that “life is hard”, which of course it becomes; because you’re affirming it to yourself.
Exercise: Write down some of the reasons why your life isn’t perfect, or as you’d like it to be. Then, next to each one write a positive affirmation stating how things will be (in your perfect scenario). Read them out every day to yourself.
LOA Images and Emotions
You talk to your unconscious mind in images and emotions. Think about how a dream is and how you remember dreams. They are usually in the form of images and feelings/emotions. Emotions are powerful indicators to your unconscious mind. Even if you think positively on the surface (superficially), and your emotions are very low or depressed, they (emotions) will have a much stronger effect on your ability to create what you want in life.
So, in order to use the law of attraction more effectively, you need to create positive emotions and feelings about your life and yourself. Imagine yourself living your perfect life and all the emotions surrounding you. Live the experience in your mind so you engage in all the emotions you will be feeling. Even though thoughts become things, emotions are much stronger attraction factors, so you need to engage emotion and feeling when “speaking” to your unconscious mind.
Exercise: Stop for a few minutes and imagine how it feels living your perfect day. What will you be doing, how will you feel? Really live it in your mind.
Law Of Attraction Explained In Simple Steps – Unconscious Magnets
The law of attraction works by drawing us to situations and events which we create, whether we are conscious of the creation process or not. Much of the time, we are unconscious of many of our attractive forces. Some of these might be conscious efforts to attain something in life. However, if you’ve ever had the experience of never quite reaching the level of success or happiness which you most crave, this can be due to some unconscious success “blockers” which are holding you back.
These can be unconscious fears and feelings of inadequacy and hesitation which hold us from our best lives. Sometimes these are old traumas which are embedded in the subconscious mind and which we hold onto as important ‘world view’ blocks which keep us ‘safe’. In truth, they don’t keep us safe. We just like the security of consistency in an inconsistent world.
These kind of blocks can be uncovered by a therapist, NLP practitioner or hypnotist. An example is a phobia of spiders. If someone has a phobia, they often picked it up through a traumatic experience which they have blocked from their conscious mind. They don’t know why they avoid spiders, they just do!
A similar thing can occur when trying to change things in your life. You may have arranged your life to avoid certain situations and circumstances. This can hold you back from growing and attaining more happiness, wealth or success in any given area. By uncovering and accepting the blockage, it can loosen its grip on you. Other times more in depth work might be needed.
If you think you have a fear, phobia or unconscious blockage to forward growth in life, see a therapist or hypnotist who can help you uncover that particular blockage.
What is Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction? When I first saw the film The Secret, Jack’s message really jumped out at me. I started implementing his ideas and actually ‘seeing’ the future I wanted to create. Before this, I was struggling in life, making everything difficult for myself and ‘trying’ far too hard at everything.
Ultimately, I didn’t believe I was worth it and my self image and self esteem acted as a success barometer which kept pushing me down to where I thought I deserved to be.
Take a look that this video where Jack Canfield explains the exact way and ‘formula’ he used to make himself a millionaire by selling his book Chicken Soup For The Soul and making his first million dollar cheque.
Jack Canfield’s Key To Living The Law Of Attraction – Visualisation
Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction is to visualise your life the way you want it to be every day, morning and night.
Most of us go about life cutting ourselves off from the source of our wealth and happiness through judgement, low self esteem or through believing in a mediocrity which is presented by those around us. We accept the status quo and follow the herd.
By focusing on what is important to you, and focusing on it daily, you can have whatever life you desire, through the law of attraction. What is the law of attraction?
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The law of attraction has been made popular by the film The Secret, but that’s only scratching the surface of what the law of attraction really is. Some say The Secret is a superficial version of the law of attraction. In The Secret, it is portrayed that you can think about your dream life and manifest it through your thoughts. But that’s only a small part of the bigger picture.
Most people will sabotage their dreams and goals by contradicting them with their words, deeds and thoughts. The self image can be a huge barrier to success too. It acts like a barrier which you can’t get beyond without changing the self image itself.
The Key To Living The Law Of Attraction
So what is the key to living the law of attraction? Jack Canfield had already written a book (Chicken Soup For The Soul) when he created the intention to sell a million copies in a single day:
The key to living the law of attraction, as Jack Canfield discusses here, is to become absolutely in alignment with your vision and goal, without doubt or reservation. Set a goal, meditate on it and absolutely believe in it.
When we think about what we want in life, doubt enters in. When we tell others what we want, they sometimes discredit our ideas and we lose our belief. So you need to be in vibration with the outcome and absolutely resonate with it throughout your beingwith complete congruence. If some part of you doubts it, talks against it, or disbelieves it, you’re not in complete alignment with what you want. The part of you that disagrees is also operating as an attracting factor, bringing in obstacles and problems with the outcome – as you have expected!
Stop Daydreaming! Why We Fail
As a child were you ever told to stop daydreaming? When we are little, we instinctively know how to visualise and create. It’s only through our conscious reasoning that we’ve lost the ability to do so.
Daydreaming is fun! But once our conscious mind takes over and we lose the ability to believe in ourselves as conscious creators, we start creating unconsciously and our outcomes become the bedrock of what we believe life actually is!
The problems we encounter can then become an unconscious feedback loop: “this is life, life is hard”. We therefore create more of it as we come to believe in a certain reality.
Remove Doubt & Dream Your Dream!
So remember Jack Canfield’s key to living the law of attraction. Focus on the life you actually want, not the one you believe you have to live, or the one you’ve accepted as reality. Stretch your limits of possibility and learn to fantasise again.
Remove obstacles in your mind first to its attainment. You can do this by learning meditation, visualisation and by using affirmations.
Don’t worry about the “how”?
The how will show up. Just focus on the outcome and use visualisation morning and evening to plant the seeds in your subconscious mind and train it to focus unconsciously on bringing about your new reality.
Depending on your goal, this can take some time. More difficult goals can take years to attain. To build confidence in this idea, start with something small which you believe more easily. Over time, you can focus on more lofty goals as you gain confidence and more awareness.
Let Go And Trust!
Don’t get too neurotic about your goals and desires. Let go and allow the universe the time to bring things about for you. Don’t focus on problems just keep doing your visualisations morning and night.
Focusing too much on what you want can push it away too! You don’t need to spend all day worrying how you’ll achieve it. Let go and trust things will come as you go about your day!
Remember to be light about all this. It should be fun. Getting too worried and focused on it will have the opposite effect.
The law of attraction is working every moment, not just when you’re thinking of it. So if you’re wondering how to apply the law of attraction in daily life, start with understanding it first. You can’t site down and ‘do’ the law of attraction in one sitting each day, and then carry on as before and expect things to suddenly change.
Why not? Simply because the law of attraction has been working your whole life. A few sessions with your vision board and some visualisations isn’t go to make that much difference.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Become More Conscious
To begin being more conscious of the law of attraction start by reading everything you can find on the topic. When I first watched The Secret film by Rhonda Bryne, I was incredibly motivated and excited. I visualised things I wanted and sat back waiting for things to happen! Unfortunately, I didn’t really understand what I was doing. So, low and behold, things didn’t change much for me.
When things started going very wrong in my life, I remembered The Secret and went about researching it more fully. I found many books on the topic.
Becoming more conscious and aware is the first step to applying the law of attraction in your life. It’s no magic bullet, you need to be logical! If you’ve already spent years creating your current circumstances without awareness, it’s going to take some time to use the law of attraction more consciously.
Using The Law Of Attraction – Notice Your Thoughts Because Thoughts Become Things
One of the main concepts on The Secret is that thoughts become things. This phrase has been coined many times before the film The Secret used it. Many self help books have spoken of this as the main concept in changing your circumstances.
“Whether a man believes he can or he can’t he’s right” – Henry Ford
You can’t however just think of a million dollars and have it land in your lap! Thoughts are only the seeds of belief and beliefs are the cornerstones of the life you’ll build. It’s not just beliefs about life, but also about yourself.
Why are beliefs so important? Simply put, you would attempt anything unless you thought you were capable of doing it. So, millions of people cut themselves off from even attempting to build the life of their dreams if they don’t believe in themselves or have faith in themselves.
To start using the law of attraction in your daily life, start question the things you hold to be true – especially those things which hold you from the life you want!
This is a useful exercise to become more aware of the thoughts and ideas you’re giving power to on a regular basis. You’ll need a notebook and a timer which can be set on repeat. Set the timer to go off at regular intervals throughout the day. Each time the timer goes off write down these three things:
What were you doing?
What were you thinking?
Do you want this?
Do this exercise for at least a full day but more if you can. It will give you huge insights into what you’re currently paying the most attention to and in the process of creating.
Be Careful Of Your Speech! Words Are Powerful
Start being watchful of the things you say to people and to yourself. Words tell other people about you, how you feel about yourself and what you believe. Notice yourself talking to others. Much of what people say is their unconscious programming from an early age. Words reflect beliefs which have been built over a long time by thoughts, environment, programming and the beliefs and thoughts of those around us growing up.
Pay attention to what you say around different people and in the various circumstances in your life. Notice if you complain, what you say about yourself and how your words make you feel. If you’re continually complaining or talking yourself down, you’re reinforcing an old self image or circumstance which you don’t want.
Remember also that your circle of friends and the people you spend most time with are also going to reflect your beliefs and attitudes.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Quiet The Storm
You are already communicating with your subconscious mind through your thoughts and words on a daily basis. By doing the above exercises regularly, you’ll be more conscious of the way this happens. Often this communication is unconscious and you’ll also be creating some unwanted outcomes due to habit and belief.
Firstly you need to quiet the storm of intentions, counter-intentions desires and expectations which are running through your conscious awareness. You can do this through meditation practice. Imagine a beautiful serenity at the bottom of a lake. But in order to see it, you’ll need to calm the waves on the surface. Once you calm the surface, you’ll see more clearly to the quiet underneath.
Don’t be scared of the term meditation because it doesn’t need to be a big deal. You’re just learning to quieten your mind so you can see more clearly what’s going on in there!
Learn a simple meditation practice of sitting still somewhere each day where you won’t be disturbed. Focus on a single point on the wall and start counting up to 5. Once you get to 5, start again at 1. You can start with just doing 5 minutes each day and build it up over time. Starting small and committing to daily practice is vital to build on your practice. You’ll notice your mind wanders away from the counting. When you do, just bring your attention back to your counting and start again at 1.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Visualising
Visualising is how you communicate an idea to your unconscious mind. You’ll already be doing this unconsciously each day in one way or another. When I looked a little deeper into what was going on inside I discovered a load of things which were popping into my consciousness and ‘feeding’ my unconscious mind with angry thoughts and intentions! No wonder I kept creating angry, difficult circumstances in my life! See my article law of attraction anger.
Start with something you really want to create in your life. Imagine the perfect day living your perfect life. This could be anything you choose from the perfect relationship to driving your dream car, or owning your own house or going on a holiday. Ideally, start with something you can manifest fairly easily at first and build from there.
This is one of the best videos I’ve found on manifesting. It’s important to do some clearing before you start doing this. If you rush through to this exercise, you’re mind will be clouded with a number of other intentions and the results won’t be as good. Work through this visualisation each and every day for 30 day at least. You should start to see some results in that time. Again, choose something small to start with and build your confidence up over time. Once you have a solid belief in this, you can start working on more difficult goals.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction In Daily Life – Write A Plan
Whatever you think about the law of attraction, there’s common sense in writing down your goals. Without a written plan and daily steps to achieve it, you’ll struggle getting anything purposeful from these exercises. Most importantly when applying the law of attraction is consistency. Without it, you’ll forget and default back to your old habits (thinking, doing, speaking and acting). Making the law of attraction more conscious also means making your habits more conscious and changing them to fulfil you and create a life of joy, happiness, abundance and purpose.
Write down your most important goals for the next 6 months, 12 months and 5 years. Choose goals which are the most important to you, not what you think you should do. If you’re unsure, dwell on it for a while, but write something down. Break each goals down into manageable steps. Make sure you choose goals which are specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and time bound (S.M.A.R.T.). Goals for the long term should match up with your daily actions to make them a reality.
For more help on goal setting and removing unconscious mental blocks see Stuart Lichtman’s How To Get Lot’s Of Money For Anything Fast. It’s the best resource I’ve found on breaking down goal setting to find those goals which are specifically right and purposeful for you.
There’s also exercises in the book to help remove unconscious success blockers – conflicting mental barriers which might be stopping you from attaining your greatest outcome.
Final Word
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! If a certain path seems unpleasant to you or you don’t want to take a certain direction, it might be be right for you. Focus on your perfect outcome and don’t limit yourself to what you think you ‘should’ want. Have fun and enjoy the ride!
Yes, money and the law of attraction! It’s everyone favourite reason for studying the law of attraction. How can we get more money!? How you attract money (or not) has a great deal to do with how you perceive money, wealth lack, and yourself. If you don’t see yourself in a very good light, chances are good that you’ll be repelling money in some way.
Ask yourself:
Think about what you really want, in terms of money.
What do you deserve in terms of income or wealth?
What do you expect to get?
How do these differ?
Take a note of your answers and write them down somewhere you can refer to them later.
Money And The Law Of Attraction – What Do You Want?
So, money and the law of attraction. What are you worth? In terms of money I mean? I know you can’t put a value on someone in terms of money, but what do you think your life is worth?
How do you value your time? What value do you bring to the world and what can you charge for it?
What expectations are you holding onto which limit your ability to grow and accomplish things in life which would bring you closer to more abundance?
What value judgements are you holding onto which inhibit your ability to create more money? Any of these sound familiar:
Money doesn’t grow on trees
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
It’s easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Rich people are greedy
It’s noble to be poor
Life’s a struggle
Better happy and poor than rich and miserable..
And so on…
Maybe you’ve got your own limiting beliefs around money. Most people have some beliefs around money which stop its flow into their lives, whether they are aware of them or not. How do you justify your struggle or poverty when plenty of people are rich already? Write down your answers because they are your blockages!
Money And The Law Of Attraction – Being Right About Something
Thoughts alone can’t change our lives, only we can do that! But we can use thoughts, and the investigation into our own thinking processes to start seeing more clearly the factors which inhibit our growth. If we hold on to old beliefs and ideas about money which don’t serve us, we stop growing and are unable to receive the benefits of having more money. We stifle our existence.
The payoff is that we get to be right. We get to hold on to our old limiting beliefs and secure our place in {insert BS story here}! Whether it’s heaven you believe in or whether you’re an atheist, everyone picks up beliefs from their parents, guardians, friends and circle of influence. If these beliefs are about your self image, money, working or having some unrealistic expectations of some kind, they can all disempower you and make you feel worthless.
If you’re feeling bad, you will struggle in many circumstances. How you feel has a great deal to do with what you are manifesting through the law of attraction. So ask yourself, how do you feel right now?
Ask yourself, “what are you being right about which is stopping your from progressing with your life?”
Self Image – You Attract What (You Think) You Are
How do you see yourself? In what ways does this limit your ability to earn money and feel good while doing so?
How You See Yourself Is A Major Factor In What You Will Attract
If you don’t know about self image, check out a book called psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Maltz was working as a plastic surgeon and noticed than many patients still had problems even after successful surgery.
For some, their problems went away when they got the faces and features they wanted. But for others, their problems persisted. Maltz worked on uncovering the reason and started helping people with their self image before surgery. Many patients decided they didn’t need the surgery after they successfully changed their negative self image.
Money can be a reflection of what we feel inside and how we see ourselves. Until we see ourselves in a positive light, we will perpetuate a negative self image through difficult circumstances, lack and struggle. Once the self image is changed for good, everything is much easier. Would you rather struggle to make money, or do you want to make money in an enjoyable and effortless fashion? Effortless right?!
Money And The Law Of Attraction – Why Is Life Such A Struggle?
If you’ve had a parent who regularly told you life was a struggle on a continuous basis, over a number of years; you probably believe it. You believe it so much you’re living it! As children, we accept the constant repetition and beliefs of those closest to us. At a young age we don’t have the cognitive reasoning to object and reject suggestions made by repetition.
As an adult, we reason with someone if we don’t agree. But as suggestible children we simply accept.
So, when we meet obstacles later in life, it can often be these old programs which limit our potential and stop us from moving forwards in life. To combat old programming we can make it conscious and start a new mantra which supports the outcomes we want to attain. See money mantra to become rich.
Do Your Habits Support Your Richer Life?
Let’s say you’ve watched The Secret (Rhonda Bryne), and set out to create more money by thinking about it. Before long, nothing happens! Life seems pretty much the same! (See The Secret Sceptic).
Perhaps you didn’t understand how the law of attraction really works? You think some nice thoughts and go about your business, right? That was how it was for me anyway! It took some serious digging to unveil the unconscious programs and negative beliefs which I was harbouring about myself, money and a number of other things in life. See Law Of Attraction Anger.
What’s become more apparent to me is that my habits weren’t supporting the life I truly wanted. It was my thinking habits I’m talking about here as well as my daily physical habits. Only when I delved into the mind a little did I see what was going on.
Your daily habits are the ground rock from which you can build a successful life: thinking and doing.
What Negative Thoughts Or Images Do You Hold In Your Mind?
Before setting out on a journey to build more money into your life, a good starting point is to uncover any blockages you might have to a more prosperous life. What do you think about people who have more than you? How do you imagine yourself being once you have the money you need or want?
If you are harbouring any negative thoughts about the rich, or wealthy, that’s a good place to look. If “rich people are jerks” in your mind, this doesn’t reconcile very well if you’re going to be one. You’ll actively avoid being a “jerk” if that’s what having money means for you.
Meditation is a good starting point to make you more aware of your thoughts and emotions and particularly where your mind is focusing it’s energy.
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows..
It’s easy to get money and the law of attraction wrong by focusing on lack, instead of wealth. But it’s when you have lack that you most need more money. So how can you focus on wealth when you don’t have any? Visual Motor Rehearsal:
This is something we often do automatically and unconsciously too. We often day dream about yelling at our boss, leaving our jobs, or going on a great holiday. What you are constantly ‘feeding’ your subconscious mind in terms of these little fantasies, has an impact on what you’re creating.
Of course it’s not all just in your mind but what you’re doing in life too. You can’t build a skyscraper on the foundations of a cottage. So, if you want to be a millionaire, you can’t carry on working in your minimum wage job, visualise money falling from the sky, and expect it to happen. You can try, but there’s more practical steps!
Think, Say, Do..
“Happiness is when what you think say and do are in harmony” – Mahatma Ghandi
If you want to attract more money, you need to focus on making more. This means you need to overcome mental barriers, self doubt and reservations which hold you back. You need to make a plan and set some goals. If you have no idea how to achieve what you want, you need to start thinking and noticing opportunities when they come up. Belief is the driving factor but action is “where the rubber meets the road”.
Without belief, you won’t start the creating thinking process. You don’t need to know how, but you do need to believe. If you don’t believe you can, you won’t take any action and failure is guaranteed.
“Whether you think you can or your can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford
Keep filling your mind with images of things you can’t afford. Watch TV and the endless commercials showing the happy people with the new shiny stuff. Feel bad you don’t have these things. (Remember: You’re not good enough! You’re not worth it! ).
Look at beauty and fitness magazines and compare yourself to perfect airbrushed people who have everything you don’t. Look at the perfect bodies, faces and features.
Scroll through Facebook and look at all the happy people living their perfect lives.
Fill your mind with with all the terrible things that are going on in the world. Watch the news: an endless diatribe of the worst situations mankind has to endure on the planet.
Complain frequently to those around you. Do nothing different and keep this up.
Watch the politicians scrape the dignity from the helpless and give it all to the rich. Complain frequently to everyone around you and call it a travesty.
Feed your low self esteem with alcohol, stress and a miserable working week in a job you hate. It’ll help numb the pain but also your senses. This way you can keep it up for decades, and accept your reality more easily.
Give all your power away to icons of the silver screen; movie stars and politicians (the film industry for less attractive people).
Wake up each day and repeat.
Congratulations, you’ve now achieved a low self esteem, poor self image and no money in the bank. Do nothing different, comply. Just complain now. It’s probably someone else’s fault anyway!
Are you The Secret Sceptic? The Secret movie which was created by Rhonda Bryne, claims that it is the thoughts we continually think which eventually manifest in our lives. Some view the film as being overly fanciful and full of unrealistic claims.
It’s true that the film glosses over some of the finer points of the law of attraction and suggests that we can all have the lives of our dreams, just by thinking positively! But what is the law of attraction, and how much truth is in it? Is the law of attraction real and is The Secret just a glossy Hollywood version of it, or just complete nonsense?
The Secret Sceptic – Law Of Attraction Origins
The origins of the law of attraction grew out of the teachings of a spiritualist called Phineas Quimby, although he didn’t call it such.
Amazon reviews of The Secret DVD
“The trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in, and we put a value on it according to its worth. Therefore if your mind has been deceived by some invisible enemy into a belief, you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. By my theory or truth, I come in contact with your enemy and restore you to your health and happiness. This I do partly mentally and partly by talking till I correct the wrong impressions and establish the Truth, and the Truth is the cure.” – Phineas Quimby
The “Law Of Attraction” term was first documented as appearing in print in 1877 in a book by Helena Blavatsky. Prentice Mulford published an essay “The Law Of Success” in 1886-87 in which he discussed The Law Of Attraction as a general principle.
Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill following a couple of other books by previous authors on the subject. His best selling book saw a surge in the positive thinking movement followed by Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power Of Positive Thinking in 1952. See more details on The Law Of Attraction history.
What’s missing From The Secret?
The Secret is an inspiring book and film for many, but for other’s it’s a big lie. It’s polarising. Depending on which side of the fence you sit, you may or may not find it of any use. For some it’s inspiring and for others it’s complete nonsense!
Amazon Reviews Of The Secret DVD
Are You A Secret Sceptic or Believer?
It’s easy to discount something we don’t understand. On the other hand, it’s also important to maintain a good relationship with reality and keep a good analytical based view on things. The Secret is a glossy view of what I believe the law of attraction actually is. If you take the film at face value, you might think you can sit in your living room, desiring things and expecting them to simply arrive without any effort on your part.
I’m sure there are thousands of people who have bought into the false belief that they can simply manifest anything by believing it for long enough. In reality, it takes hard work and effort to make changes in your own life. Things don’t often magically appear of their own accord. But it’s unfair to say that the film preaches this, even though some will say it does.
“It should be believable for you” – Joe Vitale explains The Secret
If you’re a fantasist, you might believe in unicorns and fairies. That’s up to you not the fault of The Secret movie!
Life Shouldn’t Be A Struggle
Joe Vitale, mentions during the film that if you’re thinking of a course of action, and that you would hate it, then you shouldn’t pursue that direction. I think that’s sound advice. It shouldn’t be that hard! But hard work needn’t be drudgery. Hard work with a purpose is something different. It’s inspiration.
When I first watched the film, I definitely bought into it and believed all my problems were over! In fact, they were only beginning! Holding a belief that things will always work out ‘for the best’ is a similar lie I was told many years ago. It’s a theory for the passive victim in life and believing you can easily create a mansion, when you’re on “broke alley” is unrealistic, whatever you think.
But on the other hand, we can create hardship for ourselves when there’s an easier route. It comes down to belief, and this is the crux of The Secret.
Thoughts Become Things – The Secret Sceptic
Even the biggest secret sceptic must admit the nature of our thinking minds creates, in some way, the results of our lives. After all, we are products of our environment, upbringing and nurturing processes. But we are also the result of our continual thinking processes. The manifestation of your life happens over decades. Unless you believe something is possible you simply wouldn’t attempt it.
“Whether a man believes he can or he can’t, he’s right” – Henry Ford
So, maybe even the most hardened sceptic of The Secret can attest to the fact that their thinking is in some way associated with the outcomes in their lives? If not immediately, then over several years? In fact the movie even states that you don’t really want things manifesting immediately and nor can you achieve this. Things take time to arrive in life.
However, if you hold the belief that you will be able to achieve something or get something, surly it will arrive faster than if you hold the belief that it is impossible? Consider the same question over a 10 year period.
The Secret Vs. The Law Of Attraction
Whatever your thoughts about The Secret, there is at least truth in the idea of the law of attraction, whether it’s real or not! Is the law of attraction real? The law of attraction can have similarities with confirmation bias and the placebo effect too!
With confirmation bias, you look for information which backs up your already held beliefs. This can work whatever your view on The Secret. Are you searching for information to qualify your point of view in this article?!
The law of attraction can work as a placebo too! If you believe in something, it’s all the more likely to be prevalent in your thinking processes. You attribute your successes to what you believed, not what you did! Likewise, you can attribute your failures to the lack of this “law” working for you! But in each case, the law has proved itself right!
Are You Lucky? The Secret Sceptic
In his book The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman discusses the topic of luck. He notes that those who consider themselves ‘lucky’ venture out more, make more connections and have a more positive outlook. As a result, they attract more situations and circumstances where they meet people and find opportunities.
Those who consider themselves unlucky don’t do this. They avoid new situations and circumstances because they believe nothing good will come from them. Their outcomes solidify their beliefs and the cycle continues – they continue to believe they are ‘unlucky’ but are unwilling to take action in any direction due to this belief.
Could this same principle hold true with The Secret and The Law Of Attraction? Choose your answer wisely!
Please let me know your thoughts on the Secret below in the comments.
Is the law of attraction real? Many seem to thinks so but the law of attraction also has its fair share of critics too. Some believe that thelaw of attraction is impossible to prove and that confirmation bias and the placebo effect is as much to do with the outcomes as anything else.
Some say the law of attraction is proved by quantum physics – see quantum physics law of attraction for details of the double slit experiment. In the double slit experiment, electrons are fired through a barrier with two slits in it. What you expect to see is two lines on the wall behind where the electrons get through. But in fact the electrons behave differently whether they are being observed or not.
Law of attraction advocates use this experiment to give credit to the idea that nothing exists in the universe as it appears. The observer influences the outcome of the experiment by being present in it. In the same way, we influence the outcome in our lives by our observations and judgements of it and of ourselves: hence we create what we give attention to.
Napoleon Hill Think And Grow Rich – Is The Law Of Attraction Real?
Before Rhonda Bryne wrote the book and released the film of The Secret, there were many books written on the subject of the law of attraction. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill, Working With The Law – Raymond Holliwell, The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace Wattles, the list goes on. See the law of attraction pdf for a list of these books available to download.
In Napoleon Hill’s Book Think and Grow Rich, he talks in depth about the attractive forces which we all hold inside our minds. Hill explains that the nature of our thinking processes instructs the subconscious mind to bring about the results we “want” in our lives. Most people aren’t aware that their thoughts are running an inner dialogue throughout the day on virtual autopilot.
“Nature has so build man that he has absolute control over the material which reaches his subconscious mind”. … “In the great majority of instances he does not exercise it (control). Which explains why so many people go through life in poverty.” – Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich
Understanding The Law Of Attraction
In the film The Secret, the theory almost alludes to the idea that we can almost just think about something and have it materialise without any action or work on our behalf. I’m sure this is not the intention of the film, to simplify the Law Of Attraction so drastically.
In reality, we have been creating our lives for a long period of time already. To give a few days or even weeks or months worth of our intention to a drastic change in direction, and expect some kind of magic to prevail against all our previous bad habits, is unrealistic.
You simply can’t think about something and expect it to magically arrive without a great deal of intention. But think about your life now, as it is. What was your thinking 10-20 years ago? Did you get what you wanted? Or what you were thinking about? Did you get what your expected? Whether the prevailing thoughts and intentions are deliberate or accidental is irrelevant. The prevailing beliefs and dominant signals to the unconscious have a far greater effect on our direction than the whimsical wishes we occasionally imagine.
The dominant prevailing intentions you have can be outside of your conscious awareness. Your intentions include your desireand expectations.
Why Thoughts Become Things
The idea that you can think of manifesting a brand new car, or a house, is not realistic unless you’re already in the situation where this is possible. So if you’re broke with no job or income, this is pretty unlikely to happen very soon. The law of attraction is about attracting more of the same, not attracting things which are outside of what you believe is possible.
How do you see yourself?
Thoughts magnetise more thoughts of a like nature. If you absolutely don’t believe your situation can change, you’re unlikely to think about ways to instigate or bring about change. Start with the belief that you can do something though, your mind gets busy looking for possibilities to make things happen.
A pessimist will always look always on the bad side of things. These thoughts are unlikely to attract a beautiful life because, well, you don’t believe it in the first place. So you won’t attract more thoughts which will help you achieve it. You don’t believe a charmed life is possible for you so you don’t take action on the opportunities which present themselves.
Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right – Henry Ford
Believe It Or Not
Think for a second of the nature of a placebo pill. A placebo pill is a ‘fake’ pill which only works because you believe it works. If a doctor gives you a placebo pill and you have huge faith in your doctor, you take it religiously and expect to get well again, which of course you do. You actually made yourself well with the power of your belief. The pill did nothing in reality but acted to inspire you into acting on yourself through your beliefs.
The placebo just shows the power of belief. Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, can in part determine whether you’ll bring about the changes you want in your life.
Confirmation Bias – Is The Law Of Attraction Real?
Confirmation bias favouritism towards beliefs and ideas which you already believe to be true. We search for information and reassurance to confirm what we already think. This is another theory which is used by some to say the law of attraction is just new age nonsense. If you believe the law of attraction to be real, what actual proof do you have?
Confirmation bias – you’re not as clever as you think you are – are you?
Once you decide which side of the fence to sit on, you use all your energy in looking for information to prove yourself right! So, think about that for a moment. If your life isn’t quite what you want it to be, you can make the appropriate changes and take responsibility for it, or you could spend time proving yourself right?
Would you rather be right or happy? What are you trying to be ‘right’ about?
Is The Law Of Attraction Real? – You Decide
What are your thoughts on the law of attraction? Please let me know in the comments section. Whether you believe in it or not, it’s a tool which could change your life, if you want it to. But it’s not a quick fix which lets you sit cross legged for an hour and suddenly turn your life around. You’ve been ‘manifesting’ your life for years.
Many of the things you have attracted already are unwanted too. Unconscious traumas and conflicting desires can confuse the subconscious mind into delivering something not quite what you thought you had imagined. If you’re holding on to resentment from the past, judgement about things, people or circumstances and your expectations don’t match your desires for what you want in life, this can all collude to bring about your life circumstances and situation.
Whether or not you believe in the law of attraction also has a bearing on the creation process, much like the placebo effect. If you decide it’s all phoney, you’re unlikely to investigate it and you will continue creating in the same manner as you have done previously. If that’s working for you, no worries! Keep doing it. If not, you deserve to give yourself a better chance at life and undermine some of your beliefs thought processes and habits which no longer serve you.
Check out my journal on the law of attraction anger where I’m currently doing a journal into my own inner anger in order to release my inner turmoil in order to remove a glass ceiling in life I’m currently dealing with.
What does the law of attraction anger mean? After a recent conversation and about a week of daily meditations, I have become aware that unresolved conflict and strong emotive past events have caused me to consistently think about angry conflicting problems.
Angry verbal exchanges with ex’s and physical fights from my youth were constantly on my mind. I also met up with an energy healer online some time ago and this brought a significant old experience into the forefront of my mind.
Me on the left during a martial arts class..
Law Of Attraction Anger – A Bit Of History
My brother died when I was small on the judo mat in front of me. It was tragic and a huge event in my life. He had had a heart defect from birth which back then (in the 80’s) wasn’t a simple fix.
Anyway, I was 10 at the time so it’s some time ago now. 30 something years ago. But the questions I was asked by Karolina (the healer) were on point, (whether you believe in that kind of thing or not). My experience with my brother was pretty typical of squabbling siblings. He was a couple of years older than me and we fought regularly.
As I recalled, I was bullied on a number of occasions! I got my first proper punch in the face from my big bro! Cheers brother! I try to not hold any grudges! It was this recall which opened a significant awareness in my consciousness. What if I was trying to ‘be’ with my brother again? !
In fact, that’s probably the earliest conflict I can remember in my life – fighting with my brother. It was an feeling of overwhelm and frustration. Someone much bigger and stronger, getting the better of me on a constant basis.
Nearly 30 years later and I’ve been creating conflict and unhappiness in a number of areas of my life – relationships, money, career etc. you name it!
Law Of Attraction Anger – Not A Pity Party!
The point of this is not a pity party. If I can create a bunch of conflicts, pains and exhaustion in life, so can you! With the law of attraction, we get what we think about. But we also get what we unconsciously think about. We don’t just get what we think about in those conscious times when we place nice pictures on a vision board. We also get all the shit too!
So, the law of attraction anger wise, is something you’re creating with angry resentful thoughts, ruminating thoughts and unresolved conflicts. Whether you are aware of them or not, they are still creating what you think life is for you.
The Sound Of The Penny Dropping – Law Of Attraction Anger
And what we constantly “feel” about too!
This was a real penny drop moment for me. Not only had I suffered immensely over a number of years in terms of problems, lack of money, careers and lost relationships, I had been creating the problems by the nature of my thinking processes and reality.
Was I holding on to my brother and had created all this conflict because of my thoughts of him? ! Perhaps in part. But it wasn’t the whole story of course. I created a number of fights and conflicts in my youth which repeated the cycle of ruminating over the events and how I was “right” and the other party was “wrong”!
I fell out with a number of romantic partners too, perhaps because of this same focus and “who” I thought I was.
Resolution – Create A Journal Over The Next 30 Days and Record My Progress
So, after an online meeting with a business mentor of mine, Frank had suggested a journal! So I’m going to journal about my experience over the next few weeks of letting go of this focus and letting go of my anger.
How? A Good Question!
The Pain Body – Law Of Attraction Anger
If you’ve read Eckhart Tolle books, you’ll have heard about the pain body. The pain body is that part of you which is the most painful. When you’re angry and resentful, you give attention to the pain body and it grows. When you are in grief, you’re in the pain body. If you keep being angry and resentful, eventually it kills you! And you’ll want it to as well because life will be unbearable.
Each time I notice myself falling into anger, or replaying an old sequence of arguments in my head I’m going to stop and notice it. That’s all.. for now!
Conscious Awareness
Today while running I was suddenly aware of how my mind flipped into creating conflict as I ran past a couple of guys sitting in a work vehicle. I thought of their reaction to me and immediately went into some kind of trigger of violence in my inner mind.
They were just sitting having their lunch but the thoughts were still pretty powerful – I was afraid of conflict. This triggered an old fear response and I immediately went into fight mode!
Old Coping Mechanism
One coping mechanism I have been trying is cutting people out of my life and spending all my time alone. Not a great strategy for living happily – or of making a good living either! So I’m also going to break this habit as much as possible by stepping outside my comfort zones more often and accepting invites when they happen!
New Focus – Not Sure Yet
I know I need to replace this old focus of arguing or fighting with some new vision. I’m not sure what yet to focus on instead. If you’ve any ideas let me know! Here’s my journal I’m going to do every day to uncover some of the negative thoughts and emotions I’ve been battling with.
Law Of Attraction Anger Journal
Repressing Emotions
Conflicting Desires and Limiting Beliefs
Noticing Some Inner Thinking “Loops” I keep repeating
Lifting The ‘Lid’ On What Feeds The Negative Emotions
Today feels pretty calm. I’ve become aware of the negative emotions which I’ve been battling with. In particular I’ve also noticed the pattern of over working with the belief that it’s the only way to achieve a certain outcome.
Low self esteem and poor self image have dogged me for a number of years. Letting go of past haunts and the constant stream of consciousness which has been ‘feeding’ these ideas feels like coming up for air! Today I feel good!
Avoiding Conflict Brings It Back – Why LOA Anger Draws In What You Need To Resolve In Yourself To Grow?
Another insight today made me realise I was drawing conflict, or at least noticing it because I needed to resolve it in my self. If I keep repeating patterns over and over perhaps it has something to teach me.
The Mind In “Free Fall” – How Overthinking and Worrying Creates More To Worry About
I just wrote an article on ezinearticles (See my articles here) explaining a bad point in my life when I was in severe debt and was completely miserable. What I realised while writing was that I was in overthinking and worry mode the whole time.
My mind had no discipline, so was out of control. Imagine a freight train with no pilot coming off the tracks! That’s what my life felt like. The only discipline I had in life was a kung fu class which kept me sane. I quit the job and focused on learning about the law of attraction by reading many of the books I listed in my article law of attraction PDF.
Not Being The Victim
Today I was able to side step an anger trigger over something very small. In the past, I’ve allowed these triggers to trigger my ‘victim mode’ reaction and ruin my whole day! However, because of the meditation and mindfulness I’ve being doing over the past month, I was able to let it go much more quickly.
I had an insight into frustration today. The more frustrated I get the more I create frustration. As frustration becomes part of my identity and self image, I become more and more attracted to it. Eventually, I can’t live without it because I have identified this feeling of being trapped and frustrated with my self.
My own personal struggle becomes my mission and makes me feel special and unique! Therefore I create more struggle by identifying with difficulties instead of solutions. The answer: practice gratitude and notice when this feeling surfaces. Refuse to give it attention repeatedly. Where focus goes, energy grows!
Law Of Attraction Self Love
Is self love a key ingredient with the law of attraction? Yes I think so! Without self love, it’s easy to become frantic with busy’ness, trying to attain a level of impossible achievement and reaching burnout and breakdown. Ultimately, you need to think about who and what you’re becoming. Am I becoming a better version of myself, or just working myself into exhaustion for the sake of financial gain?
Self love is ultimately a major key to attracting more of what you want. You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you’re becoming. So if wanting is the focus, you just grow the feeling of wanting, which is based in not being enough, not having enough, and being discontent. Practicing self love, is the shortcut to success!
Are You Letting Others Decide?
If you’re letting other people make the decisions, perhaps this is a source of your unhappiness. Are you an employee or a boss? Do you let others make decisions when going on trips? Are you driving the bus or are you being a passenger?
Always putting yourself last can happen over an extended period of time. Without realising it, you’ve put yourself last in life. Others have more success, happiness and control. But why not you? This was a source of unhappiness for me for years.
I was listening to Craig Becks, Millionaire University audio book which gave me this idea. It’s a great listen.
Fighting The Present Moment
Today’s “aha” moment is fighting what is. Listening to Craig Becks Millionaire University again triggered this insight. I’ve been fighting the old and struggling with the present moment. Always wanting things to be different but not appreciating and accepting reality as it is right now, in this moment.
As I think about it, this is a pattern I’ve repeated for as long as I can remember. Never happy and present, always thinking of the next thing, the next plan the next mission. Not surprising then that I was building up anger inside. It feels like I’ve physically dumped a tonne weight off my back today.
Daily Habits And Shifting Your Energy
For about a month now I’ve been doing some daily mini habits which I learned from a book called mini habits by Stephen Guise. In mini habits, Stephen talks about creating ridiculously simple daily habits which you’ll stick to even on a bad day! Also The Miracle Morning has helped me loads by Hal Elrod. If you’re interested in the online business community you can access the free video series to learn more by entering your name and email on this website. (Either on the side or below this article).
Emotional Attachment & History
Today’s insight comes in the form of emotional history. If you’re spent a lot of time dwelling in grief, anger, resentment, envy or any of the other lower emotional vibrations, you’ve probably come to think that “this is life”. And it may be pretty shitty for you too, if this is true.
Noticing your thoughts getting drawn back to this (deeply embedded) emotion is the first step of escaping this emotional trap. If you dwell in heartbreak, it’s difficult to escape the feeling of it. It may take some time to slowly bring your awareness into your grief and give it the time and love it needs to heal.
Book recommendation is Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
Law Of Attraction – Who You Surround Yourself With, You Become
Today I was doing a 6K run and noticed I was about to stop and walk. Looking forward I realised the woman in front of me was slowing down and looking behind her, for a friend. I realised how I was pacing myself according to her pace! It reminded me of the adage about how you become the average of the 10 people who you’re closest to. If I did this in a race, I’m sure I do it in other areas of my life too!
Here’s a couple of resources which offer very positive groups of people to connect with.
Join An Online Business Community. Access Videos to learn more:
Self Worth and Looking Outside For Approval
If you look to others for validation and approval, it could be you are creating lack and limitation because you don’t have a strong sense of who you are. If so, you could be using the law of attraction to attract more of what you believe: That you’re unlovable and unworthy? Remember with the law of attraction we attract what we think about constantly. Our self image doesn’t go away and is a big factor in what we attract. A good book on this is Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics. See law of attraction PDF.
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