Subliminal Blockage Removal

Subliminal blockage removal can help you overcome a limiting belief or idea which is holding you from growth. An example of a subliminal blockage removal could be an irrational fear of spiders. In such a case, a hypnotist might regress the person back to an event in their life in which an irrational fear was “planted” in their mind due to a traumatic event.

In some cases, once the event is uncovered, the person no longer harbours the irrational fear. If the event remains in the unconscious mind, without conscious awareness, the fear keeps resurfacing when triggered by a circumstance or event. In the case of the spider trauma, the emotion resurfaces in the presence of a spider.

There’s a few ways to remove subconscious blockages so that you can no longer be held back by old, limiting beliefs and ideas.

Subliminal Blockage Removal

Making the unconscious conscious is one way to shine a light on some subliminal limitations. In some cases, this alone is enough to remove the blockage. Often you will need the help of a hypnotist or NLP practitioner to replay the old trauma and reframe it in another way. One way to do this is through the NLP Swoosh technique. This is useful if you already know what your limiting belief is, or what past trauma you want to work with.

The “Swoosh” Technique

To use this technique you need to recall the unpleasant event/negative idea. Play it over in your mind paying attention to all the detail, sounds and colours in your mental image. Notice the emotion which comes with the event too. Now, imagine a small image in the right hand corner while you replay the event. It’s black and while, not colour. It’s much smaller than your main image, but it’s a nicer, more comforting image of something you would like to happen or an outcome you would like to achieve.

subliminal blockage removal

Now, as you replay the traumatic, or negative event, switch from the large image to your other, smaller one. Make the small image replace the large image and swap them over. Feel the emotions of the more pleasant image and allow the negative image to drop into black and while and slowly drift into the corner of your mind’s eye.

This technique takes some practice and is worth doing with an NLP practitioner to get the most out of it.

subliminal blockage removal

The Swoosh technique is a fast way to replace a negative thought or memory and replace it with something more pleasant. With practice this can eventually change your mental rehearsal patterns and help with subliminal blockage removal to create better outcomes in your life.

Subliminal Blockage Removal – Identifying Your Blockages

One way to identify a potential blockage you may have is to look at your biggest struggles and challenges. Often your biggest roadblocks to attaining what you want are actually internal conflicts and limiting beliefs. For example, if you’re always broke and unhappy, you may have some limiting beliefs around money, wealth and abundance. If your problem is love or personal connection, you may have blockages around those areas.

Look at the following categories and notice what comes up for you:

  1. Love
  2. Money
  3. Wealth
  4. Happiness
  5. Joy
  6. Rich people
  7. Poor people
  8. Charity

Notice what comes up for you by reading through these words. What does that tell you about yourself and your belief system. Notice how you feel and react and you’ll have a start as to why you face difficulties or challenges in these areas of your life.

Your Personal History

Look at how your personal history reflects your values and creates certain problems according to what you choose to believe. Many of our beliefs are unconscious and we don’t realise they are holding us back in life. But by getting more conscious about your beliefs, they will, over time lose their power over you.

Your parents and siblings are a great influence on your life and in the first 10 years you’ll experience many events and influences which stay with you for life. If these events and circumstances are not positive life supporting ones, they may be negative ones which have scarred you. These can be the route of many of life’s problems – subliminal beliefs and values which don’t serve you anymore.

Listen to your self talk and determine how you relate to life in terms of:

  1. Money
  2. Happiness
  3. Wealth
  4. Relationships
  5. Love

Your story is the continued dialogue you tell yourself and others. Start listening to this “script” if you want to change because this holds the key to subliminal blockage removal.

subliminal blockage removal

Identify Personal Pains

Look at the most traumatic events in your personal history. What stories are you telling yourself about them? Are these stories true?

If you’ve experienced a personal trauma which is still playing out, it can be very difficult to let go and move your life forwards. Do you notice yourself replaying personal stories from your past? You could be re-playing a trauma from your past.

If you’re trying to earn more income, find a relationship or move on in life in some way, it can be difficult if you keep replaying past hurts in your mind. Your relationships keep going wrong, you never seem to get ahead. No matter how hard you try, things just don’t change for you. That’s often because you don’t change and you keep replaying the same stories in your head, over and over.

To change this you first have to notice yourself doing it. See law of attraction techniques for more on this topic.

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